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December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

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    December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

    Good Morning/Day/Evening! On to week 2! I'll be right back, have to get my coffee......

    Ok, that's better! Here is a quote to go with what Lil said yesterday about her world changing:

    "The craving to find serenity utterly evaporated--and in its place
    there was serenity. I'd been looking out there for what was right here."

    --A.A. Grapevine, December, 2000, p. 49

    WIND, WIND, WIND! OMG! It's actually warm out: 50 F. But that wind could blow you over!

    Have a good AF day, Determined Ones.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2


    Dill-There is so much less drama going on when al is taken out of the picture. That seems to add to the feeling of peace or serenity.

    Yep, the wind is blowing here and rain, rain, rain! It could be worse, could be getting the snow some places are getting.

    Everyone batten down the hatches and hold on to your hats and have a great af day.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

      Humpday afternoon here - hope everyone is having a good one. I've done a bit more christmas shopping this morning and for the first time in about 6 weeks it isn't raining!!!!!!!
      Lil and Dill you make sure you don't get blown over, Lav I'm sure you'll be along soon, hope things are ok with you.
      To everyone to come - have a happy AF day
      love Sooty


        December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

        Good morning to all the DETERMINATORS, Fighting a cold today, but at least I know it is a real cold. Waiting to hear about jobs today, so if anyone can add me and husband to you prayers I'd greatly appreciate it.

        Dill Good quote! A bit like Dorothy finally getting to the point she could understand the power was always with her

        Morning Lil and everyone else who pops by today.

        May everyone keep learning and stay determined:l MM


          December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

          Good Morning!!

          Week 2 of December huh?!? Well so far so good, I'd say!!!!

          Lav-I don't know why I am so excited about my new washer and dryer...I guess anything 'new' for myself I get excited about...buying ANYTHING for myself is a rarity....sad I get excited about appliances!! I got a new phone 2 weeks ago...pretty pumped about that too except I don't know how to use it!:H

          Dill--You always have such great quotes to get the day started...THANKS!!! And 50!!!!! 50!!!!! It's 50 degrees there!!!!!???? It's NEGATIVE 23 wind chill here :upset: and so freakin windy your eyes water only to have the tears freeze to your face your mess up your make-up!! LOVIN' SD!!!! :H

          Lil--Here, here on less drama with no AL!!!! My life is so peaceful right now and I'm loving it!!!!

          Sooty-Gload to hear the rain has stopped!!! I need to get out and do some Christmas shopping myself...what are the hot items where you're at???

          MM--My thoughts and prayers are with you and your hubby!!!!

          Chops...I want to hear about the new man!!

          TO all the other determinators....have a happy and warm hump day!!!! Gotta run!!!!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

            I think SD needs to hit spell check or perhaps reread her posts before hitting send?!! Yikes!!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

              Wow...week 2 already??? Where is the time going??

              Dill, thanks for starting the week and starting it off with such a fabulous quote! I am going to be keeping that one handy. Please don't blow away! I must say, I am jealous that it is 50 there :H

              Lil, you are so right about the drama being gone when AL is gone. I do not miss the drama at all! You stay dry today, and don't you blow away either!

              Sooty, so glad your rain has stopped. I am actually ready for our rain to come back, maybe it would warm things up around here. Do you want to do my Christmas shopping for me? I am so behind.

              MM, I hope your cold is short-lived and you feel better soon. Prayers being said for you and your hubby. :l

              SD, how's your new washer and dryer? It's always exciting to get new stuff, especially for ourselves. I have been with my new man for just over 3 months now. He is absolutely wonderful and treats me like a queen! I've not been this happy in quite some time. Not sure what else to tell you about him. What would you like to know? He's one of my favorite subjects!

              Lav, I know you will be here soon. Hope you have a great day.

