Day 18. The 1st will be beginning of week 3. After 30 days, I'll start counting in Months. OK, I'm feeling optimistic this morning!!
Hey - I have a question: Since we have to take off shoes in airport security due to the shoe bomber... now that we have an Underwear bomber, does this mean...???
Molly - I read your post on ODAT from yesterday, but wanted to comment here to get this thread started. But I know Exactly what you mean about feeling like you have a Better personality, more funny, etc. when drinking. Something I wrestled with...
IF we could stop at that Exact point of being a little bubbly EVERY time we drank (on a rare occasion) - welll, that would be the Perfect world. I guess I decided that I don't feel like risking being the OPPOSITE of the girl with good personality... the one who is an Idiot ! Who says things she doesn't mean and half the time doesn't even remember what she said.
I'm thinking that our real personalities have been overshadowed by that boisterous one. As we get stronger, that one will revive and be able to be "the life of the party"... AF!
And, you know, we often think we're so cute & funny when drinking... when if we played it back sober the next day, we'd often think - not so much.
Hope all have a great Tuesday!
PS - I chose that new avatar due to the "Carpe Diem" -- but it's SO small, you can barely see it.
