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A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

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    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

    Chill - I can relate to your situation - and congrats on day 20!!!!

    Cucks - I agree with your first sentiment - the only failure is to stop trying.

    I have identified 2 key challenges, and I'm not sure how to deal with them. I have 2 work colleagues that we used to go out to the bar after work for a couple of beers and some darts.

    They invited me to go last night...I went thinking I would just order a soda. I ended up having 2 beers. BUT, the one difference is that in the past, I would stop at the store on my way home and pick up a bottle of wine (if I didn't have one at home already) and continue drinking until I had pretty much passed out. I felt the urge as I drove by the store - big time - but I didn't stop. So, while not AF, I consider that a success.

    However, going forward, I'm not sure what to do. I enjoy that time with them - and I know that I just have to adjust my thinking - playing darts and decompressing after the day does not need to involve beer. Just need to keep working at my attitude.


      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

      Determination - well done on not stopping for the wine! thats exactly what id do after having a couple after work. You just need to go and play darts but order a soft drink, the 1st time will be the worst then it will become easlier until its the norm. You can do it!!

      Fluff - congrats on day 13, i hope you feel better really soon.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

        Hi all,

        Thanks for all the hugs and support - you guys are all great. I am still feeling crappy today but managed to drag myself into work thank goodness.

        I told my ex, who is still a friend, how bad I was feeling after my GP visit and he came round tonight, helped me clear up my room which was a state after the weekend, helped me change my horrid sweaty bedding and then gave me a big hug as well. So that made me feel a bit better this evening as well. It is funny how much better a human touch can make you feel sometimes. We have agreed to meet up fairly regularly for a coffee and a cuddle at the moment while I am on a downer, which is really nice.

        I wish sometimes I could give you all a big :l on your down days and make you feel better. Sigh I really miss that now I am single (I have never been single before for more than a month and am not used to it). I do have a cat, but she's not a cuddly cat unless she feels like it!

        Anyway, I'll get back to posting on here every day and will catch up with you all soon and where you are in your journeys. Too tired to read back through all I missed at the moment.

        Thanks again guys - glad to be back with you
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

          Hi everyone, Fluff, interesting, I also did not feel well yesterday on day 13. Maybe Al is throwing a tantrum knowing he's not being indulged anymore.
          Kimberley, fortunately I have a dog that is absolutely cuddly and yes, we all so need a cuddle every now and then.
          Love to you all.
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

            Determination, great job on not stopping to buy a bottle. It shows sheer will power and DETERMINATION. So good for you.

            Fluff, sorry you aren't feeling well today on day 13 but just imagine how much worse you would be feeling if you were drinking. I am so proud of you.

            Chill, 20 days AF is awesome. You have been AF the entire year of 2010 and that is something to be very proud of.

            Kim, I wish I could give more than virtual hugs. I do think the human touch is a big factor in just making us feel things will be better.

            Jessie, hope you haven't come down with some bug.



              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

              Hi Gang
              I managed my 1st dinner date AF and enjoyed watching my date go from sober & talking sense, to tipsy and getting animated, then slightly drunk and more forthright, then drunk and repeating himself, then more drunk and just plain boring!!!

              I know that was me only a few weeks ago and im counting my blessing on another hangover free day....
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                chillgirl;793707 wrote: Hi Gang
                I managed my 1st dinner date AF and enjoyed watching my date go from sober & talking sense, to tipsy and getting animated, then slightly drunk and more forthright, then drunk and repeating himself, then more drunk and just plain boring!!!

                I know that was me only a few weeks ago and im counting my blessing on another hangover free day....
                Isn't that a great feeling...and motivation to stay AF!

                Still working hard - but last night I slipped. Incredibly stressful day at work...the urge was so strong. Consciously gave in - but it was a good reminder to me about why I want to be AF. I feel so much stronger today - which seems odd considering I gave in to my weakness.


                  A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                  Determination, i totally know where you are coming from... i believe every slip up is completely necessary to finally get yourself to that place when you have just had absolutely enough!
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                    Hi all - haven't been able to post for a couple of days - my father-in-law passed away suddently and the past several days have pretty much been a blur. Today is Day 13 for me - longest I've ever gone so I'm feeling pretty good. Headache finally went away. Sounds like everyone is doing great! I truly believe that every slip up makes you stronger as long as you stay positive and focused with your goal still in mind. I'm very optomistic but somewhere in the back of my mind I keep wondering when that day will be for me - maybe when I get over confident about my successive days AF and feel like "just 1 glass of wine" will be okay. It's always been hard for me to stop at just 1 so I don't think it really will be okay.

