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Back again and looking for a buddy

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    Back again and looking for a buddy

    Hi - I actually registered way back on the old boards and having been around for a while and no, did not achieve anything last time. I have now moved from Asia to the UK (following husband's work but willingly - can't wait to explore Euroland and the UK etc) so can't get the topa over the counter as I could before. Anyway - I thought I would start again even without the topa as it wasn't really the wonderdrug I stupidly thought it would be last time. The essential element, commitment, was the thing I needed and hopefully have more of now.

    What I would really like is to find someone to buddy with. I enjoy reading the forums and get a lot out of it, but I feel like I need to travel the journey with someone who is around the same stage. And I feel like I would be more honest if it were just a one on one thing rather than on a public forum.

    Just as background, I am like a lot of you - late 40's, an ex-social drinker who became a problem drinker about 5 or 6 years ago and getting progressively worse. Female and a professional but I am only working part-time at the moment. Grown up kids who worry a lot about me and my failing health - I also smoke and know I won't be able to quit that until I stop drinking to excess - probably my biggest incentive when I think about it.

    Anyway, I have ticked the box saying I can receive emails, but I guess I can get pm's too from anyone who also wants a buddy.


    Ooops - forgot to say I am heading out to work now, but will check back afterwards.

    Back again and looking for a buddy

    Hi Wombat

    I would be interested in being your buddy. Mid 40's, 2 kids, living in your part of the world. Like yourself I have been lurking for sometime. Had some success in the beginning but agree with you that it takes commitment. Have the cd's, supplements and the book. Did not try the topa. I had a great start but gradually fell off the wagon. I still log onto the site but most of the people I started out with have disappeared and I dont feel the same connection. So would be interested in linking up with you. I will try and look up your e-mail address and send you mine.

    Talk later



      Back again and looking for a buddy

      Thanks and email returned.


        Back again and looking for a buddy

        Dear Wandering,

        Just want to say I missed you over in mods for the past few months. Your posts were always so thought provoking and I have tried hard to follow the "be good to yourself." advice you put out there.

        Welcome back!!



          Back again and looking for a buddy

          Ah, Mary. It might have been a case of "do as I say, don't do as I do", but nonetheless the truth as I saw it at the time. I must go back and look at that ... it is still something I adhere to, but haven't been doing enough of it myself I fear.


            Back again and looking for a buddy

            Hi, I'm a newbie to the site but not to the drinking problem. Have had success with supps, c.d's etc., especially kudzu. I have started topa but side affects will probably keep me at low dose. I am older too, kids have left, moved to the northwest with little sun, etc. I believe most people with drinking problems are hypoglycemic and if we aren't craving sugar in booze, we are craving it in choc and sweets. The aminio acids in the supps really help that. I find if I don't introduce sugars in the morning I don't crave as much. Also, we are physiologically wired to crave booze and sweets so don't live in shame. It's not a moral issue or a willpower issue, it's just the way we are wired up. I'll be your buddy.

            Enlightened by MWO

