Hi all, Happy Saturday!
Thanks Wine, it was really nice - yes nothing like a few Red Bull to sort you out! Just before going out I did have thoughts about al. "Hmmmm maybe a few sips to liven me up a bit or make me relax". This always happens before social functions where either I won't know many people, or won't know them well or haven't seen them in a while. But of course I would've got really drunk, had sips in the toilet to carry it on and not remembered much. So I didn't!! And wouldn't you know, I was funny and interesting and good company - whaddya mean I'm like that without al?! Hehe. Funny cos lots of people always told me they preferred me without al - but of course I never listened.
Moral of the story is, I know some of you are dreading going out and 'doing' social stuff like dinner or pub. And absolutely don't do it if you fear for your sobriety. But a little bit down the line when you are feeling stronger, it can be done and it's MORE fun, not less! And I am awake early today to go and get my hair done with no hangover or anxiety

Hi Mazzie, brill that you've starting feeling much better - it's worth the wait to get to that stage.
Oh Cowgal corry you're feeling ill - get well soon! Hope you had a good sleep and are feeling a bit better today.
Hey Chill, yeah you missed out on loads last night - feeling sick, putting yourself in dangerous situatons, saying stupid things, only half remembering what you said, drunken phoning/texting/Facebooking, losing your coat/phone/money/keys, spending loads of money, putting empty calories in your body, I could go on. And then there's the morning after having a rubbish broken sleep - headache, nausea, anxiety, guilt, regrets, self-loathing about going too far AGAIN, and maybe even doing 'the walk of shame' after waking up god knows where!

Just because you don't do that it doesn't mean you can't do stuff on a Friday night! You're not punishing or depriving yourself - you're supposed to be living better! Maybe you could grab a friend and go to the cinema or do dinner (much cheaper without al on the bill). When my ankle heals up I really want to join a martial arts class think I might make sure the one I go to falls on a Friday night just to extinguish that nothing-to-do-on-a-Friday trigger - what is there to do where you live?
I wll pop back in later guys. See you then!