Hi Everyone,
:welcome:to the Newbies Tippylou and Jill. You've done great so far finding this site and posting. I was hanging around for about a year before I posted my first only a few days ago. Anyway Tippylou any days af are an achievement - we all just need more of them strung together. Jill, sounds like you have a plan - just need determination to see it through.
I'm starting day 8 today and beginning to feel good - sort of bubbles of happiness inside every now and then. Haven't had that in a long while. No real withdrawal to speak of Tipp only tiredness and lethargy which hopefully will be replaced with some real energy soon. Am trying my best to look after myself with nanna naps on the weekends etc. Waking up in the morning with no guilt or shame after sleeping all night is the best.
Winelover and Tawny Witch and others who have hit a bump in the road, it's all experience and I think may help us remember why we are trying to be af. I have stayed close to home where there is no al (that I like) so I'm yet to test myself 'out there' in the real world of get togethers etc.
Kim, thanks for starting this thread and your replies. You sound like you are doing OK.
Hope you all have a great Monday. I think buttered almond icecream sounds wonderful especially seeing as its sweaty here just staying still in the shade!!! Had some lovely rain and now the sun has come out with a vengence and is so steamy and sticky. Just as well for me I work in air-con!!!