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Some reasons why Day 7 is awesome

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    Some reasons why Day 7 is awesome

    I've been a member here for only 5 days, but pledged moderation to myself a week ago. My previous habits included twice-weekly or more binges if not to the point of blackout then definitely to the point of stupidity and hangover! What finally motivated me to get to a moderation place with alcohol was finding this website and forum. I never knew there was a place like this for advice and support and just generally knowing there was a community of people just like me.

    To help with the transition of habits I'm taking kudzu and L-Glutamine and drinking lots and LOTS of fizzy water. I've found the supplements help a LOT, which feels very mysterious to me. Perhaps it is the supplements, but perhaps also it is this newfound motivation.

    I wanted to list some of the reasons why it feels good to not have a system full of alcohol - things i've noticed in myself over the past week. For my reference and maybe it will help someone else just starting out.

    1. I wake up clear-headed, unregretful, and feeling well in the morning.

    2. My skin is clearer, my eyes brighter, my smile and laugh freer.

    3. My rings and clothing fit better - all that water and herbal tea is just flushing me right out! OK so I get up twice a night to pee....

    4. Again with the bathroom tmi, but much more regular and balanced bowels!!

    5. I remember everything clearly, my brain function in general is much improved.

    6. I feel I have reclaimed a lot of *time* in my day. I've found a couple of hours each day, maybe more, that I would generally lose to booze.

    7. Food tastes better.

    8. The absence of that tight, achy feeling in my belly that I had always attributed to making my liver work overtime.

    9. I sleep much better, deeper, longer.

    10. I have a sense of control over my self and my life that I had forgotten how to use.

    If you have anything to add I'd be pleased to hear about it!

    Thanks again for being here. :h

    Some reasons why Day 7 is awesome

    hi :goodjob: on you AF time.
    I think I STARTED each drinking session with "the point of stupidity ",but thats just me.
    Gratz again and keep up the good work.
    AF since 10/26/2009

    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


      Some reasons why Day 7 is awesome

      Welcome, avamu, and congratulations on 7 days AF! I wish you much success on whatever route you plan to ultimately take - you sound like you are doing great with your supplements, plan, and enjoying the benefits! Keep up the good work!
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009

