Like everyone else, I have some resolutions in mind. Sometimes people say they don't want to make resolutions because of the potential to fail. While there IS that possibility, in the grand scheme of things (I like the grand scheme - it allows for more movement) I think that resolutions - really putting them out there, vocalizing, writing them down - really gives them power and acutally enhances the potential to succeed. You know, like positive affirmations. "I will stop my procrastination tenancies" is a good one for me. However, that's a litttle hard to chew and sort of vague all on it's own. I can handle "I will make a do list every Sunday and review and plan for it every morning in order to complete the items on the list".
You know where this is going, right? Apply the same concept to your drinking goals. And if ODAT is the way, the work it that way. I encourage you to be bold and determined with it. Give yourself the power and energy to BE the goal. "I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY!!" Look yourself in the eye in the mirror. Shout it with meaning! Set aside the failure part. Even if you do drink, you'd probably drink less and feel more guilty about it and that in itself is progress. Our friend the turtle would not make progress if he didn't stick his neck out you know.
I don't remember how this thread started. I have been a mainstay for quite a while now and have seen many come and go. I hope I've been helpful and supportive to those trying to reach their goal, whatever it may be. I'll still be around and keep an eye out. I hope those of you who are ODAT keep your energy here. It is a great thread. Best wishes for a healthy happy new year!
Keep your big girl pants on and go for the 0!