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Newbie Here - Hello :-)

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    Newbie Here - Hello :-)

    Hi everyone. I am hoping to get to know many of you. I have been sober now for 29 days after finally stopping binge drinking episodes that were getting closer together. I felt my health was starting to suffer. Anyway, my ultimate goal is to be an occasional drinker. The thought of giving up fine wine and an occasional fine brandy for the rest of my life is not something I look forward to. I have been doing a bit of reading here before registering and am interested to find out how the supplements may help the urge to drink. Would welcome any stories of how Kudzu and any other supplements worked for you. :new:

    Newbie Here - Hello :-)

    Hi Swede.

    Welcome! If you've been reading you know that this is a great place with some wonderfully helpful people around.

    I was a binge drinker too, then took same route you're looking at - started in July and went af for 30 days, then moderate since. I went with the full compliment of supplements to support af. I'm still using the all-one and l-glutamine everyday; and use kudzu on days when I'm planning to have a few drinks. I also take 5-htp and I've rediscovered gaba - both seem to be calming and mood leveling. I'll also pop a vit b tablet on days after drinking just for luck with my liver.

    I'd have to say that I'm a believer in the effectiveness of the supplements (but was skeptical going in). I've never had this kind of success with trying to gain some control over al in the past. I'm not perfect, but I'm a heck of a lot better off than I was before. My approach to mod'ing is to stay abstinent 99% of the time - and drink socially, at dinner with friends, etc. I can honestly say that I've not had more than five drinks on any one evening - and those were spread across the evening. Last January, before finding mwo, I quit for a month on my own, then tried mod'ing, but was binging heavy within a few weeks.

    I'll also say honestly that mod'ing isn't easy. It takes planning and commitment. For me it's the social aspect that keeps me drinking. I enjoy good wine with good food as well.

    Good luck! Keep posting and ask any questions.

    Take care!
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbie Here - Hello :-)

      btw - Great job on 29 days - I know how fantastic that feels! bfn
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbie Here - Hello :-)

        TranqWilly, I had to look up the author of your signature. From what I read on the web, the major work is I Am That. Read several reviews on, almost all of which were rave. Just recently finished a more commercial? book which involved an author's search for self, entitled Eat,Pray,Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It was really my first exposure to the Indian Hinduisn concept. (The Pray part of the book.) I was quite intrigued. Buddism also has my interest. I am basically an aetheist/agnostic (depending on the day) but guess I'm really searching for SOMETHING.

        Anyhoo, question: Are you married or have a significant other? My spouse is one of those born "normal" drinkers. One of my concerns is that he won't support my moderation plan. I haven't spoken with him about it. During my abstinence he hasn't been drinking at all (as far as I can tell anyway). I have gone over the top so many times, I'm afraid to tell him that I want to try moderation, with a little help from supplements. I have disappointed him so many times in the past, I don't want to do it again, but I really want to give moderation a try.

        To all those (if any) reading this post, would love to hear how you handled a similar situation. Hugs to everyone from the Oregon coast. :l


          Newbie Here - Hello :-)

          Hi Swede and welcome. Sorry I can't give you any help about moderation because I know I am unable to do it but others on this site have had success so please don't let me discourage you. There is a forum under the Goals header, titled "Monthly Moderation" which you might want to check out. Congratulations on 29 days AF, quite an accomplishment and good luck with your goals. Happy to have you here.


            Newbie Here - Hello :-)

            hi & welcome swede,This is a great community with lots of advice and support,well done on 29 days alcohol free,read as many posts and threads as you are doing and they will help lots,cant do moderating myself but there are threads here that deal with that,hope you stick around as you wont go wrong by being here.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Newbie Here - Hello :-)

              Hello Swede and welcome. Firstly well done on your 29 days sober, that is great going. In relation to suppliments I am taking L-Glutamine and found it really helped in the early days with the cravings, even though I only take what would be considered a small amount of 500mg per day. On occasion I opened the capsual and poured the powder directly on to my tongue if they got bad.
              Now the thorny subject of moderating, well it appears to me that the vast majority cant and one drink can lead us back where we were. Personally I have been trying it afer a long stretch of AF, successfully for a while then I went a bit off of the rails again. Now I am AF again, but it really is different for everyone and depends on many things including how badly we abused AL. Check into the Mod squad in The long term moderators section, I am sure you will be made feel very welcome.
              Good luck on your decisions and the path that you choose.
              Keep safe
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Newbie Here - Hello :-)

                Hi again Swede.

                I never read the book by Sri - I got the quote from a great book by Tara Brach called "Radical Acceptance". I can highly recommend that one - not your typical book on Zen. I haven't read EPL.

                I am not married, but have some close lady-friends. There's one that presents a serious struggle for me, but I'm not sure why, as moderating/abstaining is very difficult when she is around. You might consider sharing your thoughts about moderating with your so and gain his support. I believe in "learning" from anyone - and to do this in an atmosphere of conflict can only add to the complexity. Otoh, If you just start drinking without any dialog with your so, you'll leave a lot to his "tainted" imagination.

                That said, i haven't shared my moderation journey with many others -- I just try to be "normal" in social situations.

                Good luck! Take care.
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