              Hello to all other determinators that drop in. I must get my work day started. Happy AF Hump Day!! :l


                December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                I actually sat on my laundry room florr and watched it for like 20's a front loader one so you can see the stuff washing...kinda relaxing really...very quiet...soothing, could harding hear it running....and when it the spin cycle was running the house didn't shake...apparently it helps to have those things level or something :H
                So how'd you two meet? Does dad approve...better yet...does your son!? Is he tall dark and handsome?? I don't know where to meet people (and by people I mean a guy)...actually I have no interest in dating...I'm so happy and content right now, just seems like a lot of work...but I know, good relationships probably aren't as hard as the previous ones I've experienced!! Tell me what it's like to be a Queen?! I'm so happy for you....You TOTALLY deserve that!!!!
                We have our kids' music program here at school tomorrow, so most of my classes got cancelled due to practices....I've been on-line Christmas shopping........SHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm so bad!!!!!!!! SO I better get back to 'work'!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                  What is with my typing today???? GEESH?!?! I SWEAR I'm not drinking at work!!! LOL!!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                    Hello all,

                    Running a bit late but I'm still here! Trekked out early this morning for a doc appt. & had more bloodwork done. Finally got my B/P problem resolved - taking 2 meds for it but they don't realy bother me. Still looking for a resolution to the Osteoporosis problem................

                    I haven't gotten a bit of work done yet today & my grandson will be arriving in an hour. I guess my Humpday is going to be a no work day :H

                    Hoping everyone is having a good day - I'll be back later!
                    I can't believe how the time is flying
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                      Week Two! Love the quote; sometimes we have to stop trying so hard so can find out where we already are. I got to join all of you in the Christmas preparations today with wrapping out of town gifts (local candles, soaps, and chile) and taking my spot in a marathon line at the post office where there somehow was only one beleaguered worker. What a wonderfully diverse scene and a true test of my understanding of the quote. There was the crying baby and the tantruming two year old with their saintly five year old big brother; the shy, beautiful family who appeared to speak none of the six languages available among the post office staff and everybody in line; the mentally ill gentleman who opened and took everything out of the packages he was in line to mail; the handsome smiling soldiers in their desert fatigues; the prune lady with the pinched face who refused to not be miserable no matter what (!!!); the old hard of hearing couple with the grocery cart full of packages and a bigger load of questions; a chorus of thousands who just wanted stamps, or lost packages, or a passport, and me. Can?t do anything but relax. I am making a big pot of gumbo (the whole catastrophe, chicken, andouille sausage, and seafood) to keep warm tonight and fortify a day of decorating tomorrow. I heard orchestral Christmas music today and a Hanukkah song in Spanish. Serene. Good for the blood pressure Lav. Spill it all, Chops, I love romance. Hi Lil. Hi, Red, MM, Sooty, Sheri, and all. Hi SD, I am perfectly capable of getting neurotically involved with a washer and dryer; I love, love mine. :l Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                        Hi again,

                        LBH, your afternoon in the post office should have been made into a holiday movie - I can see it all now

                        The Personal Program for Better Bones arrived in the mail today. My head is spinning right trying to figure out how I'm going to manage all this - especially thru the holidays! Swallowing 8 tablets daily (including every mineral/nutrient known to mankind) is not a problem. BUT, the dietary recommendations are bizarre. For the next 3 months I'm supposed to ensure 80% of my daily food intake is from the 'alkaline foods list'. That list does NOT include, meat, eggs, dairy, grain, coffee or any sugar of any type. The list of alkaline-forming foods is quite small.........some fruits, some vegetables, pumpkin seeds, lentils & cashews that I can wash down with mineral water & green tea.
                        I will be having nightmares tonight - no kidding!!!!
                        I haven't gotten to the recipe section of the book yet - that should be interesting! LBH, hope you enjoyed your gumbo

                        I think I'll end this day right now - I am remarkedly speechless!
                        See you all tomorrow.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                          Morning all - Lav that new diet sounds like a real headache - good luck with it girl, if anyone can crack it you can!
                          I'm almost scared to say it in case i cause a jinx but the sun is shining and I can see blue sky so I'm not hanging around at the moment cos I want to go and do some stuff outside!!!
                          Have a good day everyone, I will be back later
                          love Sooty


                            December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                            Blow Blow thou bitter wind, freeze freeze thou bitter cold. The wind chill around here is negative something. Time to bundle up, have a hot cup of something AF, and be safe.

