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Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

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    Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

    After a two week stretch of being AF, I have quikly fallen back into my old habits -drinking way too much wine nearly every night after my kids are asleep and feeling horrible about myself the next day (not to mention being a cranky/irritable wife and mother). I am not sure what happend....I was taking a lot of different supplements and then I think I stopped taking them as regularly since I had a good stretch of AF days and was feeling in control (what a sucker I am!).

    So today is day 1 again - and while I want to commit to 30 days - I would be so happy if I could make it through the next three - staying AF through the Thanksgiving holiday.

    I have a number of social things planned with my family - a road race followed by "boody mary's and bagels" at a friends house, then I am hosting a family dinner at my house, then two different evening get togethers for "dessert and drinks" after our family guests departs - but still with my little kids. With the exception of dinner at my house, these events are focused on the drinking it is will be hard for me to have just one...OK, I know there is no way in hell that I will not drink too much if I even have one. But the truth is, I am the ONLY one that is into the booze...these are not big drinking parties and if I had club soda no one would raise an eyebrow. My other friends will have one drink, maybe two and be fine...I am finally getting honest that I just can't do that. I just have to be strong and stick to my plan not to drink - no matter what.

    I am so, so afraid of getting drunk around my kids - not to mention making an ass around my friends as I ahve done before. Also, I am cooking a huge dinner and I am afraid that I will start drinking from the stress on Weds night and be hung over on Thanksgiving day...I have done this before and don't want to experience that hell again.

    So I just wanted to get this off my chest and own what I want to do - have an AF thanksgiving holiday - one that I remember clearly and where I don't have regrets, shame, self loathing that I know will accompany that first sip. I will load up on my supps, listen to my hypno CDs and will check here often for the support and encouragement I always get from reading these great boards. While I want to be AF forever - my goals is to get through this next challenge -- and then go forward from there.

    Thanks for listening to me...

    Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

    Hello LuckyMom

    Thanks for sharing your story and I will wish you all the strong will to get through Thanksgiving, maybe you can re-read advice people will give you til then and as well as your first post. Maybe even think of some kind of thing you could reward yourself for not drinking. Like a nice desert or maybe even a massage on Friday to relieve your tired body after cooking a "AF" Thanksgiving dinner.

    Anywho, I will keep you in my prayers and keep posting.....

    Lots of hugs,
    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

      You can do it LM.
      Have a lovely af Thanksgiving.



        Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

        Hi LuckyMom,

        You can do this provided you stick to you plan!
        Tell yourself Drinking is Not An Option!!!

        I will be 8 month AF on Thanksgiving Day! I have no AL in my house & it's going to stay that way! I haven't set foot in a liquor store since last February. My husband is a beer drinker, keeps it in a fridge in the garage - it doesn't bother me, I was a wine drinker.
        People really do not care what is in your glass so just put that worry out of your head, it's not necessary. If you think you are going to feel pressured or tempted to drink at some of these social events then just don't go! I purposely isolated myself for a few months in the beginning - it really helped.

        Glad you are back on your plan - I wish you the very best.
        You can do it!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

          I too want to be AF this Thanksgiving. You are welcome on the November Navigators thread,as we are a group who are committed to staying AF. That group has helped me immensely, over and over again. The support and getting to know them and their struggles, plus the encouragement and support. This is not an easy thing. You sound like you have tons of social stuff with alcohol. I know that it would be hard at this point, if not impossible for me with that much temptation around. I had been doing well in October, then in early November had family obligations, was around drinkers, and drank. It really set me back, so telling you my experience. Take what you want from it.

          For me, the best gift I can give my family is to be AF. It is worth more than a million dollars. It is something money can't buy. Sending you strength and hope. You can do this.


            Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

            i can so relate to thanksgiving eve preparation drinking.....then me drinking the next day early to deal with a hangover barely remembering the pumpkin pie. I have been af for a 10 days and am working on a plan for thanksgiving. I will do the supps drink lots of other beverages keep looking in the mirror because my face looks good no puffiness etc... I will be thinking of you, be strong eat pie. lots of love and support rudemama


              Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

              Thank you all for your words of wisdom and support!

              I am in the throws of cooking and am feeling in control of things so far and am looking forward to a great night AF with my kids and step kids and Thanksgiving day with more family tomorrow.

              I was worried about the social pressure - as a few of you so gently pointed out (wink!) - would be hard. So I cancelled one my obligations (the morning drinking after a trail run was just not what I needed to start my day!) and another just got cancelled for me b/c of a sick kid. So big pressure off - thank God for that! And I got a case of peligrino water, lemons, limes and some Kombucha juice to keep good things in my drinking glass through out the day.

              Thanks for the invite to join the Nov Navigators too! Sounds like something I can benefit from. The thought of being AF = more than a million $ really hit home to is so true it makes me want to cry! I had a beautiful day getting photos with my kids on Santa's lap would not have been nearly as good if I was hung over and cranky. Sigh - what a blessing...

              Thanks again. Hugs to all and have a happy AF Thanksgiving!!


                Hoping and praying for an AF Thanksgiving

                LuckyMom , I like your name , your kids are LUCKY too that their MOM has recognized that she has a problem with AL and is NOT going to drink !!:l You will find alot of support here at MWO .. baby steps , ODAT , it gets easier , I'm wishing you a Happy AF Thanksgiving with your family ! You don't need AL to have a good time :l Em
                Non Drinker 9/09
                Non Smoker 6/09
                Tennis Anyone ?

