Jannock is an archaic word in use in the early 1800's Lav - I don't really think we should use it I just threw it in cos I thought it was interesting.
We want a word that invites people to join us and people won't know what that means so scratch it from the choices!!
I've had a bit of an epiphany today - you know I've had this horrid bug that's given me a bad stomach, nausea, etc etc - well I've been lounging around today feeling sorry for myself and it dawned on me that I feel like I have a hangover (even tho I don't) and that caused me to think of the millions of time AL has made me feel like this and that in turn has made me even more determined to put it behind me.
I would not wish this bug on anyone - I have had 2 wasted days because I feel so rough - yet in the past I have felt like this and its been self inflicted - daft or what?????
Anyway its made me realise that being AF is the only way to go, no more toes in the water - I'm committing to staying AF from now on. I can't wait for this bug to go so that I feel normal again and I sure as heck aren't inflicting this discomfort on myself again!
Have a good rest of Monday folks - we're all jannocks here!

love Sooty