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Very New To This

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    Very New To This


    I stumbled upon this site a few hours ago and I've spent the last few hours reading peoples stories, I can relate to so many of the experiences on here and it's kind of brought me down to earth with a bump if I'm honest.

    I've known for a long time that my relationship with alcohol is not the same as many of the people I socialise with. I absolutely cannot just go to the pub and have a glass of wine, it just doesn't work! I carry on drinking until closing and then take the party home where there will always be a nice cold bottle of white wine waiting for me. These days I don't go out so much just on special occassions, the smoking ban kind of took the fun out of pub and club culture for me! I tend to do my drinking at home, not everyday, but more often than not every other day. The last time I drank was Sunday night and that was the best part of 2 bottles of wine, the hangover yesterday was enough for me not to want to entertain the idea last night, but tonight I have the craving. I was fine when I left work earlier this evening, I had thought about drinking tonight but I was so tired after a busy day that I thought I could go without, but then it got to about 10pm and I started to fidget and there was the anxious feeling that only a few glasses of nice cold wine could cure. But the shop closes in 30 mins so soon there will be nothing I can do about it, I just have to try and put it out of my head until then.

    When I do drink I always start off with the best intensions, a couple of glasses and in bed before 11. But when I stop off at the shop I always buy 2 bottles of wine 'just incase' I fancy one more glass after the 1st bottle has gone, and I always end up finishing both bottles and sitting up until all hours, if I had more I'd finish that off as well! That's during the week, weekends this can run into a lot more. It's weird because I don't wake up craving alcohol and I don't really crave it during the day, not physically. But sometimes I do find myself sitting at my desk at work thinking about the fact that I'll be opening that bottle when I get home and it makes me feel happy, calm even.

    It seems like more and more I plan my life around when I'll be drinking and when I won't, I always try to get drunk on a Saturday night so I won't feel the urge and drink on a Sunday night and that way I'll be fresh for work on Monday. A couple of days a week I have to travel for my job and it's an 160 mile round journey in the car, so I don't drink the night before I travel but mostly I will drink in the evening of the day I've travelled, my excuse on those occassions is 'why not? I deserve it I've had a hard day'. Sometimes I will meet friends at a restaurant on a Saturday for lunch, and I always try arrange to meet at the latest time that is decently possible for lunch because if I started drinking too early it would just get extremely messy by about 7pm in the evening.

    Luckily I'm a very happy drunk, I love the world but I'm extremely moody when I'm hungover . If I'm going to have a row and go completely over the top then it's usually when I'm hungover, I try to keep this in check but the littlest things seem anger me when I'm feeling wretched and depressed after a heavy drinking session.

    I have no idea when I started drinking this heavily, I'm 34 now. When I was in my late teens I used to go out to clubs and bars but I would drive most of the time as I wasn't earning a lot of money, I think it was when I moved out of home for the first time everything seemed to revolve around drinking, life was one long party. Even if I went back to my Mums house for the weekend there were always friends round and evenings at the pub, then drinks back at the house, it just became a normal part of everyday life and has escalated from there. Now I drink if I'm unhappy, I drink if something good happens, I drink if someone pisses me off, I drink to celebrate achievements. I know these are all excuses and that I'm just trying to justify my behaviour to myself and those around me.

    I promise myself at least 3 times a week 'this is it no more drinking', especially when I can't remember how I got to bed, how I got home, or what happened throughout most of the evening, the blackouts can be terrible and it's scary missing so much of your life! I never keep these promises and once the hangover has faded I drink again usually within 48hrs. I have put myself in danger through my drinking, things that I couldn't bear to see written in front of me right now but it's all there in my head I just don't think about those times if I can help it, but I'm sure some of you have similar experiences and know the kind of things I'm talking about.

    As much as I would like to I can't bring myself to say all of this to my boyfriend, my friends or my family, I'm scared to bring it out in the open, probably because I'm not ready to relinquish the one bit of control I feel I have over this problem. And I know you're all probably thinking I don't have control and that's the BIG problem, but to me it seems that as long as I can keep it together then everything is alright for the time being. I know things are only going to get worse and I know I'm never going to be able to crack this, but I'm scared of a life without drinking! That sounds so weak to me, but I'm afraid I won't know myself without it.

    I'm so sorry for rambling!!! I was just inspired to get this out now while it was running through my head, I know if I left it until tomorrow it wouldn't happen. One thing I have promised myself though, I will definitely come back to this site and read up on all the supplements, medication and program suggestions. It's got to be a start, right?

    Very New To This

    ToBeTrue, welcome. Yes it's a start. I'm not in a good place today, so I'm sorry not to offer you more support. I just wanted to reply to your post so you know that we do see you.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


      Very New To This

      By the way, ramble on all you want.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        Very New To This

        Hi ToBeTrue,

        Welcome to MWO, this is a good place! Look around you will find lots of good information & hear from some very supportive people here.
        If you haven't already you should download & read the MWO book, it has good information to help you get started.

        Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread too
        Wishing you the best on your journey!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Very New To This

          Thanks Lav for jumping in. You said all I wanted to say.
          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
          AF May 23 09 to July 09
          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


            Very New To This

            Hi ToBeTrue (like that name) and :welcome:

            Wow - reading your post was like looking in a mirror. My drinking escalated in a way that is similar to what you describe, and my fears when I knew I needed to stop the madness, but didn't WANT to (was afraid to)...boy that part gave me chills!

