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December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

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    December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

    Cease to inquire what the future has in store, and take as a gift whatever the day
    brings forth.

    Hello to all! :welcome: Davie! You are made of just the right stuff to be posting here: Determination! I have saved your 30 reasons thread to review when needed.

    So one can give it a thought and can start to look into the matter of managing their habits by viewing it from a different perspective.
    TangibleInfo, this is definitely the key. In the beginning there is a physical addiction that must be overcome, but after a week or so (maybe a few weeks) the trick becomes changing a very strong habit pattern. That's what we're workiing on here!

    OH , LBH, Congrats on putting up the tree without drinking! That was a tradition worth breaking! And the new Christmas lights, they do take some getting used to.

    Mighty, Sooty, Lav, Red, Lil, SD, Chops, and any one else who pops in, peace and strength!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

      Good Morning to all our Determined Determinators!! It's Friday and freeking cold here. Brr.

      Dill, I love that quote. It's so hard to stay in the moment and appreciate it for what it is. I remember this was always something I was trying to grasp better, especially when my children were young. Learning how to stop and enjoy them without always thinking of the next thing you had to do

      Tang, I agree also. Changing the habit, doing something different. Like mom used to say " Control your habits or they will control you". Mom was right again.

      Lil, I pray all is OK with your family
      Sooty, Lav, LBH, Red ,SD Dave,Chops and all else. Stay strong and determined! MM


        December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

        Good morning Determined Ones,

        It's chilly out there but it's Friday

        Welcone TangibleInfo & Davie - you've found a very strong group here!

        AL Christmas tree decorating - now there's a nice idea! I guess that means the cookies will be sober as well I'm quite happy, thrilled really to begin all these new traditions!

        Greetings to Lil, Red, SD, Chops, Sooty, LBH, MM & anyone I may have missed.
        Have a terrific AF day!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

          Question for y'all

          How many days AF before the cravings go away, typically? What has been your experience?
          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


            December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

            Hello all - I feel I"ve missed so much, just being gone since Monday!! Welcome, new folk, congrats to all who have had such good news, and Lil all prayers go out to you and your family.

            I returned to the city yesterday, and I am finding it such an interesting task...for days I never had a thought about alcohol - not when hubby had wine with dinner, nothing. Then driving into the metro area, suddenly I see every liquor store, every billboard, and every store I enter seems to have a display set up right in front of my curious.

            At this moment it's 7:30 a.m., and I am prepping for a holiday staff party to be held here at my house, and already the 'cravy voices' are chiming in (about the champagne punch I am to make). So I'm checking in with you all early, setting my 'determination' early, and have kudzu in my pocket (literally). Thank goodness it's a lunch party - if I throw the excess out right away, I will reach the evening unscathed.

            Haven't had a moment to read back through the week, but I know I will find solace there - thanks to all for sharing their stories - LBH - loved reading about the tree decorating, sans alcohol. Just the boost I needed this morning....things do change.

            Love to all - will check in later.....
            to the light


              December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

              Good Morning!!

              Lil-You're in my thoughts and prayers!! Hope all is well!!

              :welcome: to all new comers! You've stumbled upon an amazing group!! Stick around!!

              Lav-How awesome about your daughter!! I only live about 3 blocks from both my mom and my sister!! My mom and siter live ON the same block!! I love it!!! We're always running back and forth borrowing stuff!!

              Cyntree-I feel your pain about the holiday party thing...mine is tonight...UGH!!! I'm dreading it!!! I don't know if I should just do the "normal" thing and have A GLASS of wine like a "norma" person and hope like hell I can tell myself to stop!!! Or do I stick with water and answer the questions like where's the red beer or why no wine tonight?? I just don't want the thoughts running through their heads like...hmm....wonder if there s a reason she's not drinking???? hmmmm????? Oh I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

              PR-I don't know that there is a magical number of days??? I think of some level there may be little cravings that pop in from time to time forever?! I dunno?!!

              LBH--You and your writing...beautiful!!!

              MM, Dill, Chopps, Sooty and everyone else...BIG HUGS TODAY!!!!!
              Oh I wanted to add to what you were talking about, Dill, about breaking patterns...instead of grabbing a glass of wine or beer to cook dinner with, I know come home and pour a glass of water with lemon (right away) so I have something in my hand immediately!!! Been a great change for me!!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                SD, I have given numerous reasons why I am not drinking in recent months and I have never been sorry I have that I said or did anything that allowed me to not have a drink. For years, I have frequently been the designated drinker upon whom the host or chef will try new cocktails or pairings ostensibly to see if they need to be tweaked with this or that but chiefly because I can make a funny quip or two. I started out just saying I wasn?t drinking for a month as I was taking herbal supplements that affected the liver (true), and later I said I noticed I felt better and didn?t know if it was the supplements or if drinking no longer ?agreed? with me, so I was going to continue my little health kick for a while. Now I just say I am saving alcohol for an ?emergency? which makes people laugh and me glad I am not having one, either an emergency or a drink. Phoenix, I still have cravings every evening; I am now at day twenty-one and in the recent past have gone six weeks. Hang in there with us. Cravings no matter how unpleasant are far better than the alternative and our skills in managing them will help them diminish more and more.:l Lav, I am so glad about your daughter being near; since she shares your genetics you two together can develop wonderful bone food. Flours can be make out off all kinds of seeds and grains and I envision a brilliant arsenal of savory crepes. Yum. Hi Dill. Hi, MM, Lil, Red, Sootie, Davie, Chops, Kim, et. al. Welcome home Cyn!!! Where is our Pea? Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                  Cyn, Checking in at 1pm my time. You are probably in the middle of your party. Sending you good vibes. Hope it goes well and you dump it as soon as you can.
                  Also SD, Wishing you much strength for tonight. This is what is going to challenge us all this month. I think it was Jackie who said it helps to vision AL as being something nasty. Like everyone at your party drinking red wine is really drinking blood. yuck, imagine it dripping down their face...and white wine is urine!!! Imagine the nasty smell of it and their breath!! Try not to laugh when your socializing with these people tonight. Hope this helps.

