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CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

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    CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

    HI Everyone,

    Just wanted you all to know I have made it 14 days! I have not been posting much lately, so i wanted to say thank you to all of you. I do a lot of reading, and have benefitted greatly from that, but have been just exhausted! Too tired to do much except the very necessary things in life, like, oh, work full time and take care of two kids!

    But that will change, my plan is to post more and to keep AF for 30 days at least. I am feeling so much better physically-just tired, and evidently still in need of lots of deep, dream filled sleep, because I am dreaming like I never have before! (Last night I was at a party at Ronald Reagan's house and was looking for white wine-all he had was some scotch with wood chips floating in it!-god knows what THAT dream means!) Well, his maid did find some champagne, already opened, and old and flat....

    It was really hard to get through the withdrawals; I'm glad that's over. Emotionally I feel much more stable and way less anxious. This alone is worth going through whatever it takes to quit, or cut way way back. I am less irritable, have enough energy in the morning to run, and no longer feel completely doomed. Depressed at times, but not doomed.

    I was a two bottle a day drinker at best, and had escalated to drinking in the night to go back to sleep, and then in morning at times. If you ever see yourself doing that, take it from me, it's a big problem. I figured I could stop that behavior any old time, but it's really a sign of having crossed the line (in my mind) from a bad problem to an horrific one that must be dealt with immediately. I pretty much scared myself into stopping, because there was nothing in my future except more of the same.

    Enough rambling. I will post more frequently, and again, thank you all for sharing your stories, and for supporting me and each other.

    All the best for a wonderful rest of the weekend.


    CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

    Yay! Crazy, thats brilliant!
    Being sober is so much better isnt it?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

      Great stuff, well done Crazyfor. Keep up the good work, we love to hear good news.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!


        It IS so much better! I feel a little overwhelmed by all of the emotional work I need to do to keep this up; I used to be a very introspective, thoughtful, somewhat insightful person, but after MANY years of alcohol abuse, I feel like I have lost the ability to be that way! I read with admiration some of the posts from senior members who have fought the fight daily and gotten back in touch with themselves at the deepest level.

        I will give it a try, surely I am not completely changed from who I used to be?

        Anyway, thanks for your comment and all the best!



          CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

          crazyforwine;773936 wrote: HI Everyone,

          Just wanted you all to know I have made it 14 days! I have not been posting much lately, so i wanted to say thank you to all of you. I do a lot of reading, and have benefitted greatly from that, but have been just exhausted! Too tired to do much except the very necessary things in life, like, oh, work full time and take care of two kids!

          But that will change, my plan is to post more and to keep AF for 30 days at least. I am feeling so much better physically-just tired, and evidently still in need of lots of deep, dream filled sleep, because I am dreaming like I never have before! (Last night I was at a party at Ronald Reagan's house and was looking for white wine-all he had was some scotch with wood chips floating in it!-god knows what THAT dream means!) Well, his maid did find some champagne, already opened, and old and flat....

          It was really hard to get through the withdrawals; I'm glad that's over. Emotionally I feel much more stable and way less anxious. This alone is worth going through whatever it takes to quit, or cut way way back. I am less irritable, have enough energy in the morning to run, and no longer feel completely doomed. Depressed at times, but not doomed.

          I was a two bottle a day drinker at best, and had escalated to drinking in the night to go back to sleep, and then in morning at times. If you ever see yourself doing that, take it from me, it's a big problem. I figured I could stop that behavior any old time, but it's really a sign of having crossed the line (in my mind) from a bad problem to an horrific one that must be dealt with immediately. I pretty much scared myself into stopping, because there was nothing in my future except more of the same.

          Enough rambling. I will post more frequently, and again, thank you all for sharing your stories, and for supporting me and each other.

          All the best for a wonderful rest of the weekend.

          Bravo Bravo!

          I never really have suffered from that "drinking in the morning" thing as I'm a total insomniac so when I'm binging, I just carry on right round the clock, only pausing for the odd hour when I sort of pass out. Very unpleasant.

          Day 10 for me. So many supplements inside me I 'm rattling around like a fucking medicine cabinet.

          Keep on keeping on. All hail MWO and her subjects.
          "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


            CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

            Of course the old you will come back, given the right circumstances Crazy.
            I am still working on myself I dont think that ever stops, but although I have times when I dont like myself very much, that is becoming much less than it was.
            You will sooo enjoy seeing the changes over time I promise you :-)
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

              Hi Just wanted to tell you all that you are really my inspiriation!!!
              When I hear how good you are all feeing it encourages me to get there.
              Im a two bottle a night girl
              The thought of being 14 days AF sounds utterly wonderful.....
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                CFW - Keep it up - big congratulations on 2 weeks! It will get easier and you'll feel better and better as your body recovers. I felt like I had woken up after years - and your old self will come back. Keep it up - it is such a wonderful feeling to be alive again, because that's what it is. Wishing you the best! (I think you win the award for best AL related dream - it gave me a laugh!)

                Hartley - Congrats on 10 days AF - and please keep on rattling!

                Much love to you both! :h
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                  Thanks, Everyone!

