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Thanks for the Chat

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    Thanks for the Chat

    Hi Guys i'm a newbie to the site . Just wanted to thank the guys in the chat room last night for their help and support. Was having a tapered detox and woke up after a half hour of sleep disorientated, with sweats and a totally racing heart.

    I didn't want to visit the Doctors again for more pills as i was only there a couple of weeks ago for the librium. But Hey Ho you know how it goes. Just have a wee going away party before the Antabuse . Which spirals totally out of control.

    I was too fond of drink in my Teens and it gradually spiralled out of control in my 30's. Have had Detox half a dozen times Go on the waggon for a while then start drinking ( sensilby ish ) at first but the pattern repeats.
    Swapped drinking for excercise Had a year off in 2008 and got complacent.

    I've been looking round the forum and can see i've got good company.

    This monstrous beast needs to get starved of it's fuel.
    I'm liking the look of the proram. How do people in the UK deal with the meds ?
    I'm hoping to properly deal with my alcohol addiction and put myself out of my self inflicted misery.

    Thanks for the Chat

    Charlie Boy;777873 wrote: Hi Guys i'm a newbie to the site . Just wanted to thank the guys in the chat room last night for their help and support. Was having a tapered detox and woke up after a half hour of sleep disorientated, with sweats and a totally racing heart.

    I didn't want to visit the Doctors again for more pills as i was only there a couple of weeks ago for the librium. But Hey Ho you know how it goes. Just have a wee going away party before the Antabuse . Which spirals totally out of control.

    I was too fond of drink in my Teens and it gradually spiralled out of control in my 30's. Have had Detox half a dozen times Go on the waggon for a while then start drinking ( sensilby ish ) at first but the pattern repeats.
    Swapped drinking for excercise Had a year off in 2008 and got complacent.

    I've been looking round the forum and can see i've got good company.

    This monstrous beast needs to get starved of it's fuel.
    I'm liking the look of the proram. How do people in the UK deal with the meds ?
    I'm hoping to properly deal with my alcohol addiction and put myself out of my self inflicted misery.
    Well you could be me, mate. It's amazing how everybody's story is different but exactly the same. And make yourself at home here - there's some good and sensible people around who really do walk the walk.

    I've found the supplements very useful. First time I've tried them but the L-Glut and the Kudsu definitely remove a lot of the physical craving. The mental bit's another game entirely. There's no magic pills but the combination therapy of taking as much as you can from different sources seems to be having a marked effect on me this time.

    Plus I'm finally ready for it. I'm not 90,95, or 99% ready. I'm the full 100% committed and I know from ditching drugs in the past that you've got to be 100% or that beast will find a way back in.

    All the best to you and I'm presuming you're a bit snowed in the now......
    "It's a scientific fact that if you stay in California you lose one point of your IQ every year."


      Thanks for the Chat

      Hi Charlie,
      I am in the US, not UK/Scotland (thought would love to visit) but I wanted to say welcome to MWO. I have been around here for a very long time, and there are many wonderful people here, some of whom I consider my best of friends.

      Keep reading the posts, and post often. Only if to say hi. You'll get a groove.

      Best to you and happy holidays.


        Thanks for the Chat

        Hi Charlie Boy
        Im new here too. Im originally from Scotland but now living in Portugal.
        Wishing you the very best with killing this nasty monster,
        hopefully we can all do it together with the great support on this site.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Thanks for the Chat

          just like to say hi charlieboy,This is a great community with lots of great people who will give you non judgemental support and advice,read as many posts and threads as you can as that will also show you that you are not alone in fighting this monster,hope to see you around.odaat

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Thanks for the Chat

            Hello again Charlie, I am so glad you decided to post. This place and the people here are truly life savers.
            Can anyone answer the question re meds?
            If not you might try looking in the meds section. Sorry I cant be of more help in that regard.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Thanks for the Chat

              Thanks Folks for your messages of support - It's good to know you are out there and on here.
              Have managed to tolerate the shaky Paranoid scardy withdrawal feelings without havimg a leveller -or a heart attack . So when i get through today i should have one foot on the road. two more days and i can take the Antabuse.
              Have ordered the book and the Herbal vitamin stuff.
              Well Hartley not so much snow as freezing slush - Hellova ride to work this morning in more ways than one.


                Thanks for the Chat

                :welcome: Charlie,

                Just thought I'd pop in to say hello and welcome from just over the border in England.

                Great you've bought the book, etc.

                Wishing you all the luck in the world.

                J x
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Thanks for the Chat

                  Hey charlie: have a great day and it was a pleasure to meet you in chat last night!!!..hang in there...
                  And by the way we have snow warning here I have already shoveled a foot and it is still comming...beautiful....
                  :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                    Thanks for the Chat

                    Hi Charlie Boy. I am new to this as of this morning - knowing that this insanity must end as i am committing a slow suicide and feel like shit most of the time, unless i'm drinking and then the next day is hell. i've brought so much misery into my life and the lives of others. my shame is huge.


                      Thanks for the Chat

                      Hey Prom Night , I know exactly where you're coming from I do the same. What kind of place are you at right now ?


                        Thanks for the Chat

                        Hi and welcome to both Charlie Boy and Prom night
                        Prom, in reference to your post there are two sayings - one I heard that says an alcoholic who doesn't stop drinking is committing suicide one day at a time. The second is my own saying that an alcoholic who doesn't stop drinking is a murderer who murders slowly one drink at a time, and the victim is his/her ownself. Suicide, murder, the end result is the same. The longer we drink, the closer we are to losing our lives to the bottle.
                        To both of you my wish is that you find the help you need to turn things around and start living healthier lives. You have come to a good place to get help. No one judges, no one criticizes. We are all in this together to help and support both ourselves and others. Again, welcome to you both. We will be following your posts and hoping for the best.
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Thanks for the Chat

                          Hi Guys the mist is parting think the worst of the withdrawals is behind me - question is there going to be any sleep ?


                            Thanks for the Chat

                            hi charlie boy, welcome to the site
                            Keep posting/reading and it will help. good work on the first few days, they are the pits but the sleep thing seems to sort it self out for most. there are some gr8 theads on natural stuff to hlp with sleep.

                            Good job!
                            AF since 10/26/2009

                            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                              Thanks for the Chat

                              Charlie Boy;778092 wrote: Hey Prom Night , I know exactly where you're coming from I do the same. What kind of place are you at right now ?
                              oh, and lookit you! offering a hand to others so soon, you will be a rock in here in time!!!
                              AF since 10/26/2009

                              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014