                  Or pretend we are in the room with you..say our names in your head. This helped me recently and I barely drank and was able to put it down easily.
                  :l MM


                    December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                    Hi All! Quick check in for me today. Very busy today, but I wanted to say hello to everyone. I apologize for not having time to address you all.

                    Lil ~ you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Check in when you can. Big hugs my dear friend :l :l :l

                    I hope everyone has a fabulous AF Friday! I will try to check in later, but most likely tomorrow. Big hugs to you all!!! :l :l :l


                      December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                      dill, I am the one who suggested "Lives of the Saints," hope you enjoy it! It is a story about this man's life, so to read chapters only would be interesting.

                      I am very discouraged. Last night I chose to drink and what a mistake. I had four glasses of wine after a day of finding out people all around me are being laid off. I kind of freaked out and went for my old comforter, drinking. I feel really sick today, and I figure that my liver and body just cannot take any alcohol at all anymore. So if anyone is tempted, think of feeling really sick for a long time, as that is what has happened to me.

                      All the old behaviors, going to work extra early, acting like everything is fine, barely getting through the day, trying not to be much fun. So, I am back to square one.:upset:


                        December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                        Hello folks, sorry to be late logging on, I've been busy out and about shopping and wrapping - under pressure cos some things needed to be posted - anyway here I am 8.30 p.m. feeling pleasantly tired, going to watch some rubbish on tv and bed early for me.
                        I hope everyone has had a good friday and managed to resist works parties etc.
                        Red I hope you soon feel better - that feeling is really yuk - hope it passes quickly.
                        Lil all my love to you and your family, here's hoping that you'll be back soon with good news.
                        See you all tomorrow
                        love Sooty


                          December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                          Rainy and grey on the West Coast today.

                          Not rainy and grey inside my head though - pleasantly content today as I've been running around between various business meets etc.

                          Saw my hypno guy today. Never really went in for all that stuff before but a) he's a great bloke and b) he does seem to make a difference. He's very big on that EFT stuff - google it. Lots of tapping on acupunture points and mutterings about finding a balance etc. Been a big help in letting a cynic/hyperactive start trying to take time out and really learn how to relax and meditate.

                          Whatever it takes, eh? Go get 'em So Sober Crew.
                          "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                            December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                            Hi Red, Hope your feeling better. You have accomplished so much. Be proud. We are all learning and that is a definite stresser you had to deal with. You've gotten your body to a good AF state and the wine affected you on a more normal level. Great! I did the same thing lately and had the same affect.

                            Remember when people adviced you to build up your tolerance? I'm celebrating building down my tolerance.:goodjob: MM


                              December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                              Red, I think I must have gotten a different Lives of the Saints. The one I have here is by Richard McBrien, and it is more or less a reference book. Hmm. Oh well, I will read the selections that interest me. I am sorry you had a bad tumble, but it is all part of this process. I appreciated your description of the morning/day after. Always good to have a fresh reminder!

                              :welcome: Welcome Hartley! I don't believe we have met before. Glad to have you along with us!

                              Hi Soots. It's 6:30 here and I am going to get myself settled in for the evening. I will also watch some rubbish on TV. We have a lot in common, eh?!

                              Or pretend we are in the room with you..say our names in your head. This helped me recently and I barely drank and was able to put it down easily.
                              MM Good advice, MM!

                              I still have cravings every evening; I am now at day twenty-one and in the recent past have gone six weeks. Hang in there with us. Cravings no matter how unpleasant are far better than the alternative and our skills in managing them will help them diminish more and more.
                              LBH, this is such truth! I wonder sometimes if there is a difference between "cravings" and "habit". Maybe cravings are just an old habit pattern that needs to be broken, and not a physical thing. I used to think a craving was a physical need. But there is no physical need for alc after so many weeks, is there? It's maybe a psychological need? Or maybe it's just a bad habit.

                              Phoenix, I guess I don't have an answer for you. It kind of depends on how you define "craving".

                              SD, I pour myself a big glass of ice water when I get in the door, too!

                              Cyn, very interesting that your 'cravy voices' came back so strong when you came back to familiar territory. I hope your holiday party was a success and all went well for you.

                              Lav, Chops, Lil and any one else stopping in, wishing you peace and strength.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                                Late one tonight - out visiting. Feeling pretty good though.