            The good news is that there IS life after alcohol, and it's a whole lot better life than the one which revolves around planning to drink, thinking of drinking, drinking, and recovering from drinking (hangovers!!!).

            I hope you do come back and download the book and go from there. If I can get this monkey off my back, then I know you can do it too.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Very New To This

              Hi TBT.

              You're not alone - and there's no need to deal with this alone. Congrats on taking a big step in getting your life and freedom back! I know it's a big step. And good job on passing on the bottles tonight. A few days af and you'll start to feel a lot better about yourself.

              There's a ton of support here from good and wise people. I too binged heavily. I knew I had to stop and get control of my life. I tried many times - nothing I tried worked until I stumbled upon this place.

              Feel free to ask any questions. Everyone wants to help.

              Good luck!
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Very New To This


                Hi TBT.
                :new: too.
                You can find a little bit about me on my thread. It's also in the Just Starting Out forum just above yours.
                Today is Day 1 AF for me and another member who is joining me but not posting about it. From what I understand from your thread, you didn't drink either Monday night or Tuesday night. Well, you've already started then, haven't you. Already 2 days AF. And there are others with you. Try reading "Ijustrealised" thread in the same forum. He started out a couple of days ago, too. And on my thread you will see posts by CryBaby and Hartley and they have just recently gone AF as well.
                I came across this site by accident but I think this is going to be such a big help to us all. As I said in another post, from what I've been reading, if you stumble along the AF path there are so many hands here that will reach out and help you get back on your feet. You are right to feel scared about how you will be without alcohol but when you think about it, you'll be starting on a new journey to discover the real you. The free you. Without the demons to hold you down and hold you back. I've been AF before for a couple of years and the difference in how I felt and how I thought about myself was so amazing. I don't know why I went back on the bottle but I do know why I have to get off it again. To be free and healthy. That's how I want to live from now on. Get my life back, my health back, my spark back. You've already started out so just take one step at a time, one day at a time. There are lots of people on this path and luckily we found a lot of them right here. Will be following your thread. Be well.
                P.S. As Pan -Icked said, go ahead and ramble. I do. Helps to write down and read what up until now have just been thoughts tearing around in our head:huggy
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Very New To This

                  Welcome ToBeTrue - you have certainly found a great place to be. You said in your post you don't know how to tell your parents about your problem, my guess is that they already know.

                  My parents and I have never discussed my alcohol problem (I am nearly 4 months sober) but my father tells me he is so proud of me everytime he sees me.

                  Nobody really wants to admit they are an alcoholic, I know I didn't want to even when I realised I had a huge problem and alcohol was ruling my life.

                  Read and post and stick around

                  PS: you can have fun without alcohol and the good thing is you can remember all that you have done. You may have to wait a while before you tackle going out however. I go more to the pub now then I ever did when I was drinking
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    Very New To This

                    Hi TBT, it takes courage to stand up and say there is a problem, I knew there one on Sunday but I couldn't put my finger on it, somehow I stumbled in on this site and ready some stories and it hit me like a tonne of bricks, I used to think that someone with a drinking problem had to be drinking 24 hours a day (or close to it), had to be living on the streets etc etc etc... but that's not the case. It was only after reading some stories here, some are even less dramatic as mine, did I realise my problem was huge.

                    There are many people I know, drinking buddies of course who would do well by dropping in here one day and looking at the posts and hopefully they too will reasise their problem before it gets worse, I only hope they do someday.

                    Yes stick with it, I am on day 4, never thought I would be counting days which I had no alcohol, it has become more of a challenge than I thought it would and this site is helping me every minute of the way.

                    Good luck and don't be a stranger, pop in, let us know how you are getting on.
                    A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


                      Very New To This

                      just like to say welcome tobetrue,you are with a great community.hope to see you around

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Very New To This

                        hi TBT, your story is my story, that happens so much here we all have so much in common, welcome and i am sure you will find so much support here, stay strong, love and hug's Tawnywitch


                          Very New To This

                          :welcome: TBT,
                          Can't add much to what has already been said except hello.

                          We've all in this together. Some are starting out,some are coming back and some are here for support in our journey.

                          Stay close and keep posting. Look forward to getting to know you.

                          J x
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Very New To This

                            Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts! I'm sincerely overwhelmed by the amount of people who have taken time to offer support. I would love to tell you that I was on my 3rd AF day but the temptation was just too much.

                            So I have made a few decisions since arriving here, the 1st one being that I'm going to spend the next few weeks of this year researching this site and all the advice it contains, fully! The 2nd, I'm going to make an appointment with my GP on the 4th of January to see if I can get counselling, and the 3rd I'm going to order a starter pack. So my goal is to start a 30 day abstinence from the 4th Jan, which scares the life out of me if I'm honest.

                            I keep asking myself, if I'm serious about this then surely I would start now?! But (and isn't there always a 'BUT') with the xmas period being upon us I don't think I can be that strong.... so I'm just going to have my last hurrah and suffer the inevitable consequences! I hope I don't sound flippant, I just want to draw a line and set myself something to work towards. Baby steps might not be a bad thing in the face of so many realisations about myself.

                            So once again thank you all, your support has has made me feel that much stronger and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's an inspiration and I hope to get to know you all so much better in the coming months.


                              Very New To This

                              :welcome: To Be True,

                              Thank you so much for posting your story and most importantly your honesty. You are not being "flippant"at all, just speaking the truth and it sounds like you are making yourself a plan :goodjob:

                              Have a great holiday and see you here next year.

                              Lots of hugs,
                              AF Since May 2nd 2012

