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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday



    OK. I'm going to take the doggie for an AF walk. I'm tired of reading about everybody else going for an AF walk and how great it is. There is a national forest nearby. I have no excuses. Well, I'm sure I could come up with some, but that is simply unacceptable. We will both feel great about it. Besides I need to sort out some emotional stuff. So I'll be back to see how everybody is doing.

    Are you following the water thread? If not, take a peek.

    Go for the 0!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT Thursday

    Hello Greenie (and ODATers to come!).. Walking in National Forest with your dog sounds like a great way to start the day. I think I'll go to SPCA later to walk doggies!

    Dare I say... Day 6?? I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I write this as much for myself as for others thinking about jumping off that cliff into AFness.

    It DOES get better! Nooo, you don't suddenly meet your soul-mate, get a raise, win the lottery, etc. - Your world stays pretty much the same (at least at the beginning)... BUT because you're suddenly not suffering the physical and emotional consequences of over-drinking, your mind has Room to experience good things approaching Happiness & Joy!

    That half part of your brain that has been swarming with feelings of guilt, shame resulting in lowered self-esteem (which affects a LOT of your life) are suddenly lessened. Problems don't go away, but they are not as overwhelming, and you feel you can Possibly deal with them, vs. feeling hopeless...

    This is also due to having more Time. And it's hard to feel bad ALL the time when you eliminate that part that was reserved for drinking and the aftermath of guilt/shame! So you have Time to let those good thoughts creep in.

    OK, I am pretty upbeat. And I am amazed at this (in general), but specifically because I experienced the Date from Hell last night!! Instead of lamenting about it, I'm rather amused by it.

    PS - what and where is the Water Thread??
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT Thursday

      A walk of any kind is an uplift to any day. But for us ODATers, it gives us a chance to reflect on what is good with our us and our missions. At least for me.



        ODAT Thursday

        Happy Thursday all. I walk every day. Not very far. But it's one of the tools my therapist gave me. The idea is that while I walk I'm free from all my daily tasks, and I am to breath deeply and enjoy the sights, sounds, smell and feel of the world around me. To think about what I would have thought of as a child, and without any judgement or worries.

        My holiday season is under way. Charity party tonight, office party tomorrow, two parties at my house on the weekend (one for friends and another for neighborbood). By Monday I'll need a break from Christmas cheer. I'm looking forward to lots of sparkling af drinks.

        Have a great day all, and I hope everone can move closer to their goals today.


          ODAT Thursday

          Hi everyone - it is about 4:00 pm here in the East and I just got out of bed....but NOT FROM BEING HUNGOVER!! I am actually really sick, but if you can believe this, I am still so happy I am on day 4 AF that I am happy to deal with a cold! Slight fever, chills, sore throat, but not self induced. Maybe my body is protesting not having any wine! Anyway, great to be AF and I know that I will feel better tomorrow. Hope everyone is good. Hugs to all!
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            ODAT Thursday

            I am not so hopeful. We'd have heard about it long before now.Plus, I would probably have had to pay for a computer upgrade.
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