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Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

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    Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

    Hi. This is my first time writing here. I joined this site last Tuesday - Dec. 1st - but up until now I have been reading the threads to kind of get a feel of what's going on. I see several people who have mentioned not being AF but wanting to be. I feel the same way and I really want to get started this week but I feel I would do better if I wasn't attempting this by myself. I know each person is on their own personal journey but I think a hand to hold for the start would be more of a boost to get this going. Anyone out there who wants to join hands to start the process of getting healthy again?
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

    Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

    I am with you. A new start, a new us. Yes.. this is where we will support each other. Being new myself, I admit I was a little shy but not anymore.
    I stop smoking tomorrow too.
    A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


      Anyone want to join me to get started AF?


      Thanks IJR. I read your thread - all your posts. Way to go. Even a couple of days AF is a great achievement. As for the brother, if you're going to see him, you just have to insist that you have a problem and you need to start solving it here and now. If he laughs, tell him your dead serious about this and IJR, you'd rather be dead serious about this than dead. Keep up the good work. Hope you get to see your son soon. Nice move with the wine. Not many would have had the strenghth to do that.:goodjob:
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

        :welcome: stirly-girly, (Great Name)

        You're in a good safe place now and not alone. We've all been where you at today at one time or another.

        Have you got a goal in mind? Whether it's total abstinence or moderation.

        Have a pop into the 'Newbies Nest' and say hello.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

          I'm with ya. We can do it. I've gone from 12+ beer a day to only 4-6 a day. It's a start for me and feel better about myself knowing one day, I will be AF.


            Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

            Me tool: )
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

              Congrats Buck : )
              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                planetjanet;771889 wrote: Congrats Buck : )
                Thanks. We all need that.


                  Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                  Hi All! I'm on day three here. So good to wake up w/out a hangover. I've had some AF success over the summer, but then started a new job....troubles w/ teenage name it, there are enough excuses TO drink. For me though, AF is the way to go. I've even convinced my husband to come along for the AF ride. It feels so good. I want to string as many AF days together as I can. Let's support each other.



                    Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                    Hey SG

                    I'm only on Day 6.....again......

                    There's so many people on here that either want rid or have got rid of this nasty, nasty preoccupation with a stupid, life-threatening, soul-destroying and dare I say completely pointless solution!

                    I'm drawing a lot of strength from here that I've never experienced in my many struggles before - and every bit helps.

                    Good luck.
                    "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                      Anyone want to join me to get started AF?


                      Wow! I didn't expect to get so many responses so quickly.:thanks:
                      First, JC (JackieClaire), my goal is AF, not moderation. I simply cannot stop once I start so that's my only choice. I will check out the Newbies as you suggested.
                      Hartley and CryBaby - way to go! Keep up the good work.
                      Hey Buck - you're doing a great job at moderation. You mentioned getting AF eventually. I'm planning on tomorrow being Day 1.How about going AF with me? Want to come along and see how we do? That way by Christmas we would have an extra reason to celebrate after over two weeks of AF days. Give it a thought and let me know :coolsanta:
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                        Hi stirly,

                        Just like me. I had no stop button,once I'd started. Now I don't start.

                        Wishing you all the luck in the world.
                        Great you've got some buddies starting with you.

                        J x
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Anyone want to join me to get started AF?


                          Hi again JC.
                          Thank you for your kind words. Wanted to share a few facts about me with you. I have been drinking for a very long time. Heavy drinking for probably about 18 years. Drinking only at night for the last 7 years. I used to drink a couple of glasses of wine with dinner but cut that out. I usually start about 8:45 to 9 pm and by 10pm I am really out of it. Eat a little sandwich that I made earlier (to stop me from throwing up) and then literally fall into bed in a semi-comatose state. I used to drink half a 26-er (750cc in metric measure) but the last year or so I've been downing about 2/3rds of the bottle - 500cc in other words in an hour - hour and a half tops. Straight out of the bottle. Nothing to water it down. I wake up in the morning with a heavy head and still feeling tired since the alcohol prevents you from going into the deep sleep state which is where you really rest. I can't really say that I have a hangover. Maybe I would have stopped earlier if I did. January 1st 2003 I suddenly got hit with a flu - went from fine to nauseated in a couple of minutes to throwing up 10 minutes later. Got my kid to go get me nausea medicine from the drugstore and after my stomach calmed down, I started thinking about whether or not I would be able to drink or if I would just throw it up again. Now how pathetic is that. At some point I said to myself that this was ridiculous and I could get through the night AF. The next day I woke up feeling much better and decided that I would continue trying to fight the monster. I managed it for two months and then succumbed. I ran into an old friend in July of that year who told me that he had a problem with alcohol as well but he had been AF for 6 months. I thought that if he could do it so could I. So two days later I decided to give it a try. Cold turkey. No meds, nothing. Just a cigarette and a mug of warm milk before bed. I stayed AF for over two years, until December 2005. 21st to be exact. Found out my best friend had to have a partial mastectomy due to cancer and I was freaked out. Don't know what I would do if I lost her. That night I drank a half bottle again. Surprised me that after almost 2-1/2 years AF that it took that much to get me to my state of high. It was only that night until Feb. 2006 when I stupidly started again. Kept it up til summer of 2008, sometimes combining it with sleeping pills which made me do weird things in the night so stopped them. I stopped smoking in Dec. 2005 also but that was no problem. Summer of 2008 - Friday, 13th of June to be exact, I decided to give it another shot. I had been to a shrink and he had given me both sleeping pills and anti-depressants (the joys of menopause are endless) So I started again and managed to be AF for two months. Then stupidly started again. You see, I really do like the high but I don't like what the alcohol does to my body. I managed to be AF again this summer Aug 17 to 22 to be exact. Hubby and I had gone on holidays and I had to take the sleeping pills instead of the booze so I could sleep. Hubby knows I have the pills and thinks that I take them to sleep. He doesn't know about the bottle. Bottles. Many, many of them. Anyway. I know the time has come to try again. I chose tomorrow for a reason. Hope I can make it. Thanks again for your kind words and for your patience in reading this post which is almost book-size. :thanks:
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                            Hi again Stirly, our holiday stories are similar, I used to bring bottles with me, I remember one airport shop sold the little tiny bottles of whiskey and vodka, I would fill my pockets with those and board the plane and drink in the toilet so my wife wouldn't know. The thoughts of it now make me sick. I saying it was too hot in the sun and need to find shade, leaving my wife there on the beach, I would come back 4 hours later drunk as a skunk.

                            I am happy to have found this place at the same time you did as that means we will be starting together
                            A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


                              Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                              Hi again, IJR,
                              You know what, it's the hiding that I really hate. And the fear. When the phone rings, I'm afraid that it might be my kid asking me if I've started drinking again. Hubby noticed the uneven walking and mentioned it to our child. Lately, hubby likes to play ostrich as far as health problems go. Maybe he's right. It works for him. And then, said kid gets to confront Mom. And she will deny, as usual. It's just all so sad. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring a new light on the whole situation. I really need it. I have to have it. I need to be free and healthy.
                              Yes, we are really lucky to have found this site. I want so much for tomorrow to be my new first AF day. I know I can do it and it is just so amazing that there are so many people out there who have gone through all of this and are rooting for us "Newbies".
                              We can make it. I am sure of it.:thanks: to all.....SG
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

