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I can't drink again
I can't drink again
I made a decision today to stop drinking. I've stopped in the past but every time something bad happened in my life I would return to the drink. I am not a happy drunk. In fact I'm downright horrid apparently. My husband finally had enough and left me. That should have been enough to stop me drinking, but no, I had to go and do it again to the point of yet another blackout. My husband had decided to give us another go, but now I've let him down by drinking again, I don't think he will ever forgive me. So, enough is enough. This is the first day of not drinking. Never again. The trouble is each time I stop it makes it harder the next time for some reason. The longest I lasted was 11 weeks. Since then I've only managed a couple of weeks at a time.Tags: None
I can't drink again
Hi Neveragain.
I can tell you there is hope, so give yourself another chance. I too tried to get control of my drinking many times before finding some real help here. The MWO book, the supplements and hypnotic cds helped me, and have helped many others. It is for real - and so are all the good people here. No judgements or attitudes; just people who care. We've all been there.
There is a lot of good info in the many forums here - it's a good idea to download the book from the main page and spend some time reading through the various threads that interest you.
Welcome, and stay a while.
Take care!
twNobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -
I can't drink again
Hi Neveragain
Im back on day 2 AGAIN.....never stop trying to give up, there is always hope, this time I really want to do it, I have gone A/F twice in the past and then thought I could mod. but Modding is'nt for me as I always go back to how I was.
There is a thread in the discustion forum called the next day thread and although anyone joins in but it is for people who live this side of the world in a different time zone, and they always have so much fun on that thread, you should check it out
Take Care Hon
Love Ronnie:dancin:enguin:
starting over
I can't drink again
Never, white-knuckling sobriety was impossible for me to pull off for any amount of time, because eventually my problems resurfaced and the only way that I had to deal with them was with alcohol. I not only had to stop drinking - I had to change my outlook on life and they way that I dealt with it.
That was by far THE hardest concept that I had to deal with, because I had to admit to myself the true nature of my drinking (after seven years I still told myself I could stop if I really wanted to). It certainly wasn't life-transforming overnight, but slowly and surely I managed to forgive myself for all the crap in my past AND stop worrying about the future so much (cause my brain LOVED to do that). That's when I truly felt like I had control over my drinking.
Best of luck to you in this journey, and just remember that you can do this!Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
I can't drink again
Welcome Never,
First and foremost, 11 weeks is a great achievement....remember how you did it? Do the same again, but better. If your husband sees real improvement, things may work out for the two of you. Make sobriety your main goal and other parts of your life will improve too.
Best wishes - as AAthlete said.... you can do this!Amelia
Sober since 30/06/10
I can't drink again
Never: I can't count the number of times I said "never again." I came to MWO in 2007, & that experience opened my eyes to my abusive drinking. I had plenty of relapses throught the 2.5 years I've been here. In Feb. 09, I had a horrendous experience that pushed me to join AA. I've been sober 9 months & couldn't be happier. I use both AA & MWO as a way to stay sober. The first few months were quite difficult, but I can feel the obsession leaving me on a daily basis. It might help to visit the 30 day abs forum, particularly the daily thread & the AA weekly thread. They are both full of hope. There are countless stories of lives being restored. Good luck! MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
I can't drink again
welcome never,if you did 11 weeks you can at least do that again,you need to do this for yourself,come here everyday the people here are very supportive and have been there and worn the tshirt,its a great place to learn about yourself and your addiction,goodluck
I can't drink again
I Still can't bring myself to say... NEVER. Even though I know I should accept that.
For me, I'm AF now (and for the past 17 days)... I think the way I'm looking at it is that I'm Curious to see how I will feel different after a Long period of time AF.
The longest I've gone is maybe 40 days... I've heard some people here say that things kept changing for the better even after a year.
I want my life to be better - and I know drinking only makes things worse! Simple, huh?Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin
I can't drink again
I've stopped more times than I can count...even went a couple of months once and then got a cold, used some nighttime cold medicine and was soon drinking again. I remember I was travelling at the time, got to the airport and decided to order a couple of shots of tequiela which was my drink of choice. Unfortunately, as I lifted it to my mouth my thought was "hello old friend."...what a stupid thought to opened up the flood gates.
I have stopped a couple of other times after that but only for a week or two at a time. I tried many things...supplements, topa, etc...but just couldn't get the results I wanted. The topa worked for me for awhile...I tapered and then it just stopped working...that is for ME...I know there are many members who have had great results with it. I think my problem was I purchased it from an online pharmacy which sent product from India...the first shipment seemed effective but the second was a different brand and just wasn't as effective.
So...where does that leave me. I've come to the point where I hate drinking, and I hate what it has done to me. It is time to stop once and for all. Tomorrow, with the new year I being tapering. I think one of my problems in the past is that I've just gone cold turkey and it was difficult...kind of put my body into shock...I've made lame attempts at tapering before...saying I'm "cutting back" with the intent of not really stopping completely. I'm developing a plan now...a tapering plan to get off the juice all together. I'm just fed is time to stop! I hate what this stuff has done to me and my family.:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:
I can't drink again
I've never post anything before just yesterday. your situation sound just like mine you are not alone. I've quit in the past then a problem come up and I want to escape by grabbing a drink. My wife was going to leave but decided to stay I've been sober 6 days now I can't get past the shakes yet or the anxiety. Don't give up hope and go to that monster for answers your better than that.
I can't drink again
dirtdanny29;782789 wrote: I've never post anything before just yesterday. your situation sound just like mine you are not alone. I've quit in the past then a problem come up and I want to escape by grabbing a drink. My wife was going to leave but decided to stay I've been sober 6 days now I can't get past the shakes yet or the anxiety. Don't give up hope and go to that monster for answers your better than that.:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer: