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Do I have a problem?

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    Do I have a problem?

    :new: Hi everyone!

    I don't drink every day or every weekend. But I find it is hard to stop at one when I do drink. The first drink doesn't always taste so good, but the second one.....Hmmm....I live alone and sometimes give myself permission to have more than one beer (or glass of wine) because I'm not driving and heck, how much trouble can I get into all alone? But when I see 4 empty beer cans or an almost empty wine bottle, I think "uh oh"...

    Two Christmases ago, I had too much wine at my sister's house and said some things that made them worry about me (things like not being happy with my life, feeling like a failure, still angry at the past, etc). I was very embarrassed and really regretted it the next day...I was feeling overwhelmed with work, school and possibly moving....

    Some things have settled down since then, but my little sister just got married to a really nice, cute guy two months ago. I was her m.o.h. and it was a great wedding. I watched my drinking and didn't overdo it. Wanted to do a good job as her m.o.h. ...I have a big family (a few brothers are single) but I'm the only single sister now. No one is really putting pressure on me but I'm starting to feel skipped over, left out......(I'm over 40 - not a spring chicken and no prospects in sight - but I don't try that hard anyway)...

    Everyone in my family drinks (some more than others). My maternal grandpa (was from Ireland and had the curse)...I felt a strong urge to buy wine the other day but resisted....I worry I might give into temptation with the holidays approaching, seeing the happy "newlyweds", etc....

    :thanks: for listening. Peachy

    Do I have a problem?

    If you think you have a drink problem, you usually do I think. People without drink problems don't think about alcohol, they can take it or leave it.

    People around me wouldn't think I have a problem, but close friends and family know I do.

    I think if it's really worrying you and you think that life would be better without it, then give up (along with us!)

    I said to myself that I would give up for a year and if my life is still as cr*p as it is now, then I can go back and drink away! I have a strong feeling though that my life will be far from cr*p if I can stay sober.


      Do I have a problem?

      It sounds to me as if you are trying to numb your feelings. If the first drink doesn't taste too good, why pour it in the first place? If it's not for the enjoyment, then it's just to numb yourself by pouring the second and subsequent drinks.

      Yes, you have a problem. Don't let it become a huge problem like mine and so many others.

      Stay with us and post and read often. Sorry if I sound harsh. I don't mean to.

      By the way, you can get into a lot of trouble alone and drunk. What happens if you fall and injure yourself? Believe me, there are many stories on this site illustrating this danger.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        Do I have a problem?

        Thanks Ultrabunny. I think I do need to be careful.


          Do I have a problem?

          Good point. The first one can taste good - the second one goes down smoother....I don't want it to become a huge problem....


            Do I have a problem?

            Hi Peachy.
            Welcome to MWO. I agree 100% with U-Buns. If you think you have a problem - if you have alcohol on your mind a lot, (whether or not you allow yourself to indulge when you have the urge) , and you find it hard to stop at one drink, then you have a couple of hints here. Along with a few other issues from what I read in your post. My advice is to read the posts you will find here and no doubt you will find some inspiration to confront your problem face to face. This is a great bunch of people here at MWO. Always ready and willing to help someone who has trouble with alcohol, either to offer down-to-earth advice or just to listen to someone who has a lot to get off their chest.
            As for feeling "skipped over", some people meet their "partner" earlier in life, others later. Some earlier and it's a huge mistake, others later and it's just what they were waiting for. Time will tell. Kind of hard to deal with a lot of issues at once.
            Again, welcome to MWO. Keep reading, keep posting. We are all here to help each other out...
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Do I have a problem?

              Stirly again.
              Just read Pan-Icked's post. Good point about drinking while you're alone. You should take that into giant consideration.
              Pan - sometimes a little harshness is just what we need. And sometimes a downright slap in the face!! Not that Peachy needs it. I was more referring to myself.
              Be safe all...
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Do I have a problem?

                Thanks for the welcome Stirly.


                  Do I have a problem?

                  Hi Peachy - I think I am in the exact same situation as you. I exercise every day, watch what I eat, absolutely hate drugs (have never touched them and have no desire to start now - am 33 BTW)..I have no drug problem I never think about them, I would never take them, it's just not an issue, whereas drink is for me so as some of the other blogs suggest there could be a drinking problem because you and me and many others do think about it and in a worrying and negative light. I don't drink in the week (except on rare occasions) and not even every weekend but when I do drink I get plastered and the next day I am so hungover I can't move from bed and then the next few days I feel depressed and experience such negativity and low self-esteem. I am 100% responsible for my actions but my corporate environment makes it difficult not to get caught up in it all. So I think the only way forward is to not drink again or "practice" just having one or two and not going over that - probably best way is to drink a drink you don't actually like. I love wine but dislike all other drinks so every time I have successfully controlled myself was when I drank vodka and coke or beer!

                  I also think that we are all thinking about our drinking more as campaigns on tv and in every day communication are enlighting everyone on the dangers of drinking so maybe that is why you are thinking about it more...

                  I have found that it just does take practice going out without drinking as it can be a habit, for me it is a habit but I realise for some it's much more than that.

                  I would really like to be a non drinker I think my life will improve significantly...I just need to remember that next time I am out!


                    Do I have a problem?

                    :new::thanks:Hello everyone. It is six months since I visited this site last. I felt I wasn't doing very well, as had tried to give up and not succeeded. My consumption levels have gone up again lately and so I'd like to try again, starting today and hoping for an alchohol free X-mas. Perhaps I was too ambitious last time. I'm going to try doing just one post a day, and writing down the days that way. I identified with you Peachy as my drinking habits sound very similar to yours. Sparked by stress, probably By the way, I didn't get married until I was 40 - so there is hope!
                    greetings to all