                  I think the best thing about being AF right now is not having to struggle to keep it together, meaning, struggling hard simply to function and get the bare minimum done! I haven't had to make excuses for not doing this or that, not wanting to go out, to attend kid events at school, to shop for groceries...the simplest things become impossible when you are constantly hung over, bombed or desperate for a drink! And sometimes all three at the same time! A whole layer of stress is gone. Although I do worry about what will fill the void, it has to be better than that! We need to expect more from our lives...more joy.

                  Not that I'm not tired, and going to bed by 9 or 10 at night, and certainly don't feel joy (yet) but it feels like an "honest" tired, one that doesn't require an apology or guilt, and I'm hoping joy is ahead!

                  I know there will be lots of benefits down the road. Every day I notice something new; like today, I am not incredibly annoyed at hubby, who had the week off this week and was constantly under foot!

                  And I understand about the medicine chest rattling around! I have just taken prozac, a vitamin, calcium supp and a motrin. That alone makes me a little rattly!



                    CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                    Hi Crazy, Im on day 26 AF for the first time in 30 years. I feel like one of those circus performers, you know the ones they introduce, 'here's PPS attempting for the very first time.....'LOL, but it's true and man does it feel good. People are telling me how well I look. I must be honest and say I did have 2 champagnes last night, but shock, horror, only GLASSES, not BOTTLES!!!! GO GIRL!!!!! I'm doing all the supps, Topa, hypno's. Have been heaps crabby, but that is settling down now. My friend asked what am I gunna do when I hit the 30 days, get pissed? I said, do another 30. Startingover is right too, the old you will come back, I"m hoping I'm ready for that situation when it arises. I sure don't want to screw this opportunity.
                    Carry on Crazy, you're going fab
                    love Penelope
                    Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


                      CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                      chillgirl;773966 wrote: Hi Just wanted to tell you all that you are really my inspiriation!!!
                      When I hear how good you are all feeing it encourages me to get there.
                      Im a two bottle a night girl
                      The thought of being 14 days AF sounds utterly wonderful.....
                      I tell you what, love. If you can give up smoking, you can beat this tawdry little alcohol thing.
                      "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


                        CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                        Hi Crazy and CONGRATULATIONS on two weeks SOBER!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

                        You mention in your first post something about liking your AF self better, and wanting to quit or cut back. My own favorite booze drinks were wine or vodka. When drinking wine, I could easily polish off two bottles. So it sounds like our drinking patterns have something in common. My attempts to "cut back" were abysmal, miserable failures. And the scary part to me was after my first 60 day AF stint, it took me EIGHT MONTHS to find my way back to the AF wagon. I don't ever, ever want to experiment with that again. It's just too dangerous and miserable for me. Not saying your experience would be the same, but the odds are probably not in your favor.

                        So...if you feel great being AF (I know I do!!) and life is better for you being AF, really think hard about whether you really want to try drinking again.

                        2 cents and a bag of chips unsolicited...

                        All the best to you whatever direction you go.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!


                          I always relish your thoughts, thank you! My experience does mirror yours, my attempts at moderation have been insanely disastrous. I don't understand why, except to agree with the "no off switch" concept. I want to see how my world changes with some AF time under my belt; I have a feeling it will be difficult, but good.

                          I am toying with the idea of going to some AA meetings. I have some of the same objections that some people typically have; however, I think if it's a good group, and there is one very conveniently located for me, it could add some important support. I have lurked outside the church when they get out, and everyone looks so nice and so happy. I'm afraid on some level, but what do I have to lose? I'd also like to try meditation and pretty much anything else you all recommend.

                          DG, I love your posts, thank you for all the sharing you do. And to everyone else, have a great night and thank you, too. You are an inspiring bunch. We're in this together.

                          And I agree about the quitting smoking, Hartley, this should go just as well. I"ve never smoked, but from what I understand, it's really tough to stop. Good for you!

                          Thanks to all of you who responded, and all of you lurkers as well!

                          I am ready to have a little Melatonin and turn in!



                            CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!

                            Crazy, I can relate to your objections to AA and guess what they are. I'm guessing they are the ones I thought I had.... "its religious..." "it's for losers..." "I'm not that bad..." "it's OLD.." "it must not work if people are still going 20 years later...." (never mind that they have been SOBER 20 years...)

                            What I have come to realize is that my REAL and MAIN objection was that I knew AA was a program of abstinence that involved admitting the true level of my problem - I'm an alcohlic - and THAT is the part I REALLY objected to. Of course this may or may not be true for you or anyone else! I'm really enjoying the friends I have made there and I'm glad I finally went.

                            Nighty night - off to watch a movie with Mr. Doggy. I will likely fall asleep before the end, but at least I won't be passing out before the end!!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              CrazyforWine has 2 weeks!


                              A big congratulations to you on your 2 AF weeks!!!
                              It really is a good feeling, isn't it?

                              We started MWO around the same time if you remember. I can honestly tell you I never had the guts to try moderate wine days were over & I knew it! I'm happy I made the decision I did, have no regrets, whatsoever.

                              Cherish your AF time, it's the best thing you can do for yourself
                              Wishing you continued success!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