                            Was very busy yesterday at work. Due to company losses, we are expected to work even more, although I am already putting in over 45 hours a week. I have to be physically strong for this and alcohol cannot be in my vocabulary.

                            MM, good luck to you on your job prospects. Praying for you and wishing you positive thoughts.

                            dill, as always thanks for the wonderful quotes and thoughts. YOU are so thoughtful and much appreciated.

                            LBH, are you a writer? Your description of the post office was amazing, I could clearly see the crowd and hear the bedlam. I loved the coping skill you suggested, relaxing and people watching while waiting in long Christmas lines.

                            I'm doing well on the AF stuff, just not the eating junk food stuff. Cookies at work, Christmas stuff where ever you go. It is fun though and I want to live and enjoy myself. So I will. Wear something Christmassy to work today...I am going to look for my Christmas jewelry.


                              December Determination ~ AF ~ Week 2

                              Cookies at work, Christmas stuff where ever you go. It is fun though and I want to live and enjoy myself. So I will.
                              Red, you are today's quote of the day author. I think this is the second time! But, truly, your morning posts do inspire me and I thank you. I have a question. Are you the one that mentioned a few weeks ago the book, Lives of the Saints. I just checked it out from the library and haven't cracked it yet. It does look interesting, although I doubt I will read it from cover to cover. I think I'll go with selections. The first I want to read is Pope John the 23rd, then Mother Teresa.

                              Sooty, it is 6:30am here, so it is near lunch time for you, eh? I wonder if your sun is still shining. I hope so. My weather is just exactly like Red's today. Not good!

                              SD, can I get a cup of coffee and come sit in your laundry room with you? I'll bring the donuts!! (Just like in the good old days in the Newbie's Nest!) Anybody else want ot come?

                              Mighty, Speedy recovery to you!

                              Lav, The diet sounds daunting. I'll bet you could eat 'mostly' what's on the diet, but modify it somewhat, do you think? At our age it would be hard to make such a drastic change. But, if anyone has the strength to take such a thing on, it's YOU!

                              Chops, I love, love, love it that your BF treats you like the royalty that you are! His daughter is lucky to have such a good role model in her life. Does your dad like your BF? Has your dad started getting seed catalogues in the mail yet? We have!! Kind of early to be thinking about Spring, though....

                              Lil, I hope you're feeling better (joints) with this dry, cold weather.

                              LBH, I enjoyed standing in line with you at the post office. My day yesterday started out with a difficult encounter with an irate parent. We were to meet at 8:30 to go over results of the child's developmental evaluation prior to enrollment in our program. All hands were on deck on time except for the Supervisor. "Mad Dad" complained vehemently to me that this is not the first time he has been 'dissed' by said Supervisor and he launched into a litany of past offenses. I could do naught but apologize, attempt to track down the Supervisor. then conduct what portions of the meeting that we could with a less than full contingent. His rage, fortunately, was not directed at me, so I wasn't even the least bit ruffled, except for my concern for the Supervisor. She doesn't usually do this sort of thing and it was unfortunate that it happened with this set of parents. I think there will be letters written to appropriate administrators. Anyway, not a very pleasant start yesterday, but I had it in perspective. I wasn't hung over, thankfully, and I could clearly see my part in the event and do what I could to move through and past it. Afterwards I renamed Mad Dad "Pissed Papa" and further entitled him "Dissed and Pissed Papa". I have perhaps been working in preschool for too long!:H

                              Well, sorry this was so long. I won't be offended if you just skimmed it!:H I don't know what got into me.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

