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Does tapering work?

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    Does tapering work?

    I've been here before, done well, done worse, then got carried away one day to the point of seeing I was over the top. So set out to do it right this time, but have the good luck or back luck in progress to have palpitations which are scary symptoms, and a little elevated blood pressure but not in the "danger" zone on the meter. I am wondering whether it would be better to stop slower than all at once. I do have the book and topomax and other things.

    I was at about 5-6 glasses of wine as a regular thing, but one day last week after 7 (that was the over the top shakeup), I was suddenly awakened that I didn't know what happened to the last three of them. I was afraid to stop all at once, esp on Thanksgiving when all the doctors are taking days off, so thought I will cut down at once. So did four next day, then two. But have had these palpitations and blood pressure things, and wonder if it's too fast. I read it might be dangerous to stop all at once.

    I have been drinking water and so forth as advised, but wonder if any of you tapered off okay, and if so, at what rate? I tapered off of Valium several years ago, very gradually, and it worked but took quite a while. I don't think this would take as long.

    Does tapering work?

    Hi Daffodil,

    Welcome back!
    I joined MWO last February, spent a couple of weeks decreasing my wine intake then quit the end of March. I really didn't have any physical symptoms to speak of - kind felt like I had the flu for a few days. You're not drinking any more than I did, you probably will do just fine. Stay well hydrated, eat well & get some fresh air, it all helps! Breaking the emotional habit was a bigger deal for me, tough but certainly doable.

    Please join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, I'm still there

    Wishing you the very best!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Does tapering work?

      Daffodil, if you are having palpitations and blood pressure issues, I strongly suggest seeing your doctor. It sounds like something might be going on. Maybe not, but better to be safe than sorry. It just doesn't sound like the "norm" for one to have those types of symptoms going from 6 glasses to 4 glasses. I was a daily drinker of far greater quantities than that, and had NO symptoms anything like you describe after going cold turkey. We are all different....

      The important thing is to not use these symptoms as an excuse to just keep drinking. If you are concerned, get to a doctor SOON as continued drinking does nothing positive for your health - at least not in the quantities we hard drinkers deal in.

      Strength and hope to you,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Does tapering work?

        Daffodil, good luck with the tapering. I was never able to do it because I am a pig. I always have to have one more, and am better if I never start. The palpitations are worrisome, tho. I'd see a doc and be better safe than sorry. If the Topamax doesn't do it for you don't give up. It wasn't for me but Baclofen seems to be helping me. Like you, I was a 4-7 glass of wine girl. I'm getting to the point now where I can barely stand the taste of it. Hang in there!!

        Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
        That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
        Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
        Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


          Does tapering work?

          Daff, some very good advice given. I would only add my personal experience. I'm AF now, for medical reasons and personal. I really thought AL was causing all my physical symptoms, (high BP, heart flutters, etc.) but as it turned out I have cardiac issues that require medication. Don't want to scare you, but get it checked out. I didn't notice your age, but mine problems had gone on for years and I didn't want to really get checked out because I didn't want to be honest. It could have killed me. Please consider getting seen. Your intake doesn't seem high enough to be causing all the symptoms, but I'm not the one to say. Take the advice given here (water, supplements, etc.) and be good to yourself by getting rid of what your body doesn't want - AL.
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Does tapering work?

            Thanks for the helping words. Yesterday was better. I have gotten Gatorade thinking that has electrolytes, at least it is advertised. A few years ago, I was taken to the ER because they thought I was having a heart attack but it was called syncope which in ordinary words means fainting spell. The cardio seemed all right at that time, but there has been continuous high family stress for a long time. Anxiety has been mentioned along with palpitations etc. I really think that is where the excess wine came from, it even makes the palpitations go away--temporarily. So I think you all are right. Anyway I got to two measured glasses for the past two days, and slept through the night. I thought a person can go from two to zero without having withdrawal, but I was worried about more. :thanks:


              Does tapering work?

              Daffodil;766145 wrote: I've been here before, done well, done worse, then got carried away one day to the point of seeing I was over the top. So set out to do it right this time, but have the good luck or back luck in progress to have palpitations which are scary symptoms, and a little elevated blood pressure but not in the "danger" zone on the meter. I am wondering whether it would be better to stop slower than all at once. I do have the book and topomax and other things.

              I was at about 5-6 glasses of wine as a regular thing, but one day last week after 7 (that was the over the top shakeup), I was suddenly awakened that I didn't know what happened to the last three of them. I was afraid to stop all at once, esp on Thanksgiving when all the doctors are taking days off, so thought I will cut down at once. So did four next day, then two. But have had these palpitations and blood pressure things, and wonder if it's too fast. I read it might be dangerous to stop all at once.

              I have been drinking water and so forth as advised, but wonder if any of you tapered off okay, and if so, at what rate? I tapered off of Valium several years ago, very gradually, and it worked but took quite a while. I don't think this would take as long.
              I started having palpatations about a year, year and half ago, turned out they were very transient ( weel- week and half & were related to my menopause & hormonal changes. Trying to self diagnose is probably not a very smart thing IMHO...we all try to do it...but having your doctor work with you is the smart choice....especially as your going to be using the topamax. I was drinking 3 to 4 (8oz )glasses wine daily for many years....did cut down a little, but no real tapering, after I read the book & was waiting for the tapes, supp & my doctors appointments.
              Was able to go AF with the topamax for 2 week with out difficulty.



                Does tapering work?

                I don't know about not experiencing withdrawl symptoms. Maybe in your situation you may not ahve any depending on how long you have been dependent. I am new and I am a sporadic binge drinker. It doesn't happen too often but I am checked out for at least a week before I come back and consume large bottles of alcohol over the course of a day, depnding on how long I am passed out for. Everytime it happens I experience about a week long hang over which comes along with different symptoms such as heart paliptations, panic attacks, ataxia, audio and visual hallucinations, rosacea, head aches and muscle aches. I try to taper down near the end of my crazy binge, but nothing makes me feel better and I only end up drinking more than I should. Maybe you should think about when you want to start on the Topamax, the drug can be pretty hard on your liver and if you have been drinking for a long time it may not be a good idea to still be drinking and start on the meds. I wish you luck and it may be a good idea to have your heart checked.

