Mazzie, the answer is a resounding YES, most of the time im in a place of true gratitiude for this new sober experience. You do have to switch your thinking though and see AL as the destructive enemy destroying our lives... You will get there, dont give in
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A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Mazzie, the answer is a resounding YES, most of the time im in a place of true gratitiude for this new sober experience. You do have to switch your thinking though and see AL as the destructive enemy destroying our lives... You will get there, dont give in"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Thanks Chill,
I have so much to stay sober for. So worth fighting for it. I do have to change more things than 'what's in the glass' (as someone here said somewhere). Good on you for thinking it all through first. So impressive that you have planned a new af life. I didn't really even think about that. My girls (25 and 23) invited me to go on holidays with them soon. They asked me this in Dec (when I was in a big slide trying to get to the bottom of lots of bottles as quickly as I could). So my first thought was whether I would be able to get my wine if I went with them. How pathetic. When I realized I was thinking like that it was a bit of a catalist as well. I want to be able to go on hols with them, keep up with them! and not be thinking about drinking. That is my short term goal and now i see I need long term goals as well.Developing an Attitude of Gratitude
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Good morning all. Hope everyone is well. Had a good night last night. Still fighting but as Mazzie says "so worth fighting for it". Started Topamax hoping that might make it a bit easier for me to fight the mental cravings.
Take care and have a great Friday.
Kim, hope you got some well-deserved sleep.
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Morning guys... wishing you a great friday!
Off to the cinema to see Avatar which will keep me out of mischief for a few hours...
Will check in later."In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Fluff-on day 8 now! Yay! Hey, Chill-let us know how the movie was- I want to take my kids to the movies this weekend-not sure what to see, yet... Hope everyone is sober free and doing great!
Kim-was looking for you-glad you're still around and sober- hope you are well rested when you read this!
Luv, FluffIt's always YOUR choice!
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Hi peteduel. Well you were able to post so that is good. To send a message, go to the top of the screen and click on private messages, to the left will be a list of options, click on send message, type in the screen name of the person you want to send the message to, then a subject title, and then your message, then at the bottom of the screen click send.
As for the site, most of the forums are accessible to anyone but there are a few where you need to be a paid subscriber. The best way to familiarize yourself with the site is to just spend sometime here visiting the different forums. When you want to do something specific, just ask and someone will help.
Welcome to the site and good luck. Look forward to you posting.
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Hey all,
Just popping in before I pop out again for dinner with my flatmate - we're going to an Etiophian place up the road which should be nice. I am still quite tired- it has been a long week, so I think I'll have a few Red Bulls tonight. I am slightly addicted to them, but that's ok as its just caffeine, sweetner and B vitamins.
Thanks Mazzie and Fluff for backing up what I was saying to Chill before - you put it better than I did. I didn't want to sound lectury but I kinda did anyway - sorry Chill, didn't mean to scare ya, just that first-time sobriety is so precious and harder the second, third Xth time - I wish I'd just gone through with it the first time! Chill I am so glad you are prepared - if you ever have any questions ask away and someone should be able to answer them.
Wow fluff are you really doing it with your hubby still drinking- plaudits to you, that's tough! I will have to check out your journal thread.
Mazzie, your question "Does it get easier eventually?" Yes it does but early on it can be very tough and you need a lotts 'tools'. Read KateH and Doggygirl's posts - they seem to be very insightful on this topic. Chillgirl is right about changing your attitude to drinking - that really helps (I'm only halfway there!)
Cuckoo, glad you're doing well. Let us know what the Topamax is like?
Hi Horsegirl, Com, Winelover and welcome newbie Peteduel.
I may pop back in later to see how you're all doing. Happy AF Friday everyone!Recovery Coaching website
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bardwl:
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A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Kimberley;790957 wrote: Hey all,
Just popping in before I pop out again for dinner with my flatmate - we're going to an Etiophian place up the road which should be nice. I am still quite tired- it has been a long week, so I think I'll have a few Red Bulls tonight. I am slightly addicted to them, but that's ok as its just caffeine, sweetner and B vitamins.
Thanks Mazzie and Fluff for backing up what I was saying to Chill before - you put it better than I did. I didn't want to sound lectury but I kinda did anyway - sorry Chill, didn't mean to scare ya, just that first-time sobriety is so precious and harder the second, third Xth time - I wish I'd just gone through with it the first time! Chill I am so glad you are prepared - if you ever have any questions ask away and someone should be able to answer them.
Wow fluff are you really doing it with your hubby still drinking- plaudits to you, that's tough! I will have to check out your journal thread.
Mazzie, your question "Does it get easier eventually?" Yes it does but early on it can be very tough and you need a lotts 'tools'. Read KateH and Doggygirl's posts - they seem to be very insightful on this topic. Chillgirl is right about changing your attitude to drinking - that really helps (I'm only halfway there!)
Cuckoo, glad you're doing well. Let us know what the Topamax is like?
Hi Horsegirl, Com, Winelover and welcome newbie Peteduel.
I may pop back in later to see how you're all doing. Happy AF Friday everyone!------------------------------
one hour at a time
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Hi All
Just checking in. 2 weeks today and starting to feel much better emotionally and physically. It is so good to wake up, realize I've slept all night and not have any of the nasties I'd gotten sort of used to!!
Cuckoo I was wondering about you and how you are travelling. Good to see you hanging in here. Welcome Peteduel, hope you find your way around quickly and stick around. Chill, Fluff, Kim, Wine and everyone else - :goodjob: sounds like we're kicking butt!!! Hope we all have a great af weekend!!Developing an Attitude of Gratitude
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
sorry I missed you all feeling very sick, don't want to share, u don't me to be either.........going back to sleep now as I need to be up by 10-11 or so.............
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?
Hey Cowgal
sorry ur feeling sick.... get better soon.
Saturday morning 8.30am here, lovely to wake up hangover free AGAIN.
Last night was a bit of a stuggle for me as i started feeling sorry for myself being home on a friday night when all my friends were out having fun (if thats what you call getting blind drunk!) Anyway I got over it and im happy to be here on day 16...."In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996