                    Everyone stay positive and supportive - this place is the best!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                      Hi Jolie
                      Sorry about your father-in-law and well done on not making that an excuse to drink. I know what you mean about "that day"... I too am waiting for it to come when the thought process says "you 'll be fine now at controlling it, just a couple of glasses wont hurt" but i hope im ready for it and recognise that its satan speaking to me trying to trick me back into the trap! Im hoping to be so strong by then and enjoying my new AF life that i dismiss the thought very quickly....
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                        Hi all,

                        Jessie, a nice fluffly dog - yes that sounds nice, My cat has been indulging me - she is good at knowing when I am upset Cuckoo do you get your quota of hugs or do you have to rely on the goldfish? I agree that it does sometimes make everything better to get the actual contact - but when you can't then virtual hugs from you all is better than nothing and does show you are cared about.

                        Ah Chill, you're doing so well. Even though I screwed up it makes me really happy that you are still going strong and flying the flag for an AF 2010. Congrats on doing your date al-free!!

                        Determination, yes it is all about successes and learning from the slipups. I sometimes have just 'given in' a bit too easily, particularly towards the end of last year, so every day that I don't this year, I will just have to be proud of myself considering where I have come from. I used to drink all day every day and now I don't and I have to keep reminding myself of how much better I am rather than only focus on the slips. Hope you can join me in doing this.

                        Wow Jolie, congratulations on yourr longest ever sober time- that is something amazing to be proud of! You go, girl!! Haha I assume girl - hope I haven't offended you if your real name is Bob and you're a trucker

                        If you can be strong enough to get through a death without drinking, then you must realise that al can't knock you over as easily as you fear - as long as you keep your goal in mind. I have been guilty in the past of being so overwhelmed by the feeling that I will break at some point that I have almost told myself 'well what's the point in waiting for it then?' and bought a bottle. I hope you can guard against that cos that's stoopid!

                        Well I am signing off for the moment - hope to read more from you lovely people tomorrow
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                          Hi All

                          Good job Chill - will be there be a 2nd date? And Jolie, sorry about your father-in-law. This part of life is so very difficult. Good on you for getting thru af.

                          Det and Kim, and Cucks, sounds like you guys are already getting back on track after hitting a bump in the road. Just do what you have to do and be kind to yourselves. You are so worth it. I think maybe we are always going to have to be aware of the beast lurking not far away. Make good choices every day and stay strong and focussed.

                          Jessie and Fluff, I think week 2 was worse for me too physically and now week 3 has been challenging for the craves. I have made it with L-Glut and determination and am starting to feel good again. I think our bodies have so much to cope with its just going to take time.

                          Have a great day/night all. Prayers and thoughts with CG.
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                            Mazzie, thank you and I'm sure you will make it through week 3. Also thanks for the thoughts and prayers for CG. I only hope she pulls through.


                              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                              Hi everyone,

                              Can't believe the news about CowGal - I didn't know her well but she has posted on this thread and I remember having checked out her profile, which I always do if someone posts something particularly interesting or insightful.

                              I hope she'll be alright - do you know her well Cuckoo? If so, my thoughts are especially with you as well as her and her family.

                              Hi Mazzie, great that L-Glut is helping with the cravings. Many MWOers seem to take it. I wonder if it would help me. I do get bad cravings, but it's mostly psychological, so I wonder of it would still work for that.

                              I'll probably check back in later to 'see' you all.
                              Recovery Coaching website

                              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                              Recovery Videos


                                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                                Hi Kim. I think the L-Glut replenishes a lot of the amino acids we lose when drinking hence it helps repair some of the damage we have done to our bodies. As for CowGal, I didn't know her well, but we posted on many of the same threads. She always seemed to be so young and vibrant and it would be such a loss if anything were to happen to her. I have had two co-workers pass away within the past 6 months from alcohol related problems and I just don't want to lose someone else.

                                Thank you for your thoughts, Kim.

