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What is the full package to get started?

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    What is the full package to get started?

    Hi there

    Charlie from London, reeling after another binge.

    Tried AA and am a serial relapser. Can moderate in certain situations but then the demon comes and off i go on a heavy night which usually leads to a few days drinking and a horrendous recovery period.

    My goal is moderation, I do feel I can do it and it sounds like that is a viable option. I would at least like to try it and then can go for AF if it doesn't work out.

    Was planning a January abstinence followed by planning to drink moderately.

    Please advise the full package i need(supplements, reading materials, hypnosis) so that I can give myself the best chance at this. I have struggles with AA and hate the meetings - they make me want to drink!

    Is moderation a viable goal? Has anyone successfully gone from chronic bingeing to moderation?

    I hope to hear from you

    Many Thanks

    I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.

    What is the full package to get started?

    Hello Charlie and welcome!

    A great plan is laid out in the book. Why don't you download that and give it a read first. Then you can decide on the supplements and CDs. People here have mixed thoughts on the CDs, but I think all agree that supplements are necessary. One other thing is that the Kudzu from this site is viewed as superior to others. L-glutamine is effective in dealing with cravings and can be purchased in bulk in the "body-building" section of many stores.

    Reading posts here and making your own posts will be very helpful as you will find many people who have similar issues and everyone is willing to offer support.

    Good luck in your journey!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      What is the full package to get started?

      Hi Charlie

      AA has exactly the same effect on me. I sit in there, dont really say anything and cant even bring myself to read when its my turn. I get depressed while im there and think more about having a beer than usual but on here I have found that you can express you true feelings and not be ashamed. Just reading peoples stories and them relating to your own makes you not feel so alone in your struggle.

      Im not sure about the moderation. Its not something I can do, buy 4 beers on the way home but then get fed up when there gone, so the next time I buy 8 so i dont run out before bed. When out im always the last one drinking and then the following morning im that anxious about what I have said or done I want a drink to forget it.

      If you feel that you can achieve moderate drinking then I take my hat off to you!! Go for it!!! You can get all the support you need on here and help from so many people that are successful in that.

      Im not sure yet about supplements etc as im only at the very beginning myself, keep in touch and let me know what you discover

      Speak Soon



        What is the full package to get started?


        Thanks for the replies.....i have this mad obsession with becoming a moderate drinker....i know i'm happiest when i am able to enjoy a few drinks. Feel very alienated and uncomfortable around drinking friends when AF, generally just feel uncomfortable, worried about what chicks are gonna think, how i'm gonna have fun. I'm a gigging muso too so its a hard world to stay sober in. Nothing like a beer to ease off the tension before i start jumping around the stage! Wd so like to achieve my goals of clever drinking with no negative consequences. But sh*t, isn't that everyones ideal! Seems to be mixed reports on its achievability......i guess one has to try their very best with all the resources at hand and then if it goes tits up, at least u can have final final final acceptance. Besides, I reckon once you get thorugh that first year, its probably great being sober. Even if parties and weddings are a bloody white knuckle ride.......
        This 'disease' is a bittch.....drags you into hell regularly and then starts telling you you're ok to moderate....evil! But hey, with all these supplements and a clear plan...who knows. I'm the kinda fool who needs to try absolutely everything before i finally take the AF plunge.

        I'd rather have a missing arm than this bloody

        Actually, I take that back...playing guitar with one arm? not effective

        All best X Charlie

        All the best everyone

        I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


          What is the full package to get started?

          We're Twins

          Hey Man - We are Twins ! Same Handle - Same issues.
          Well Charlieboy don't know how long you have had to wrestle this demon - But All i can say is ever since i started drinking i liked it too much and always got into messy situations.
          Eventually after years of constant drinking i had a massive panic attack and was taken to hospital. They gave me pills ( Librium ) and kept me in for obs overnight. Next Da some Doc says to me '' well what do you expext from drinking too much ? "
          I didn't even know that was what had caused it !!!!!!!!!!!! That was 12 years ago
          I had home detox some chat with a councellor and stopped for a period - after some time i think i can be a moderate -

          In the past when i've stopped i've never really dealt with all my underlying issues - just ecercise like a maniac -so that the beast slumbers - Then when i take my focus off and decide to try big Al as a moderate it always subtly accelerates until i'm going on benders drinking all day and generaly F*king up my lfe.
          Worst of all i work in a licensed premises so Big Al ia always here.

          I've had detox and hospital visits 7 times now over the years -

          Can i be moderate ? Can You ?

          Everybody here want's to help Get sober and give yourself some time - Have a plan
          Well will keep in touch

