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Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

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    Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

    :goodjob:Liath - way to go!! You are right, life is just so much better without alcohol. You wake up in the morning feeling like you're really alive and not just existing. You have so much more energy to do things and your mind is clear to focus on so many other aspects of life instead of when you're going to have your next drink. Congratulation again. BTW - I love your name. Is it Gaelic?
    Jan girl, :welcome: again. Even getting through 24 hours is a big step. Your first positive step was joining MWO. If you have read posts, you will see how much the members support each other. No one is alone here. Each one is waging their own little or big war against alcohol but we are all here for each other. To post, to chat, to offer our support. If you trip along the way, many hands will be there to catch you. If you fall, many more hands will be there to help you get back on your feet. Simply, you are not alone.
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

      Hi Stirly - I'm with you and the other guys too. Thanks for your posts in my time of need .
      I'm new to the forum too - I like the fact that you're all here.
      Half way through day 2 - so we can all keep encouraging each other - You know what it's like still shaking inside - the guilt is coming on strong - the disappointment and hurt in your loved ones- the sneaky knowing looks from work collegues - and the loss of face / dignity - Only time will help - SOBER time - I'm glad we can all support each other


        Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

        Hi Charlie.
        :goodjob: on getting part way through day 2. I know it's terribly hard but it will get a bit better with every day. I can't advise you on the supplements or anything. I leave that part up to others. I can only encourage you and say that you are not alone. We are all here for each other.
        As for the guilt, shame and disappointment, we've all gone through that, especially with family members. Once you get this under control, whether by moderation or by AF, you will see a big change in yourself and so will others. You will slowly gain back not only your own self-respect but the respect of those around you. It takes time but it can definitely be done.
        I read in another post you asked if anyone has gone from binge drinking to moderation. Can't say for sure. AF was and is the only way for me. Once I take one drink, that's it - bye, bye Stirly - see you when you hit bottom!!!
        For now, just try to do AF one day at a time 'til you get some days under your belt and see how you feel. No doubt the supplements, cd's, book, etc. would help you. Keep up the good work. Glad you're along for the ride. (might not be the most exciting one you've ever been on, but it will definitely be the healthiest!!)
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

          Hi Stirly -:thanks:

          Thanks for your words of encoragement i'm half way through day 3 and still gota little tremor on and a wee bit spacey . But Hey Ho no drink so that's good.

          You ae right AF is the only way to go ( for Me ) it's just that after a certain period of time the beast whispers " don't you think you're better now ? " and with a massive sweep of amnesia I choose to start the roller coaster.
          Any way How's you ? By the way it's more exiting for me sober That's when i can do all the good stuff.

          I have a twin here at mwo called charlieboy !

          Hope you're in a giid place - let us know


            Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

            Charlie Boy;779080 wrote: Hi Stirly -:thanks:

            Thanks for your words of encoragement i'm half way through day 3 and still gota little tremor on and a wee bit spacey . But Hey Ho no drink so that's good.

            You ae right AF is the only way to go ( for Me ) it's just that after a certain period of time the beast whispers " don't you think you're better now ? " and with a massive sweep of amnesia I choose to start the roller coaster.
            Any way How's you ? By the way it's more exiting for me sober That's when i can do all the good stuff.

            I have a twin here at mwo called charlieboy !

            Hope you're in a giid place - let us know
            Bingeing to moderation sounds a stretch, mate. I was a constant heavy drinker and the last two years moved from that to periods of sobriety followed by cataclysmic binges, and I know deep inside now that there's no middle ground for me.

            Try the AF and then see if moderation's for you. I'm guessing that you'll possibly find yourself back at square one again but you need to really work out honestly what's right for you, your mind and your body. If that's only through trial and error, so be it.

            But make sure you stay here and walk everyone through whatever place you're in. If you stick around, it keeps you connected if you do veer out of control and want to get back. You've got nothing to lose by trying many of the things one here, whether the drugs, books, supps, etc. I'd recommend you start on the supps. They really have made a difference to me and even if you do start drinking, they're not going to do any harm - quite the opposite in fact.

            All the best to you.
            "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


              Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

              Hi Hartley,

              Thanks for your comments after 12 years since my first detox and six visits since then . I know that at best only periods of moderation exist for me. i think taht after a period AF the first wee while it only takes a little to gat a little buzz on but the momentum soon accelerates to cataclysmic binges - yes indeed.

              I have a much better live sober i can ride my MTB and do all the good stuff and feel quite good sometimes ( usually endorphin high )

              I know i'm an addict better to stick with the healhy ones.

              Cheers mate got the supps ordered.

              What kind of place are you at just now ?


                Anyone want to join me to get started AF?

                Charlie Boy;779106 wrote: Hi Hartley,

                Thanks for your comments after 12 years since my first detox and six visits since then . I know that at best only periods of moderation exist for me. i think taht after a period AF the first wee while it only takes a little to gat a little buzz on but the momentum soon accelerates to cataclysmic binges - yes indeed.

                I have a much better live sober i can ride my MTB and do all the good stuff and feel quite good sometimes ( usually endorphin high )

                I know i'm an addict better to stick with the healhy ones.

                Cheers mate got the supps ordered.

                What kind of place are you at just now ?
                Pretty good one, actually. I only found this site 4 weeks ago and I've been through the detox/AA/counselor cycle ad nauseam.

                Clean for 3 weeks and comfortable with it. I normally hit my wall round about 30-35 days but I'm ready for it this time round and when it hits it's going to get a right square go! Previous to that it's all been a bit pavement dancing....

                Each time I've got clean, I seem to get a bit closer to cracking it. This time all being good, I'll be a stayer.

                Cheers and all.
                "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."

