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How was it for you?

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    How was it for you?

    Have been looking at MWO for a few weeks now as I have absolutely no doubt I have a problem with the booze - 1-1.5 botts wine per day. Am planning on going 30 days AF in jan as my starting point but think longest I've managed before has been 2 weeks due to illness. I have never actually tried before. Now know there's a problem & here's where I need some help. I have a theory that my if I can sort out my drinking then other parts of my life will follow naturally - relationships, work etc. That souns a bit simplistic as I know they require work also but did anyone find that other areas of life improved solely by knocking the dizzy water on the head?? Thanks

    How was it for you?

    Hi FG,
    All areas of our lives inevitably improve when we take booze out of our own personal equation, but there`s no `magic` involved.

    You will find that your life improves overall, simply because when we become sober, we become more available and so open to change and opportunities.

    Put simply, drunk as opposed to sober is like night and day.

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


      How was it for you?

      :welcome: Foolsgold!

      I echo everything that Starlight said. My life is dramatically different and better than it was when I was drinking. Getting sober didn't magically solve my problems, but life improved for me in an immediate way by eliminating alcohol as a CAUSE of problems. Then yes - I was present and available to start working (instead of avoiding) the rest of life.

      All the best to you.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        How was it for you?

        Folks, thanks for the replies. I know in myself that this is going to be really difficult but I just feel ready. I think what I'm trying to say is that I know that if I got booze situation sorted then it would make other things that need attention easier


          How was it for you?

          :welcome: FoolsGold,

          Just wanted to add my support and say hello.

          I agree wholeheartedly with Star and DG once you can give the AL the bullet you can concentrate your efforts on other problems

          Wishing you all the luck in the world.

          Take care.

          J x
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            How was it for you?

            Hi Fg,:welcome:
            just wanted to add my support too. Good luck with the 30 day Af, it's very achievable.
            I'm 6 weeks AF and feel great. My relationship with my DH & kids has improved greatly.
            My 14 yr DD told me it's great, as I spend more time with them than I had before.
            I'm more tolerant, and easy going when I'm not full of AL.
            Christmas was tough enough for me, but I got through it AF.
            Best of luck, and you have come to the right place for support.


              How was it for you?

              Hi FoolsGold,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a great place!
              I have to agree with everyone in that there is no magic bullet to solve life's problems. But, tackling everyday problems with a clear head is a huge help! You do find yourself much calmer, better prepared to handle whatever & whoever crosses your path

              Wishing you the best on your journey & please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for extra support!

              Wishing you a happier & healthier 2010!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                How was it for you?


                Just to add my support and agreement to everything that has been said. I drank largely to 'self medicate' and escape any anxiety that I was feeling, I didnt realise that at the time drinking was simply compounding the anxieties. Since becoming sober I feel like I am finally 'living' as opposed to surviving......I was totally obsessed with alcohol and constantly thinking about when my next drink was arriving. The problems I was having haven't dissappeared but I am certainly able to tackle them and find sober solutions as opposed to drunken ramblings. Good luck with your goals and happy new year!!



                  How was it for you?

                  wellcome foolsgold,this community is a god sent and will help you know end.


                    How was it for you?

                    Guys thanks for that. Today made last trip to pub while I waited on wife - only had 1 pint - already getting head round stuff. After tonight house will be booze free & I can get dow to business. Some of the stuff I've read on here has been truly inspirational & has got me in the right place to do this. Will report in regular & here's to 2010 treating us all kind.


                      How was it for you?

                      Hey Fools Gold--what everyone said here is so true for me, too. Though I want to add I did hit a couple of bumps in the beginning months (I started my AF process Aug 2009).

                      I had the expectation that if I didn't drink my life and my problems would be *immediately* better. But there were definitely times when things *felt* worse--because not only was I dealing with the regular life stuff, but also trying to manage the drink. Yet, know that it does progressively get better the further away you get from the bottle. I think what set me up for the disappointment was the expectation--if I had been more realistic, I would have handled it better.

                      Whatever happens, don't give up! If others have done this, you can, too!
                      "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                        How was it for you?

                        Quick update. Decided to have a couple of days where I drastically cut down (which I did) so today if 1st day AF. So far so good. Thanks all


                          How was it for you?

                          Hi Foolsgold,
                          How is the Af going. I hope you are doing ok. The first few weeks can be tough,
                          what am I saying.........the first few hours are tough, hang in though, it's sooo worth it.


                            How was it for you?

                            Absolutely, not doubt about it. Once I ditched the al, other things started falling into place. My work performance improved, I was able to achieve my goals at the gym, my interpersonal relationships started becoming more meaningful and mostly, the way I viewed myself has changed. I no longer feel like a "victim". Taking charge of my life and knowing that I am sober has given me my old me back....Good luck!
                            AF since 2/4/10
                            Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                            FINALLY FREE


                              How was it for you?

                              Thanks everyone. Now on day 5 & feeling good. Long way to go but I've made the start

