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A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

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    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

    Hi Everybody

    Its a beautiful day here today although more rain is expected. Jolie, thanks. My plan was and is to be totally af forever because I know I cannot have just 1 anywhere. Its so weird but I recognise al in the cravings and have been successful in not giving in when it is so obvious but each of those times I crashed last year and this year, it seems to have just snuck on me and without any thought at all I have just said OK I'll have a drink, (then 10 more ugh!!). Each of those times I could just as easily had a glass of water and enjoyed that. So I need to be a bit more vigilant and keep reminding myself that I don't drink.

    This is the start of day 4 again. All week al has been busy in my head about when and where and how much to buy and how it will be all OK if I get some. But this is so obvious to me so I know that all I need to do is not stop and buy any but just go straight home after work. Simple?? Easy - no but doable. I have not had a d&m with my hubby about this. He doesn't think I have a problem and thinks I am just on a health kick and that 1 glass is not going to hurt once in a while!!! Lordy!!! He does think I drink too much sometimes!!!! He can take it or leave it.

    Anyway I seem to have rambled a bit and have to get ready to go to work now. Hope you all are good and have a great day/night. Thank you all.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

      Hey Everybody

      Where are you all? Is it something I said???? How are you doing Kim. Love to hear from you again and others. I haven't done very well at with my plan but today at last I have my focus and detmination back which I seem to have lost there for a while. I know I definitely never ever want to feel this way again - sick, no energy, so tired, so tired, so tired, wasting my weekend, disappointed in myself and stinkin thinkin. I know there is a much better me there without the al. I can do this and will do this - I'm on my way again.

      Hope you guys are all OK. I love coming on MWO and reading lots. Always get some gem from somebody. This is my new addiction!!!
      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

        Hi Mazzie
        Reckon everyone else is watchin de olympics so you're stuck with me! I'm thrilled to hear you feelin strong and hating the beast - so a nice happy sober Sunday. I know exactly what you mean about this being your new addiction, lots of folks are exercising and painting and gardening to distract themselves, like you I just love comin on here and getting all the updates and as you say there is always some little bit of advice that advances the (being sober) cause!!
        Have a lovely day
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

          Just wrote another big long post an its gone missing-I'm fed up of being a computer idiot, maybe I'll make that a new hobby - naw like you I'll stick to dipping in and out of here and learning stuff. Delighted you feeling strong again. Have a lovely sober Sunday
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

            Hey, just saw the other post turned up! Now I'm twice an idiot!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

              Hi Mazzie & Molly, lovely to find some of us still here!
              Im 6 weeks AF now and loving my new life so much.....

              I still check in here several times a day and its part of my new routine as is an AA meeting at least once a week. My social life has taken a bit of a down turn but im trying to meet friends regularly for coffee and lunch so i dont feel so bad about staying in most nights. Friday nights are still the worst and i was very lucky this week to have a good friend chat to me online for most of the evening to ensure I didnt get too blue...

              Wishing you both the best and a happy AF valentines sunday.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                Hi All

                Mollyka and Chill, The Olympics were only on for a short time yesterday morning here then Cricket for the rest of the day! Ho Hum. I'm sure lots of people enjoyed watching Aussies beat West Indies.

                Thank you Molly, I did have a nice quiet sober Sunday and today feel much better about things. I think I have not really given myself the best chance I could have so I need to work on that and put some more things in place. So good to be at 6 wks Chill :goodjob:- I'll be there in 6 wks time!!! I could've been there with you now..... Its good to read how you are doing and that being af is so beneficial.

                Hope you all have a great day/night. I really appreicate you. Have to go off to work now but only for four days then I have another long weekend which will be a sober one and therefore much more productive and I will feel so much better. This time I am going to plan out a few activites to do rather than the last few weekends when I just floated along and got off the rails.
                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                  A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                  Hya all,

                  Ooooooh so much has happened with me - most of it bad!

                  I will reconnect with all of you on this thread now I'm feeling better and have more time. I quit my job for the moment so....

                  Will read through all your posts properly tomorrow. Just wanted you to know I'm back and in support mode again!
                  K x
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                    Hi Kimberley

                    Glad to hear from you. Was wondering where you were.
                    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                      Hi Guys! Im still here....
                      Checking in everyday and being a very good girl.
                      I wont die from AL abuse but I might die from boredom....

                      Only joking! AF life is great, I have lost weight, go to the gym 5 times a week, eat healthily and sleep wonderfully. Today is day 56 i think, how is everyone else doing and finding life?
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                        hey chill... bordom. what can be more boring than drinking and feeling awful. thats not a life its an existance (this is what im telling myself anyway) sounds like youre doing great. i hope to follow in your footsteps x
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                          Welcome back Kimberley, let us know what uv been up to when you've settled in, yeah got to fight that ol boredom thing, spose ur right spuddle but I do miss the old life sometimes, when it was good it was very very good ( yeah I know, when it was bad it was horrid), don't mind me, just a thought!! Onwards and upwards:wavin:
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                            Mollyka - Rose tinted spectacles come to mind, when I get that thought of how much fun I had out partying I try to remember one single interesting conversation I had and I never can.... It was mindless, trivial and down right dull. Here is a poem i wrote the other night about how I feel about it..........

                            it made me sad, it made me cry
                            it caused me shame and it made me lie
                            it took away joy & feeling good
                            its left me lonely & misunderstood
                            it caused me hurt and it caused me pain
                            it got into my head & made me insane!

                            Now im no longer sad and no longer cry
                            I can see it so clear and i understand why
                            The pain is now beginning to fade
                            and my life no longer feels like a charade
                            im not giving in or willing to loose
                            my new life began when i said bye to the booze.....
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                              Hi Everybody

                              Chill, you are doing so well. You've always been an inspiration to me right from the start. You've stayed on the road and I love your attitude. I've slipped up a few times but doing well again now. Am going to have a nice me time weekend. I actually did start a list of things I could do this weekend but when I reviewed it I realised it was all jobs!!! Shoved that in the bin.

                              Molly Spud and Kim - always good to read your thoughts and where you are up to. Hi to everyone else who's lurking around.
                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                                Mazzie - Quite right jobs are NOT for weekend! Im a complete to-do-list freak and on sat/sun they are a no-no. Thank you so much for your kind words I have found so much inspiration on this site and will be forever grateful
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

