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A long shot I know......

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    A long shot I know......

    Hi all - I am trying to see if there is anyone on this site who is in or near O'Fallon, IL. I think this site is great but it would be even better to be able to actually talk to a real person in the same boat - or e-mail or whatever. As in my subject line, I know it is a long shot, but feel it is one worth trying.......
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

    A long shot I know......

    Hi sunshine -

    I see you are pretty new here. Once you've been here a while, you'll find you connect to certain people. It will kind of happen "naturally"!

    I met one person through this site who lives in my area - we've talked a lot on phone and have met up several times.

    Another person lives quite far away - yet I consider her one of my best friends! We email every day... and have for probably a Year. I'm sure we'll meet up at some point.

    If you become a "regular" on one of the threads (like ODAT or one of the others - both on this forum and on General) --- you'll start to get to "Know" certain people, and they'll know you, too.

    And then you might private message someone you feel a connection with... That was the first step with both of the friends I mentioned.

    But you may find this post will find people who live close by, too. Good luck! (I mean that - it sounded sarcastic as I wrote it!!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      A long shot I know......

      Savon - thank you so much for your input. Yes I have PM'd a couple of people and they have been great - I have had nothing but acceptance and support whomever I have spoken with. I have also PM'd someone who is sort of at the same stage as me and I am hoping that we can start our journey and compare notes. I laughed - your 'good luck' did not sound sarcastic in the least! It was taken in the same vein that it was given! Thank you.
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        A long shot I know......

        Sunshine, you might want to put your location in the name of the thread so people know right away what you're wanting. Maybe something like "Anyone in O'Fallon, IL?" That would catch someone's eye if they're from the area.


          A long shot I know......


          Well I am in Madison, WI. That is probably not all that close to you although I am not sure exactly where Fallon is. I am also really wanting to see someone in person. I have even been tossing around the idea of AA, but I feel like I'd have to go to another city or wear a disguise or something! Sounds dumb I know but I really dont want anyone I know to see me going to a meeting! I am also seriously considering ordering that Baclofen stuff. I know I need a helping hand. I am in a downward spiral unfortunately! I hope you are OK!

