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    Date has been set

    I have set my date of quitting to be Jan 18th. Main reason fot it being so long away is because of Christmas and family commitments means it will be nearly impossible to avoid being around alcohol as family visiting and staying and they all like a drink. Main reason im giving up is to preserve my health and save money. Ive been drinking for too long with not many AF nights. (Hardly any) But I dont get trollied every night and try to limit myself. I have pretty bad anxiety probs and drinking seems to increase my anxiety levels to where I feel im having panic continuously until I have a couple to calm myself down (always wait till after work) or take anti anxiety meds. Im feeling confident about doing this and finding this site has really spurred me on.

    Rufus Dufuss:dog:

    Date has been set

    thats sounds like a plan .. just do your best thats all you can and enjoy the holidays .. stay safe and keep thinking positive
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Date has been set

      That Does seem pretty far off... What if you quit now & just see what happens when family is around. If you have some AF time in before... you may find you don't want to drink? Just a thought.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Date has been set

        Be careful not to go over the top this xmas Ruf. I have been getting through xmas and going to give up in Jan for years and years now. All I do is drink more cos I'm giving and 'I may as well make the most of it'


        I am 2 days AF and I am determined to have my first AF xmas. I know it will be tough, but I simply can't take another 2 weeks of making myself ill and trying to 'get through' just cos it's flipping xmas!

        I'm looking at xmas this year as a nice day (25th) but normal days for the rest of the time. No parties for me and I'm ignoring New Years Eve too. Sounds boring maybe... but what I'm doing here, giving up alcohol is going to change my whole life and make it better, so it's priority no.1

        Next year I will do the whole xmas/new year thing. Do you get what I'm trying to say?


          Date has been set

          Good morning to all.:wavin:
          First and foremost, congrats to U-Buns for being AF. Two days or two hundred, it's still the same challenge. You're off to a great start Buns. :goodjob:I'm sure you will really enjoy Christmas this year instead of being a side-liner seeing it all through a haze...

          RufusD :welcome: to MWO.
          You have landed in the right place to face your problem with alcohol. There are many here who are already AF (alcohol free) and others who have cut back their intake. And still others who have set goals to quit or monitor in the New Year. The group of wonderful people here at MWO are in this together. To support and encourage each other. All of us have a problem with alcohol and are trying to overcome it. Others try moderation, and others like myself, who can't stop once they start drinking, are going the AF route. To improve our health and our way of life. (and yes, we are definitely saving money.) We are all here for ourselves and each other.
          I have to agree with Sav, though. Why don't you give it a try over the next few days to see what it feels like to be AF even for just a couple of days. You've really got nothing to lose.
          Again, welcome aboard. Feel free to post what you want and ask as many questions as you wish.
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Date has been set

            Hi Rufus,

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
            If you haven't already, download & read th MWO book. It's full of good information. Also, take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan.
            I have to agree with the others - January 18 is a long time off, continuing your current drinking pattern may not be wise. You health & safety deserve should be your #1 priority - not holiday parties.

            Wishing you the very best on your journey!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Date has been set

              Rufus I know exactely what you mean. I am planning, actually definately, going into detox Jan 4th, and like you its because of the holidays and for many reasons, for one I dont want to be in detox on Christmas Eve, another is bills need to be paid by the first of Jan. I need to know there is oil in the furnace I need two rolls of quarters for phone calls (No cell phones allowed) 2 cartons of cigs etc. I just cant get up and leave for 5-7 days. I really wish I could.This has to be the worst time of the year to quit and its not all about holiday parties either but we all have extra things to take care of first.Otherwise the guilt of not tying up loose ends will sabotage your quit. I hate drinking as much as you do and cant wait to be a sober sleeper.As kate said to me in chat last night hang in there have patience and really watch yourself. DO NOT DRIVE DRUNK !!!!! I wish you all the best.Stay safe until the 18th

