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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday


    Well..... This thread seems to be dwindling. I think some time ago when newbies nest started, people gravitated there. While I like this thread (I grew up here and it's like an old neighborhood to me) and have remained here to support folks, I might let go of starting it most of the time. Uni and MNB and rudemama (and anyone else) I think you might like monthly abstinance. (rude, I am so impressed with your drink tracker!)

    So, just my thoughts. I'm going out of town for the afternoon and I'll check in later to see if anybody has thoughts on the ODAT thread.

    Go for the O!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Saturday

    NOOOOOOo don't lose odat!!!! I'll come to monthly abs but really, I want my odat
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT - Saturday

      I like this thread, too!

      "Fell" yesterday. And felt depressed today. AL may make you feel better for a while... but then you deal with depression afterwards, I'm finding. And I was doing quite well.

      Just gotta stay away from it. Does me no good. Seems I have to keep learning this lesson over & OVER. ugh.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - Saturday

        Hey uni & savy. So here's the thing.... people say they like it and to keep it going but they don't interact. I sort of talk to myself a bit. There were 28 lookies today but 2 responses. See what I mean? I'll be gone over Christmas so if I don't see much happening then, I won't leave it entirely, but I will let go of feeling compelled to start it.

        Savy, you ARE learning! You had a good run there. You're figuring out that no matter how long the run, the drink result is the same. It really is loosing it's appeal to you it seems. Keep at it!

        Had a great lunch with GF today. She had a glass of wine and they were really stingy with it and it was $7! I laughed until I saw my hot tea was $3. :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Saturday

          thanks for noticing t he drink tracker. I'm trying . I still don't feel I have the mental whatever to accept sober as what it will be should be for sure. I need odat for just about everything especially dealing with ex....which isn't so bad but it makes me want to drink. i must admit i panicked when i say you on drink tracker omg....i said then had to rad through your threads and was to relieved to find t he water tracker. You my green eyed friend are a true inspiration. lots of love odat rudemama
          Uni nice to see you is it cold up there??
          got my tree first xmas with out ex maybe xxmas is better lol


            ODAT - Saturday

            Rude, last x-mas was my first alone. It was lovely. I was so proud of the tree - from bargaining for it to whittling it down to fit in the stand and getting lights on it that I did secretly gloat. I guess it was secret. It was a rather large satisfying gloat. :H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

