I know I've posted twice already today but after what just happened I didn't know what else to do...how strange is that?? I was at the grocery store (which I don't even go NEAR the liquor dept)...get my food and get out!!! Well they decided to put right in front of the check outs a HUGE HUGE display of the wine I LOVE which is ON SALE FOR 12 BUCKS OFF!!!! Which I'm a cheap drunk, I'll admit...the wine I like is 10.99 a bottle and they were selling the BOX for 13.97!!!!!!!!!! THEN I run into my friend from work as I'm standing there (seriously mouth watering) and she says...oh my hubby just got this for me last night...I LOVE IT!!! I reply...yeah, it's my fav! She says well stock up, it's a good deal!! And puts a box in her cart. I look at my son and at her and say maybe next time...and walk away!!!! But as I'm driving home all I can think about is that wine and how cheap it is and how many boxes I could buy.....so on and so on...doing the math in my head!!! UGH!!!! Why now? Why today? Why when I have such a headache and would like nothing better than to "unwind"?
DETERMINATION I guess starts NOW!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace to you all....I'm just feeling sorry for myself!! I'll feel great in the AM!!!