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ODAT - New Years Eve

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    ODAT - New Years Eve


    Like everyone else, I have some resolutions in mind. Sometimes people say they don't want to make resolutions because of the potential to fail. While there IS that possibility, in the grand scheme of things (I like the grand scheme - it allows for more movement) I think that resolutions - really putting them out there, vocalizing, writing them down - really gives them power and acutally enhances the potential to succeed. You know, like positive affirmations. "I will stop my procrastination tenancies" is a good one for me. However, that's a litttle hard to chew and sort of vague all on it's own. I can handle "I will make a do list every Sunday and review and plan for it every morning in order to complete the items on the list".

    You know where this is going, right? Apply the same concept to your drinking goals. And if ODAT is the way, the work it that way. I encourage you to be bold and determined with it. Give yourself the power and energy to BE the goal. "I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY!!" Look yourself in the eye in the mirror. Shout it with meaning! Set aside the failure part. Even if you do drink, you'd probably drink less and feel more guilty about it and that in itself is progress. Our friend the turtle would not make progress if he didn't stick his neck out you know.

    I don't remember how this thread started. I have been a mainstay for quite a while now and have seen many come and go. I hope I've been helpful and supportive to those trying to reach their goal, whatever it may be. I'll still be around and keep an eye out. I hope those of you who are ODAT keep your energy here. It is a great thread. Best wishes for a healthy happy new year!

    Keep your big girl pants on and go for the 0!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - New Years Eve

    Happy New Year
    The only resolution I have this year is to be true to myself
    Greenie xoxo


      ODAT - New Years Eve

      Rude, did you read the thread by irish eyes about new relationships? It's a good read. XOXOX back to you!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - New Years Eve

        Hey Greeneyes and ODATers,

        The past few weeks AF have been a challenge but this thread has helped so much. Got through Christmas but must confess, I slipped a few nights ago during an out of town event. Now I am heading to a weekend long New Years Eve Wedding so I am here to recharge!

        But, like you said, I drank less (3 glasses) and felt EXTREMELY guilty. In fact, I am seeing the good in it all of and have never been more aware of my feelings. Last week, I ALMOST opened a bottle of wine, I was so anxious that night. I paid close attention to the feeling and made a mental note of it and got through the night AF. THEN, when having the 3 glasses of wine I also noted the feeling, was it really all that great? I still felt like crap the next day and I noted that feeling too. In comparing it all, really, the anxiety was NO WHERE near as bad as the guilt and bad feeling and the wine really wasn't worth it. And, all I can think about is how GREAT I felt AF for 2 weeks plus. That's what I want and that is what my New's Years resolution will reflect. I don't recommend trying this kind of comparison, but for me it was confirmation and validation that I am making the right choice by eliminating AL for good.

        I will be here in the New Year, ODAT! Thanks for keeping it going...


          ODAT - New Years Eve

          Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

          Greeny, you know you have been such a help and inspiration to all of us here. I love you - and celebrate with your pepermint ice cream!

          I have had my struggles but I still look back at how I was and how I am now - huge progress. Like you said Greeny about the turtle - slowly but surely.

          I hope everyone keeps coming back to this thread and keeps it alive. It is a great one and it does help a lot of people.

          Have a great night everyone and love to all on new years. I know this year I will be thankful that I have such a wonderful BF, Child, Friends and fellow MWO'ers who have always supported me and been there for me even when I fall.

          Love and hugs always,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - New Years Eve

            Happy ODAT all. For me, this is "the day', the last big Al-association day left in my book. I got my plans set. I know hour by hour what I'll do tonight. And there will be no AL to it. I'm working on some big plans for morning too. I don't want to go back to what I did last year, or for the prior 10 years before that. I got new and better things to do now. Uni and Greeny and Sunny, and all to come, thanks for participating and making ODAT a group endeavor.


              ODAT - New Years Eve

              And thank you, Bossman for your posts--I have at least one of your posts bookmarked because it has helped me get through some tough moments. I'm with ya--I've got new and better things to do now, too!
              "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

