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I did it again

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    I did it again

    I am new here and needing help. I have gotten up to drinking 2 bottles of wine a night and I really want to stop. I ordered the started kit and hope it arrives quick. I am so ashamed that I continue to do this to myself and make a fool of myself in front of my 12 year old son. I can't believe that something can have such control over me.

    I did it again

    :welcome: Hanging,

    You've found a good safe place here where no-one judges.
    Glad you've ordered the starter pack.

    You've made a huge step today just by asking for help.

    Keep reading the posts and then read some more. Make yourself comfortable. You'll soon find names becoming more familiar.

    Drop into the 'Newbies Nest' and say hello.

    We're all in this together.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      I did it again

      Hi Hangingon
      I just found this site last night and already see its going to be a great help to me,
      like you I am now up to 2 bottles of wine a night and the depression the next day is killing me!

      I really started to think seriously about giving up a few weeks ago and have thought about nothing else ever since, I have also managed a few AF days, more than normal so its a start,
      Im giving myself a winding down period and have decided on Jan 1st to go for it and give up completely, it wont be easy but i know now I cant continue to be a social drinker as its all or nothing. Last week I had a really heavy sesssion and am suffering from bruised ribs... again!
      Its got to stop. We can help each other.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        I did it again

        You're in a good place

        Hi Hangingon
        My name is Stirly and :new:too
        You have done the first big and proper step be joining MWO. I joined last week and started a thread yesterday. If you read it, you will see how much support these people have for us "Newbies". I was totally blown away by it. JackieClaire was one of the first to welcome me and offer her support and I've seen that on many of the last new threads. I thank her once again. If you read my thread you will see for yourself how great the people here at MWO are. Chillgirl and you seem to have some things in common. And GuiltyGirl has a thread you could read as well. I'm suggesting this because you need to know that there are others in your situation and that you are definitely not alone. And don't beat yourself up about it. We have all been where you are. Jackie is right. You've made two big steps. One by joining MWO and admitting you have a problem and second by ordering the starter kit. I have been alcohol free (AF) and went back to the bottle several times over the last few years. Thankfully I found this place where there is an amazing amount of support and I now know that I can do this. Today is my Day 1 of AF and instead of being afraid, I am now confident that I can do this. All these wonderful people are here to get and keep themselves sober but also to help and support all newcomers who know they have a problem and want to get help. Hang in there. I'll be following your thread and rooting for you.
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          I did it again

          Thank you for your support, I was hoping to stop cold turkey today. Is it reccomended to wind down over a few days?:thanks:


            I did it again

            chill girl,
            I kept trying to do the social thing but it is all or nothing for me as well.

            Stirly, congrats on day 1. I will be happy when I finish the first week. I can usually go 2-3 days max then I break.


              I did it again

              Hello Hangingon and :welcome: I love the support on this site and would not be where I am without it. My life is completely turned around from where I was - desparate, lonely, suicidal just a couple of years ago. I was a wine and vodka girl. I could easily knock back two bottles of wine a night. If I can get free of AL, then I know you can do it too.

              I quit cold turkey as it was impossible for me to "wean." Once I take a drink, it's game over for me. I printed out information that you can find at this link: I reviewed it carefully myself and also with my husband. That way my husband knew what signs to watch for if I needed medical attention. Of course that only works if you have a spouse or friend or whatever to spend a couple of days with.

              Of course you can also see a doctor who can advise for formally!

              I had no problems at all.

              This journey is not easy, but to me it is worth every challenging moment to be free at last. Strength and hope to you,

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I did it again

                Hi again Hangingon.
                Not sure about the going cold turkey with no withdrawal meds. I have done it several times although three or four times I was taking a sleeping pill to help me sleep. That calms your body functions down so maybe that helps. And a few years ago when I quit cold turkey without the pills I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms but that's my case. Each person's body reacts a different way. There's a thread started today by "adi" about a new on-line book that can help us. I checked it out and there are some questions there that will help you to decide if you can do it that way or not. Questions like, in the past when you have stopped drinking without meds do you start to sweat the next day, either early in the morning or about the time you would normally start to drink. Do you get the shakes, stuff like that. I think you should check out the book and that would help you to decide. I personally cannot taper off or modify. I have to stop and not start again. When I do start there's no stopping until I'm semi-comatose. But each person is different and you have to decide for yourself. As far as support from others who have been in the same situation as you, again, you've come to the right place. And talking and sharing your experiences is a great way get through this. Take care of yourself as best you can then you can take care of your son as best you can, too.
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  I did it again

                  Just want to say Hi and Welcome Hangingon and Chillgirl. You've come to a fantastic place if you really want to curb/stop your alcohol intake. Lots of support.
                  When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                  -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                    I did it again

                    Hi Everyone!
                    Thanks for all the great support...!
                    I agree the only way to do it is cold turkey.
                    When I finally realized a few weeks ago that i had to quit I decided I would leave it till the end of the year, I know that might sound like a cop out but my thinking was with so many parties coming up I would be more likely to fail if I did it immediately. At least in jan people dont think its unusual to detox so I wouldnt have the same pressure on me. Hopefully by the time people realize ive stopped I will be feeling stronger and able to cope with any pressure to drink.

                    What i have done is really get used to the idea that I will be AF and I have had several AF days in a row which has given me a great insight into how good Im going to be feeling!!
                    Its also given me time to really reflex of the terrible impact alcohol has had on my life and over the last fews weeks im feeling stronger and stronger about being able to crack this.

                    Although i have known for years that I had an alcohol dependancy this is the 1st time in my life I have really been honest with myself in facing up to it. I know this is finally it!

                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996

