:goodjob:Liath - way to go!! You are right, life is just so much better without alcohol. You wake up in the morning feeling like you're really alive and not just existing. You have so much more energy to do things and your mind is clear to focus on so many other aspects of life instead of when you're going to have your next drink. Congratulation again. BTW - I love your name. Is it Gaelic?
Jan girl, :welcome: again. Even getting through 24 hours is a big step. Your first positive step was joining MWO. If you have read posts, you will see how much the members support each other. No one is alone here. Each one is waging their own little or big war against alcohol but we are all here for each other. To post, to chat, to offer our support. If you trip along the way, many hands will be there to catch you. If you fall, many more hands will be there to help you get back on your feet. Simply, you are not alone.