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Keepin' On

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    Keepin' On

    Hello everyone, going into day 9 AF. I have never never never been this far before! Far out, feels powerful, but at the same time that bloody little lurking monster in my head is still there. I have a script for Topa, would that help the monster to go away? I'm a bit reluctant to start on the meds, don't want to end up on the 'downer' track and have a depressive battle going on;(been there too). Headaches have gone, but my head still wants to explode. There's obviously a fight goin' on in there!
    I know I am capable of getting to 30 AF days. I set little achievements for myself, like getting to double figures. Then half way. Then day 20. I continually say to myself that I've gone this far, why blow it now? I have no idea where this strength is coming from. I've always been such a slack arse, weak willed person. But I'm appreciative of the shift in my awarness, I'm not really gunna question it.
    Since June I've been reading a passage every morning, yes EVERY MORNING. goes like this

    " I intend to see; I want to see; I expect to see.
    No matter who I am talking with, no matter who I am working with,
    No matter where I am, no matter what I am doing,
    I intend to see tha which I want to see."

    I don't remember where I picked it up, some alternative mag I spoze. I didn't understand it, and still probably don't. But I've been saying it every morning, sometimes out loud, (if know one else is around, ha!) and any other time it strikes me. At the time I had no intention of going AF, but I think it has helped to bring me here, to be AF. I keep it on my fridge.
    I do not wish to abstain completely. I'd like to be a mod. So once my 30 days are done, my next challenge will occur, and thats going to take some work!!!! Any tips from moderaters?
    take care one and all,
    much love Pen xx
    Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.

    Keepin' On

    Hi Penny I aplaud you going af and stickng with it is not easy . I have done differnt periods of af over the years longest one a year and i really cant remember why I went back to it !!! madness, I think at that time I did not realsie what a problem it was. NOw I take baclofen and naltezone and usually mod on it sucessfully, but have has a bad weekend so want to have a period of af not setting a time scale caue if I dont stick to it I just feel such a faliure. I know for me the only way to mod is with meds as I will never be alright, its not aobut self control for me its about an inbalcne in my brain and self control cant rectify that. I wish you well and hope you stick with your chosen course but I would add habit is a big part of drinking and if you can break the habit with a period of af yoy may have cracked it for you ! good luck Miis pit stop X


      Keepin' On

      Hi Pen,

      Congrats on your 9 AF days, good job!!
      It's nice you found a tool to keep you motivated! I like that

      I have not used any meds so I cannot comment on them. I usually have problems taking any meds, didn't want to invite more trouble in my life.

      When I hit my 30 AF days, I asked myself if I was ready for just ONE drink and the honest answer was NO! I started MWO hoping I would be able to learn to drink moderately but I really don't think I can. One drink hasn't been enough for me for the past 10 why would it be now??
      I am coming up on 8 months AF Thanksgiving day & have resigned myself to staying AF. I'm not missing a damn thing, I know that now! I have gained so much personally, physically & emotionally this year...........why would I give all that up now??

      Wishing you continued success - see how you really feel when you hit 30 days
      All the best.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Keepin' On

        Hey Pene, you're going great guns mate. You're right...don't question too much at this stage just do.
        It's interesting that you say you were weak willed etc - I thought exactly the same of myself...kinda like Kramer in a Seinfeld episode when they all had to go a week without, well wanking...and Kramer is only out of the room for 5mins before he comes back in & slaps his $20 down and says "I'm out" - was like me "I'm gonna do 30days af"...3 days later "I'm out"!!! But obviously we DO have more strength than we thought.
        Keep going doll, you're doing great.



          Keepin' On

          Thanks Brave Hearted, Lav, and Anglecakes, I'm hitting double figures today, 10 days AF, woo hoo! This will be a life long committment I Know and I'm ready for that. I'm nearly 50, and not prepared to screw the rest of my life with the demon! I've been searching for this, I feel like a Leyland Brother, "I've been everywhere man" (you probably have to be Aussie to know them, lol). Yes, I do enjoy Seinfeld. It's a cracker show. So today is Thanksgiving in the States. Don't know what thats all about, being aussie, but I have a lot to be thankfull for, and today I am thankfull to you all and MWO.
          Penelope xx
          Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


            Keepin' On

            Good going 3P!! I look to you for inspiration!
            Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
            That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
            Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
            Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

