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CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

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    CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

    What I have come to realize is that my REAL and MAIN objection was that I knew AA was a program of abstinence that involved admitting the true level of my problem - I'm an alcohlic - and THAT is the part I REALLY objected to. Of course this may or may not be true for you or anyone else! I'm really enjoying the friends I have made there and I'm glad I finally went.


    Yup. that's it exactly. I can work with all of the rest of those issues, and take the good from the "religious" piece of AA, none of that bothers me. I don't need something tailored to my specific tastes, not when the spirit is good. But really admitting the whole shebang, and going for abstinence, is a very big step. I've got on my big girl pants, though, as one of our members was fond of saying! I always loved that phrase.

    Lav, yes I remember we started at the same time. You have been much more dedicated than I have been, it has been such a struggle for me during the past few months. But no matter, I'm with you and am glad you remember me. That means a lot. When we drink, we tend to think we don't exist.



      CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

      crazyforwine;774041 wrote: What I have come to realize is that my REAL and MAIN objection was that I knew AA was a program of abstinence that involved admitting the true level of my problem - I'm an alcohlic - and THAT is the part I REALLY objected to. Of course this may or may not be true for you or anyone else! I'm really enjoying the friends I have made there and I'm glad I finally went.


      Yup. that's it exactly. I can work with all of the rest of those issues, and take the good from the "religious" piece of AA, none of that bothers me. I don't need something tailored to my specific tastes, not when the spirit is good. But really admitting the whole shebang, and going for abstinence, is a very big step. I've got on my big girl pants, though, as one of our members was fond of saying! I always loved that phrase.

      Lav, yes I remember we started at the same time. You have been much more dedicated than I have been, it has been such a struggle for me during the past few months. But no matter, I'm with you and am glad you remember me. That means a lot. When we drink, we tend to think we don't exist.

      I know many in AA for whom it has been a lifesaver. Conversely, the fact I couldn't get it became a major issue for me. I've got no problem admitting what I am - I do have a problem accepting that my alcoholism is anything but my personal responsibility. I might have been genetically pre-disposed, but I didn't have to reach this stage. I created the problem and believe that it's in my hands to change it. Accepting this and not flailing around trying fervently to find a "higher power" has been a major factor in the strides I've made in the last few months.

      It bothers me that the outside world see AA as the only answer to our problem. That is simply not the case.
      "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


        CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

        Hi CFW,
        Congratulations on making it so far, and feeling so good! Keep up the good work.
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
        AF since May 6, 2010


          CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

          Hi Crazy.
          Stirly-Girly here.
          Congrats on your two weeks AF. I have only been AF for a few days but I know exactly what you mean. I feel so much better and my stamina is increasing every day. Love what you said about falling asleep before the end of the movie as opposed to passing out before the end. So much better isn't it? Keep up the good work. MWO is such a great place the support from all the folks here is just mind-blowing!!
          As for moderation, I think it would be really hard, harder that being AF. I personally was born without the turn-off switch.
          As for AA, I have never gone to a meeting because there are none near where I live but I have a good friend who belongs to AA and she has been AF for over 10 years. She still drops into the meetings regularly and even when she is traveling outside the USA she will find meetings in other countries and drop by when she is stressed.
          Again, congrats on such a great start,

          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

            Thanks Hartly and Stirly,

            I appreciate the support and give it right back to you. Good work.

            I haven't tried AA yet, I was quoting DoggyGirl in my last post at the top. I just am not sure what I need in my toolbox to get through this longterm; I'm open to try most anything that seems to work for some! The reason AA has come to mind is that one of those cause/effect things for me is isolation. I am sure I started drinking so heavily at least in part because I am alone a lot-work from home, kids are teens now, and are less needy in some ways-don't really have anyone to share this struggle with except MWO. And of course the more I drink, the more I jsut want to be alone to DO it. So I wonder if a meeting here and there would relieve some of those lonely feelings. We'll see, it will be a great experiment for me if I can get up the courage. I have never been a joiner, nor a group type of person, but as I said, I'm willing to open my mind to new ways, starting with NOT DRINKING, which is totally new!

            I've also gotten kind of intrigued by some of the comments on Nal and Bac. It's really interesting to learn about these drugs, and how people fare on them. We all have to find our way out. I just don't know what it will be for me, except ODAT, and working to change my habits, and trying to buck up confidence.

            Anyway, let's all have a good week and enjoy this festive season as much as we can. I am determined not to get up Christmas morning and have to put some wine in my coffee cup! This year it will be Dark Star coffee! My fave....

            Hugs to all of you. And hi, PPP!



              CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

              Hi CFW and WELL DONE!!

              I can really relate to what you have written. I was a 2 bottle a day girl and had started to occasionally drink when waking at night to get back to was definately time for me to sort myself out. The sleep is better, my relationships are better and so much of my anxiety has gone. I have toyed with going to AA but haven't yet gone to any meetings. Keep it up, you are doing really well.....

              Dora x


                CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                Hartley;774046 wrote: I know many in AA for whom it has been a lifesaver. Conversely, the fact I couldn't get it became a major issue for me. I've got no problem admitting what I am - I do have a problem accepting that my alcoholism is anything but my personal responsibility. I might have been genetically pre-disposed, but I didn't have to reach this stage. I created the problem and believe that it's in my hands to change it. Accepting this and not flailing around trying fervently to find a "higher power" has been a major factor in the strides I've made in the last few months.

                It bothers me that the outside world see AA as the only answer to our problem. That is simply not the case.
                I feel exactly the same way. I didn't have to reach this stage......but here I am.

