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A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

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    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

    Happy New Years Day everyone!

    I am starting again this year,drawing a line under what has passed and I am resolved to be AF throughout the new year.

    I do not expect it to be easy, but I have put a fair amount of AF time under my belt before and I know I can do it again - but this time and with proper commitment, not giving up when things get tough.

    I know some others among you were planning to go AF from 1st Jan as well. Care to share your plan?

    My Plan: I don't do AA so this Jan I am going to share my story with all of you on the Story thread to be honest about what my life has been like. I am going to commit to DBT therapy to sort my BPD out, as I will never learn how to cope if I don't do this - but I gotta lot of skills to learn. I have also made a pact with a friend outside MWO who is going to do this year with me.

    And however bad things are and whatever life throws at me, I will try to accept it and realise that I can't fail if I never buy a bottle.

    I wish everyone starting anew the best of luck and I hope we can support each other.
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    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

    Happy New Year, Kimberly. It's good to have you back.

    I too have had a less than successful December, but feel that 2010 will be the time for me.

    My Plan: No booze in the house.
    Be aware of my hungry, angry, lonely, and tired times. They are when I relapse.
    Get through the witching hours of 4 - 7 p.m. with a plan: food, support, waiting it out.
    Daily exercise.
    Healthy diet, lots of veggies and fruit. Less sugar and starch.
    Taking the supplements and vitamins that worked for me in the past.
    Visiting this site daily, giving and recieving support.

    Whew, kind of overwhelming, but alot of this I have done successfully in the past for a period of time. Now I have to commit to longer than 30 days, yet ODAT. It starts for me with a committment each day.


      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

      H Kimberley
      Im in..
      I had my last drink at 11.55pm last night and bid it farewell

      its over... completely and uttterly finished, im claiming back my life and today i feel so relieved now the desicion has been made, im free!

      I will be checking in here regularly to get and to offer support....

      Wishing you all the strength in the world
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

        Hey Red, great to see ya!

        You did really well last year, so I too believe you can go the whole way this year. Sounds like a good plan. I am adding to hungry, angry, lonely, and tired times - anxious times. MAJOR trigger for me. I don't know why I think I can't just cope with it because I can!! I agree with your healthy diet as well - cutting out the sugar makes a big difference to cravings and makes you look and feel much better overall. We can do this!

        Hey Chillgirl, good to meet you. It feels good doesn't it making that decision. Thanks for joining me - we will definitely do this together. What a wonderful year it will be - no guilt, no regrets - just complete and utter freedom. Even if times get tough, if you have that freedom it is something to cherish for sure. Hope you have a great 2010!!
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

          Hi All
          I too am going AF.I had my last drink last night for New Year.I feel strong and commited this time to give it my best shot.Can't keep putting it off.I to will be checking in here daily for both support and to offer support.Looking forward to our journey together!!Can we do it??? YES WE CAN!!!!


            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

            Me too please ?

            I would like to join in for 2010.

            My plan -

            No booze in house as I live alone.
            Exercise and read more.
            Cut out meals in pub and restaurants, as it goes hand in hand with wine.
            Do my damn best as I have failed in the past but hope that new year new beginnings will help.
            Stop hurting my daughter.

            Good luck to each and every one of you and a Very Happy New Year.

            one hour at a time


              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

              Hello Kimberly. I too am in. My plan echoes many of the ones mentioned. Healthy diet, no booze in the house, beware of trigger times, etc. I will also be attending some AA meetings. I have found one that I really enjoy and the group is very supportive and caring. Like the majority of people on this site.

              Red it is nice to see you. I too had a less than successful December but I am now focused on the future.

              Chill, Stump, and Wine, I'm happy to join you all on this journey.

              Wine, I too live alone and it is very easy for me to isolate because of that. I don't know if you have that same feeling but if you do perhaps we can be a bit of support for each other. I plan on spending a lot of time on this site.

              May 2010 be our year to conquer this addiction and take back controls of our lives. We are all so worth it. Good luck, everyone.


                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                Hi all can I loin in your plan please ???? My plan is to stick with everything I have learened over this last year and spread the word ! This is my first sober christmas apart from being pregnant in well over 30 years and the first new year with no regrets or remorse. So i want to join and give as much support as I can if thats ok ?


                  A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                  cuckoosnest83;783333 wrote: Hello Kimberly. I too am in. My plan echoes many of the ones mentioned. Healthy diet, no booze in the house, beware of trigger times, etc. I will also be attending some AA meetings. I have found one that I really enjoy and the group is very supportive and caring. Like the majority of people on this site.

                  Red it is nice to see you. I too had a less than successful December but I am now focused on the future.

                  Chill, Stump, and Wine, I'm happy to join you all on this journey.

