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    Greetings everyone! I stumbled on this site last week and what a godsend it is! Have known I've had a problem with alcohol for quite awhile, though have rationalized that since my "day-to-day functioning" isn't impaired, I'm okay...NOT TRUE! I'm an RN and I know better! Spontaneously climbed on the wagon 14 days ago, just to "see if I can do it". Have thought about this for weeks. My plan is to be abstinent for two months, and then see how it goes. I'd love to be able to drink moderately and have ordered the book and CDs. So far so good... haven't had any white knuckle episodes so far. My husband continues to drink at home and surprisingly I've not felt tempted.
    It's great to be here,


    Welcome Kayjay!!! I am glad you found this site, and I am impressed how easy it has been for you to abstain. Must be the right timing in your life. Keep posting and reading and you will see we are all pretty much cut from the same cloth. This is a good place!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me




      Thanks Lush, for the encouragement. I too, am surprised it hasn't been tougher not drinking, but I take NOTHING for granted. The first time I found this community forum I was amazed how similar our stories are. I thought I was the Lone Ranger; the only person drinking way too much (in secret) and denying I had a problem.
      More later,



        Hi Kayjay,

        I found this site in June. After many years of drinking everyday, at any time, I decided I needed to stop. The plan was to go without as long as I could. A couple of weeks or months, maybe longer. Since August 13th I haven't had a drink. I really didn't think I could ever stop. To my surprise I've only had a couple of hard days, and in the big scheme of life they weren't all that bad. I wake up feeling happy and in control, something I haven't felt in years. Good Luck to you!




          Hi Sola


          I also enjoy waking up in the morning without: a hangover, a headache, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, guilt, remorse, self-hatred, palpitations, cotton mouth, etc., etc.

          I am so much more productive now: instead of pouring myself a big glass of red wine (the first of MANY!!!) when I arrive home from work, I actually am able to busy myself with tasks I want to accomplish. It's amazingly satisfying.

          My plan is to attempt moderate drinking after 2 months, primarily because I have this voice in the back of my head telling me that I want to enjoy the Holidays, and how can I possibly do that without alcohol?! Perhaps I'll try what you've done and go as long as I can without drinking. I would like to limit my intake (no daily drinking, only one or two drinks on two or three days a week). Don't know if I have that much self-discipline.

          Thanks for your thoughts,






            I think you nailed every awful feeling that we have after a night of drinking to much.

            I'm hoping that at some point I will be able to moderate my drinking as well. I want to enjoy drinking as I once did and not just swallow wine(or whatever) glass after glass. I know what you mean about the holidays. I've not been out and about all that much since Ive been drinking tea:H I'm going away next week but won't be around any drinking kind...........hope that doesn't make me want to drink.

            Take care,



              Tea is my new "beverage of choice"

              Hi SOLA-
              It's taken me awhile to get back on here. Though I'm generally a very self-confident person, I'm somewhat shy here and posting doesn't come easily: it's so strange seeing my postings "in print", but it's truly a wonderful feeling to have them responded to...thank you.
              Tea has become my beverage of choice since cutting out the alcohol 19 days ago. My favorite is Crystal Light ice tea with fresh mint sprigs. Not too exciting, but it tastes good and quenches my thirst. I often think that's part of my problem; I'm a thirsty person and seem to gulp whatever beverage (alcoholic or not) that is in front of me. Would like to sip instead.
              My true wake up call to my alcohol abuse came a few months ago when we started having really good tequila in the house and I would have "fun" with compulsively drinking shots, "just to see how it would effect me". What was I thinking?!? I would take "shots" anytime of day, while doing my daily chores around the house. I always did it in private, realizing that my husband would have a conniption (sp?) if he saw what I was doing. Eventually I would pass out, though I rationalized I was "taking a nap". The intervening blackouts became a problem, especialy when friends would mention important phone conversations with me that I had absolutely no recollection of. I couldn't figure out how to gracefully ask people to refresh my memory of our 20 minute conversation yesterday!
              So here I am, determined to clean up my act with respect to drinking. My goal is still 2 months abstinence with a return to only modrate drinking. Seems like a daunting goal, but I really want to try.
              I know I've been rambling...thanks for reading.
              I am so impressed by the common experiences of folks on this site, and especialy the outgoing support!
              Hope all is well with you,



                Kayjay, that's very inspiring. I am brand new here and am working on it too. Sadly, I am writing this with a hangover. But I have a big test Monday afternoon and I have to stay "in control" and not drink until after that. I want my head working at top speed that day.

