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No time like the present...

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    No time like the present...

    It is now 4.51am and I have been awake since 2.30am - the usual time I wake when the wine starts to wear off and the hangover starts to kick in. I was thinking as I always do - when would be the best time to stop drinking? January 1st of course. Then I realised the best time is now - there is no other time. I am not living in the future or the past - I only have today. Yes there are Christmas get togethers coming up - but I NEED to get through these days AF.

    I have good intentions of just drinking on Fri, Sat, Sun - but our supermarket has these deals where if you buy 6 bottles of wine you get 30% off. And those extra bottles don't last until the following weekend - I drink them through the week. Wake up every morning feeling like crap. I am healthy but still live like a sick person because of the hangovers. The rare days I am not hungover I feel FANTASTIC. I want to feel like this everyday. Problem is when I feel good I start to think about wine - what is that??

    I also have a weight problem - happy to say I have lost 18kgs in the last 12 months but still have about 25kgs to go - the wine makes my WL slow and it stops me from exercising when I should.

    So I have 3 bottles of wine left in the cupboard - I think I need to empty them down the sink. Otherwise they will be emptied down my throat.

    I hate how alcohol controls my life. I am missing out on so much more than what I get from alcohol. My kids want to do things after dinner - play games etc and I am not sure if they realise I am too sluggish to do these things by then. I am sure as they get older they will understand what is going on more and I don't want them to see their mum as a drunk. They are 10 and 13 now - they won't be home for that many more years and I want to spend time with them that they will cherish later on.

    I could go on and on - but it feels good to write something and actually admit to myself that I have to stop NOW...not January 1st.

    I am hoping this site and the support will help me make it THIS time.

    No time like the present...

    Welcome Kristin,
    you have come to a great place, stick around and read through posts and post stuff yourself.

    Yes - don't wait to the new year to become AF
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      No time like the present...

      Hi Kristin
      This is a fantastic site - you get to say whatever you like and it does feel good to get it out of your system. I was the same as you - I didn't want my kids growing up thinking i was a drunk so i finally made some choices and actually acted on them. I'm not alcohol free but I wanted to get myself in a position of taking responsibility - where I could walk past those specials at the supermarket and to be able to stop at two glasses of wine. I found that if I didn't buy any of the specials (and not so special!) and didn't have the wine in my house, I was able to gain some sense of control. Beating the craving to have that drink at night has been hard and I have had a couple of relapses but I'm so much better now than I was six months ago, its a blessing. When I have fallen off the wagon I have come straight back here and refocussed.

      Start out by downloading and reading the MWO book. While quite a few people here do the meds, a number of us don't, so whichever way you choose to get out of this revolting vicious cycle, someone will be here to talk and help you through. You have made a great choice for yourself!

      I'm not a flip flop - I'm a Jandal!:undercover:


        No time like the present...

        Welcome Kristin!

        There is no time like now, in my opinion. That's what worked for me. Pour that wine out, say goodbye and good riddance as you do it.

        Stay close to this forum - I found that very helpful in my early days, read, post, form a plan, and just do it.

        We have all been there, we will all support you. We all understand where you're coming from, and there's so much helpful information here. I have been AF (alcohol free) for over 4 months now, after drinking for 36 years, and pretty sure I could not stop. But I did, thanks to all the information and support I found at MWO.

        Wishing you much success on your journey. You will never regret it. Much love to you! :h
        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

        AUGUST 9, 2009


          No time like the present...

          Hello Kristen and a big welcome to you. Well done on your decision, you are right, there is no time like the present. You wont lack for support here, this place and the members are a fantastic help but you have to truly want this for yourself.
          Keep safe
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            No time like the present...

            Thanks for the welcome. It is now daylight - finally! I don't know how many nights I have laid awake trying to get back to sleep due to alcohol. It is scary giving up my best friend but I KNOW that I have to.

            What and where is the best place to post daily - just so I have somewhere to go so that I can constantly think about staying of the wine.

            Well done to those of you who have had success already - it gives me some hope that I can do this too. Alcohol is my enemy - I have to use every bit of willpower and fight in me to beat it.

            Having been part of an online weight loss group I know how important being accountable is to staying on track. I think that giving up alcohol would be the same - so please let me know where should I go next?


              No time like the present...

              Hiya Kristin and a huge welcome to you.
              Yep its definitely scary, but its so good too.
              There are a number of daily threads that you could join.
              The Next Day Thread is full of Aussies and Kiwis so they will be on your timezone (the folk on there are mad but lovely :-))
              The army thread is good chat thread
              The AF Daily thread is full of good advice and support.
              ODAT (one day at a time) is also brilliant
              Newbies nest another great one.
              Have a look around and see where you feel comfy and go for it! If you feel comfy in all of them do that too :-)
              Good to see you here.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                No time like the present...

                Hi Kirsten could I suggest you maybe try out the newbies nest thread for starters? Also a lot of our Aussie friends post on the Next day thread. You will be made welcome wherever you feel most comfortable posting.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  No time like the present...

                  Thanks for getting back to me so fast - will have a look at those threads.


                    No time like the present...

                    Hi Kristin and welcome to MWO. It's good that you're getting a head start on the new year.