                  Wine, I too live alone and it is very easy for me to isolate because of that. I don't know if you have that same feeling but if you do perhaps we can be a bit of support for each other. I plan on spending a lot of time on this site.

                  May 2010 be our year to conquer this addiction and take back controls of our lives. We are all so worth it. Good luck, everyone.
                  By all means Cuckoos I think that is a splendid idea
                  one hour at a time


                    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                    Hi Kimberley, Red, Chill and the rest of the gang!

                    Thanks for starting this Kim and good to see ya! I am definitely in for the long haul. I experienced many fits and starts in 2009. I accomplished some things. I found MWO, got serious about dealing with my addiction, spent weeks sober on numerous occasions, published, and applied to grad school. I also had one too many weekend benders that left me incapable of doing more than lay on the couch suffering and obsessing over what level of scene I might have caused.

                    The new year is an opportunity for us to let the past go and start living healthier, more productive lives. I am thrilled to have others to share the journey with, even the painful moments. I am determined to be sober, exercise and eat very healthy. I am going to find out if my future holds grad school any day or week now... I need to be ready. Hard work and sobriety is what I need to finally live a life I can be proud of. No dirty little secret to compensate for. I have been reading a lot about AL and the stuggle. I am ready to kick ALs butt (fight club reference? LOL)!

                    I love you all and Happy New Year!


                      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                      Hi Kimberley, Red, Chill and the rest of the gang!

                      Thanks for starting this Kim and good to see ya! I am definitely in for the long haul. I experienced many fits and starts in 2009. I accomplished some things. I found MWO, got serious about dealing with my addiction, spent weeks sober on numerous occasions, published, and applied to grad school. I also had one too many weekend benders that left me incapable of doing more than lay on the couch suffering and obsessing over what level of scene I might have caused.

                      The new year is an opportunity for us to let the past go and start living healthier, more productive lives. I am thrilled to have others to share the journey with, even the painful moments. I am determined to be sober, exercise and eat very healthy. I am going to find out if my future holds grad school any day or week now... I need to be ready. Hard work and sobriety is what I need to finally live a life I can be proud of. No dirty little secret to compensate for. I am ready to kick ALs butt (fight club reference? LOL)!

                      I love you all and Happy New Year!


                        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                        Hi, everyone, I would like to join too, not sure if I am really ready but will give it a go, plenty of exercise and good food, plus I have started painting which I am really enjoying, and I will start horseriding again, I think my daughter may have wedding plan's later this year so I would like to be slimmer in time for that!!
                        A big Happy New Year to you all, and I will be on here a lot I think, hopefully giving as well as receiving,love and hug'sTawnywitch.


                          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                          Wow how great to see all of us joining up to make a fresh start

                          Stump it's great that you feel so strong and positive. Winelover, I am adding reading to my list as well - I have really let that go this year and its a shame cos I love it so much. Cuckoo, you need never be isolated when you have us!! Bravehearted you have an excellent goal and I would love to learn from you too. My dear Liath, I am so glad to see you picking up the fight again (hehe, couldn't resist either) - I really hope your news re grad school is what you are hoping for. Tawnywitch, I have no idea why you are called that, but I have always loved your moniker!! It sounds like you have plenty of things to distract you this year if you get cravings - wish I could paint.

                          Wow, I am already having a great New Years Day. My family are far away and so I have spent today by myself so far though a friend is coming over later. It's been ace though. I rediscovered a funky CD I hadn't heard for ages and danced around the room to it like an idiot Then I just went out for a walk - it's been snowing here in London but it's really sunny as well -it's beautiful and bracing. I walked past Highgate Cemetary and up to Hampstead Heath although I didn't attempt Parliament Hill today as I'm only four days off my crutch after ankle surgery a month ago! But it was just lovely and I haven't walked for so long. Then I went and bought myself a load of gorgeous teas - cinnamon, licquorice, apple and ginger etc. And beleive it or not CHOCOLATE tea!! mmmmmmmmm - and actually healthy as it's just got the pure cocoa. Haha and most of my mates are in bed with a hangover. I feel very happy and I hope this means I am starting as I mean to go on.

                          Hope you're all having fab days too!!!
                          Recovery Coaching website

                          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                          Recovery Videos


                            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                            I'm in. My final drink 11:50PM last night. I am AL free forever. Period.


                              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                              Hi everyone i had my last drink sometime after midnight and i'm aiming to be af for Janauary and possibly longer. I overdid on the booze and food over xmas. so no booze in th ehouse as i live alone also. More exercise especily walking. Watch my diet more reading and go to the cinema at least once a month. Finish the painting in my bathroom and bedroom. AA doesn't really work for me so i'll check in here as often as possible. Its not going to be easy but i gained a lot weight recently and today i feel so bloated plus some of my clothes don't fit or are too tight so that will an added motivation. Good luck everyone its a long time since i posted.

