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When many people think of the effects of alcohol, they think about the physical effects alcohol has on the body, such as liver damage. But there are many psychological effects of alcohol on the body that you may not have thought of. In many cases, the psychological effects of alcohol are much more damaging and painful to you than the effects that you already know about. Here's a look at some of the psychological effects ofalcohol on your body: Depression Alcohol is a depressant. This means that once it begins circulating in the system,it will decrease the activity within the nervous system ofyour brain. For this reason as you drink alcohol... ...you may notice that you start to have more feelings of depression or become entrenched in a depression as a result of the drinking. Many make the mistake of thinking they can 'drown theirsorrows' by drinking more, and make the feelings of sadness and uselessness go away. If this describes you, what you don't realize is you are just making the situation worse and causing your depression to become deeper and last longer. Anxiety: If you are like a lot of people, as you consume large amounts of alcohol you will become stressed from the impact of the drug. While you may find the buzz from the alcohol enjoyable for awhile, it will give way to a series of stresses on your system that will manifest psychologically. From a general feeling of discontent to restlessness,nightmares and even overwhelming fear... ...there are a number of feelings of anxiety that can come of your alcohol usage. Personality Changes: Have you noticed your family members are treating you differently? It may be because you have changed in how you interactwith them. Alcohol can make massive personality that you may not evensee. Once you become intoxicated, what were your usual personality traits may change dramatically. You may become selfish, egotistical or even angry about yourl ife and everything in it. Aggression and mood swings are some of the most common traits. These changes are brought on by the alcohol's effect on serotonin in your body. Serotonin is a chemical in your body that transmits signals relating to mood to your brain. When its job is weakened by alcohol, moods and emotions can get out of control. Another common personality change brought on by alcohol is adeterioration of morals. As alcohol affects the body, it acts to slow the responses of the synapses in the brain. This slowing down of the brain's circuitry decreases thinking and reasoning. For this reason, when you are intoxicated, you may be willing to do and say things you would not usually do or say if you were thinking clearly. Obsession: Once you become dependent on alcohol (whether you realize it or not)... ...you will start to become obsessed with drinking. While many think a few drinks are not dangerous, to someonewho is alcohol dependent or becoming alcohol dependent,there is no difference between getting those next few drinks, and a drug addict who is looking fortheir next hit. Your obsession can lead to a loss of other interests in your life and a focus only on how you are going to get another drink, while all along denying there is a problem with your desire for alcohol. Generally, you will not realize you are being pulled in toan obsession until it is too late. Denial: Just as you would expect in any other type ofaddict, those who drink a lot of alcohol go through a number of denial issues. If you have heard from those who you love that you may be drinking too much, you really should listen to them. Often, you will not even notice you are becoming more andmore intoxicated on a regular basis, because you are too close to the problem. Alcohol dependency is a progressive illness... ...and you may not be able to see what it is doing to you in the same way someone else can. Just like any other disease, alcohol dependency is a progressive disease. The longer and more you drink, the more pronounced the effects will be on your system. Additionally, these psychological effects of alcohol are not just felt while you are drinking, or the morning after. They can continue for a number of days or weeks after you have consumed the alcohol, so people log in here daily and share your thoughts and feelings,we have been there and we can help.
:congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:
Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.Tags: None
Good stuff Mario.
Alcohol dependency is progressive, and in my experience, get's more difficult to get back on track again, each time we stop start stop start etc. Particularly if we are problem drinker's, if we go back to drinking after we have stopped for a period, it is often more and more difficult to come back. Some people don't.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Mario, thank you so much for this post.
I was always the party girl, loved being out knocking back the drinks and binged every weekend in my 20's. By the time I go to my 30's I was also now drinking at home every night with my husband. The alcohol trap had a firm grip on me and was dragging me down faster and faster. When ever I had the the thought that maybe I had a problem the voice would say "nah, you just enjoy a drink like everone else."
My husbands drinking became heavier when we came to Portugal and he spiralled downwards, sadly our 15 year marriage didnt survive this.
Now in my 40's i was drinking every night either out in bars or at home on my own.
I could see the psycholigical impact on me and how it rendered me unable to cope with moving in any proper direction with my life. But of course I continued to deny it.
The depression following heavy bouts was awful but as you say a few more drinks and it blocks it out again for another day. Anyway this year my drinking got far worse than ever before and I had doubled the nightly intake. I soon realized that the party girl was gone, i prefered to be home drinking alone at my own pace, hiding away from the world.
Then in the last few months I started to get huge waves of anxiety when ever I had to go out socially. I no longer wanted to paint on the smiling face and pretend everything was ok. So I started withdrawing from my friends which in turn made me more depressed.
One night earlier this month after a real heavy few days I was very low and my brain was racing about how to get out of this spiral. I googled something about alcohol and ended up here..!
Im not AF yet but have made huge progress and i am feeling strong as I approach the end of this year. My quit date is 31st Dec and I am so very much looking forward to the rest of my life.......
Thank you for all the support that you give to this site
:thanks:"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
hi chillgirl, my total cut off date is the 31st too, shall we try to support each other in this? my story is fairly similar, much prefer drinking alone now as i do my own thing, good luck, i will be in chat off and on today maybe meet up there? Tawnywitch.Twitch
Thanks Mario, its great to have this sort of information out there especially at this time of year when things can be tough anyway.
My spiral down took years but surely and steadily it happened along with the crippling depression that accompanies any addiction.
Mr G is right, it gets harder each time to bring yourself back.
Chilli, its wonderful to hear that you are on your way to a better life. Being sober really and truly is the only way to live. All the very best to you.Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Mario, thank you for taking the time to write. I identify with everything you say and with Chillgirl and Tawnywitch. I've been here for a couple of weeks and drinking on and off. I feel more resolved about stopping than ever before and will be hanging out here as much as I can. Drinking is not fun any more, its horrible. Knowing that the depression and anxiety are part of it and will go eventually helps a lot. I'm doing hour by hour as I think things through. This has to be the real turning point for me.
P.S. My alcohol related depression and anxiety, which was bad enough, without having that going on when not drinking, lifted a few day's after stopping drinking. They lifted TOTALLY.
Best wishes all. Go for it!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-