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Newbie wants advise

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    Newbie wants advise

    I am able to join AARP and have been throwing down beer since I was 13. I have already been on Naltrexone and lost it on 9/11. It did work though and I want to try again. My greatest fear is the weight loss. I am tall and quite thin, generally around 110. Gaining weight has always been a real challenge becasue eating has never been the greatest for me. Drinking yes, eating no. Does anyone else have such concerns? I know it is hard for most people to feel sorry for skinny people but I am here to tell ya, it can be as bad the flip side. I have actually been down to 99 lbs during times of extreme unhappiness so I need to be very careful. I am also a smoker and am hoping that an added bonus might be to quit smoking.

    Newbie wants advise

    Sickandtired, while I wish I had some of that concern, I would never take it lightly, it can be bad too. Welcome to the boards, post often, you can see I'm sort of a newbie too and don't feel like I can give advice, but I am using the hypno cd's, the All One powder is great, feeling wonderful when I take it consistently, and the kudzu and other supplements. However I am still working on cutting down on the wine consumption. I can have beer around for days and not drink it because I fear the carbo's. Maybe if you suggest to yourself in the hypno that you enjoy eating good nutritious food? Oops there was advice! Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Newbie wants advise

      Hi Sick and Tired,

      I second Suzanne's advice of using hypnotic suggestions of enjoying good nutrious food. Also, if you are getting a lot of your calories from alcohol, you may have to cut it out in order to want food. When I was depressed back in the late 90's, I lost quite a bit of weight by going on the "alcohol only" diet. I became rather frightened and really had to make myself eat to gain back some weight. Unfortunately, you might have to make yourself eat, too.

      I am assuming that you have talked to your doctor about needing to gain weight. If you haven't please do. There are some terrific products out there that can help (like between meal shakes).

      Good luck!

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Newbie wants advise

        Hi SIck and Tired
        I too lost a lot of weight when I was in my early 20s because I was drinking much more than know, the whole liquid diet thing...I would find that as soon as I started drinking, I didnt really have an urge to eat anything anyways...
        Since the the lovely ladies above have already given you some great suggestions about the food thing, I will just say welcome to this great site. However, I will say this - if you haven't downloaded the book yet, you should do so - its a great read! Also - try to take some time to read the posts on the site and get to know some of us - there are a ton of great people here too. Wonderful community. Stick by us and we will help you turn your life around.
        Over 4 months AF :h

