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haven't posted since May can guess why!

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    haven't posted since May can guess why!


    It's a been a long time talking to you guys...I was regular, long term member and now I see it's been 19 months since I last posted. Thats because i fell off the wagon after 4 months of abstinence. I started moderating with just a glass at weekends, but my weekends started to begin on Thursdays, then Wednesdays and now Tuesdays!! Moderating doesn't work for me...i need to start again from scratch... my drinking has slowly but surely crept up to the levels it was at before I discovered MWO. It worked for me back then and it will do again....
    Thanks for listening.
    Jane :heart:

    haven't posted since May can guess why!

    Hello Jane, welcome back and nice to see you here. Good for you on the positve attitude, you can get it back.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      haven't posted since May can guess why!

      Hi Jane,

      Welcome back, this is a great place!

      When I first joined I thought I would try moderating after 30 AF days. But when the time came, I didn't have the guts to even try. I realized, deep down inside that it would never work for me!! I am very, very happy now with my decision

      I wish you the best on your journey, you can do it again!!
      Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread, let us know how you are doing!

      All the best!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        haven't posted since May can guess why!

        Welcome back. I struggled for a few years trying to get off the AL bandwagon too. Finally hit my bottom last April. It's been AF since May 2, 2009 and I'm afraid to try moderation just for what happened to you and others.
        You did 4 months before, so YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN and continue from there. I counted days for months and now have lost count of the days, they seem to come and go so fast without a thought of AL most of the time.

        Good luck for the new year ahead in your pursuit.



          haven't posted since May can guess why!

          Jane, welcome back. I too have had successful times AF, then thought, "just one," leading up to more and more drinks and days drinking. It creeps up on you. Lots of support and hope on this site. Looking forward to seeing more of you.:welcome:


            haven't posted since May can guess why!

            welcome back, I have been modding over Christmas, but last night over did it and feel awful today, I know it won't work for me in the long run so I will try to be AF from the 31st of this month, I hate the thought of no more drink but it is the only way for me, so good luck to you and we will support each other, love and hug's Tawnywitch.


              haven't posted since May can guess why!

              Welcome are not alone...I've been a member of this forum since I believe sometime in 2006. I've been on and off the wagon many times since then...I gone AF a few times thinking I'd do AF for awhile and then moderate...problem is when I moderate the moderation increases and I end up back at the old routine, drinking every day. I haven't visited this forum in well over a year. I've tried many methods, including supps along with Topa, various self hypnosis CD etc...nothing has worked completely in the past....I believe a large part of the problem is that whenever I've tried to stop in the past I would go pretty much cold turkey and my intention was to moderate once I was AF for awhile.

              For me, I don't believe moderation works...once I have that first drink it opens up the flood gates. I remember I had once gone AF for about two months...I had been on a business trip during which I took a couple of difficult certification tests for my trade...after completing the tests I drove to the airport and waited in the terminal for my plane's departure. I saw that bar there and thought I would reward myself with a couple of shots of Tequila...after all I "deserved it."...That was a big mistake...I lifted those shots to my lips and I had a strange was as though I was greeting an old friend...only we all know it wasn't an old friend it was a demon....again, the flood gates were opened.

              Bottom line....I am back...I'm fed up with this demon of hell. I hate what it has stolen from me and my family over the years. I am at a point now where my goal is to go totally AF...I've never been at that point before...I always figured I'd moderate eventually. I can't go there...I have to stop.

              I haven't had but a day or two in a row without a drink in a long the past I've gone cold turkey...just stopping abruptly...tomorrow I begin a tapering program with the goal of being AF within a week. I just don't want to stop abruptly because I don't want to send my body into shock. Either way I know it will be difficult at first but I am DONE!...I am slaying this dragon once and for all!

              Keep me in your prayers as you will be in mine!
              :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                haven't posted since May can guess why!

                Jane, welcome back. You can do it if you want to. I haven't been on this site in a very long time as well. I thought I could moderate and I know that I cannot do that so today is Day 1 for me. I'm tired of taking time from my family to sit and drink while they are doing something fun. I just have to get on here everyday and read all the inspiration on here and I think it will be okay. Not easy but okay.
                :flower: Poochpal


                  haven't posted since May can guess why!

                  Jane - thanks for posting this. I need to be Constantly reminded how "moderating" will just lead to me drinking a LOT and TOO OFTEN!

                  Good luck to you - and Welcome back!
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    haven't posted since May can guess why!

                    As you can tell by my screen name, I have been on and off the wagon too many times. I did great before the holidays, but had a family tradgedy and thought i had "Permission" to drink. What an idiot. I have to STOP. I simply CANNOT moderate. I am a little scared.

                    You will do great and we are all in this together. It is damn hard. All the best to you!
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                      haven't posted since May can guess why!

                      hi all, if you all pull together and meet here daily you can do it,supporting and giving advice and support to each other is essential.if your not doing so already read as many of the other threads here,there will be loads that you will relate to.

                      ps wagoneer,are you Irish.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        haven't posted since May can guess why!

                        Hi Jane and all others,

                        I know I am repeating what many people have said on this thread but modding ain't for me either. Jane, I can really relate to your comments about the 'weekend'. I tried weekend only drinking (weekends seemed to stretch longer and longer), switching from white to red wine, drinking after 6 pm only but nothing worked, since giving up the drink (it will be one year at the end of this month) I have felt soooooooooo much better. Funnily enough just recently i have had a few urges but no lapses thank goodness. I keep reminding myself that one drink will only lead to misery, depression, anxiety and complete breakdown of my relationships with those I love. I cannot stop at just one glass of wine, it isn't worth the effort! All the best, and thanks for starting this thread,



                          haven't posted since May can guess why!

                          Isn't My Way Out a great place, if we hit a few bumps in the road, we can head right back here, and get the support and encouragement to get our lives back in order
                          Welcome Back
                          Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                          And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                          • Yesterday is History
                            Today is a Mystery
                            Tomorrow is a GIFT


                            haven't posted since May can guess why!

                            So far, so good!

                            Hi everyone and thank you so VERY much for posting your meassages of support. I see that many of us have tried the 'moderation path' to end up back where we started!!
                            So it's day 3 now and the witching hour is looming. the last 2 evenings it was easy to refrain ( first day AF I had a hangover, so it was real easy...) , but today my house has a celebration. My daughter has graduated. Can I toast this achievement with juice? damn straight i can!!
                            Jane :heart:


                              haven't posted since May can guess why!

                              Welcome back, Jane and wish you much success.

