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A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

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    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

    Hi Mazzie
    So happy to hear your resolve is strengthening, mine gets better and better every day.

    I thought it was so interesting what you said about being more outspoken!! For years I thought I needed the alcohol to give me confidence and now it seems that was a lie too..... since ive been AF (31 days today!) I have been rediscovering who i am and instead of being "numbed out" I actually AM a person too who can speak without drinking....

    Here's to the journey back to self respect, eslf esteem and a whole lot more!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

      Hello to all. I haven't been doing as well as I would have liked the last week or so. I threw myself off the wagon and am working on getting back on.

      After reading a lot about Sinclair and all, I received some Naltrexone a couple of days ago.
      The first day, I had 6-7 beers and then did not care for anymore. Very strange for me. Yesterday I had no desire whatsoever to drink. And I took no pills at all. I can't figure it out as of yet but I am certainly intrigued.

      I am still having serious issues with spouse about future but that is a different animal.

      Glad to be AF today.



        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

        Mazzie and Kim, yes I'm still here but like Com1 says I haven't been doing as well as I had hoped. I've had a few AF days but very sporadic not what I want. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new month and I am looking to be AF all of February. Thanks for asking about me. Will continue to read and check in.


          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

          Hi Cuckoo, I fell off the wagon too, a few af days, as you say new month tomorrow, maybe I will manage to be af for all of it, a few problem's tho so maybe that's a bit ambitious, will try though, love and hug's Twitch xx


            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

            Hi All

            It is the start of a brand new month. Maybe we could all do Fab Feb together. Cuckoo and Com great to hear from you guys and Twitch - just dust off, gather yourselves and climb back up on track. You can do it and really it is so worth it. We are all so worth it. Com, when you said you had no desire whatsoever to drink - that is what I want! I hope it continues for you. I just want to get to the stage where I don't even think about it. Is this possible. Wouldn't that be nice - no more mental gymnastics and having arguments with myself which I may not always win!!!

            Chill - it is an interesting journey and losing the al appears to be a big step along the way but I am discovering there is so much more to learn and become. Already I have noticed changes in the way I think about things - much more positive and I am regaining my sense of humour which is certainly a plus.

            Hi to Noons, Tobe and Red - good to 'see' you.

            Kim, love to see piccies of 'the' hair. Thank you for your summing up. You are doing so well just to recognise where you are on this road and you will make it to being af. I think you have lots of determination just need to find the right combination perhaps.

            Loving ourselves is an important thing to do. Why is that so hard. Do we really believe we are not worth it - why do we think other people are worth it but not us? I think al has a hell of a lot to answer for. He would like to keep us down on ourselves - it makes it so much easier for him to take over.

            Anyway all, have a great Monday. Thank you for being you and being here for me. I
            really appreciate it.
            Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

              Mazzie, thanks so much for the words of support. You are right about us being worth it but that we have a hard time believing it is so.

              Twitch, we will be AF in February. We can support one another through chat or pm's. Whatever it takes, we need to do this.

              Hope all are well.


                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                Hey all,

                Mazzie you did so well to stick to the one glass and I like your attitude of thinking as that as a lucky escape rather than deing able to control. Some people kid themselves they can control but very few actually can. I find for every time I was sensible there were 20 episodes when I wasn't!

                Having said that, Com I will be very interested to read your Naltrexone experience. I have read about the Sinclair Method too and would like to do it rather than white-knuckling it the whole time. For the moment though I can't really do it as it takes some time to work properly and I know I would do something dreadful before that time came - jeopardise my work or something similar. Let us know how it goes and I hope your isssus are sorted out with your other half.

                Cuckoo and Tawny, I have also had not as great a start to the New Year as I'd wished for. I had hoped to be entirely AF but I didn't quite achieve that. Don't worry about it though - this thread is supposed to be a support mechanism rather than an exclusive club for teetotalers. It's more about progress and a desire to change than being perfect.

                On a similar note Mazzie's last post touches this. I think we will never get better until we learn to forgive and love OURSELVES. I am certainly not there yet - and I think I will never conquer this addiction until I have learned to do that. Yet reading all your posts on this thread I see so many lovely and caring people that are worthy of love.

                Guess our Fab Feb mission will be to find out how to forgive and love ourselves - we are all worth it, we just don't see it.

                Happy Feb everyone
                K x
                Recovery Coaching website

                "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                Recovery Videos


                  A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                  Hi Everyone

                  Just a quick check in today. Tuesday morning here and off to work. Very windy and rainy and I love it. Too bad I can't stay home and enjoy it. (Doesn't rain here that often and its been so dry).

                  Thank you all. Hope you have a good day and be kind to yourselves and say lots of good things to yourselves about yourselves. Fab Feb here we come!!!
                  Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                    A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                    Count me in...My husband and I want to have another baby and I need to be AF before we start trying. For the witching hour, I intend to cook and eat dinner and get on here for support and encouragement. I have never had anyone to hold me accountable or to talk me down from the ledge...although I've never asked anyone, as I was too embarrased. I will also use organization as a distraction...pick a closet or a drawer or an appliance to clean!

                    For my family, for my health, for me...


                      A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                      Hi Stiteal and welcome! You sound very positive and look like you have a good plan in place.

                      I spent many of my witching hours here and found some truly wonderful people to talk me down from my ledge.... if you need any help please just SHOUT and I will get my safety net ready.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                        Hello all,

                        I am not a true abstainer right now as I am giving Nal and TSM a go for a bit. I am going to start posting in the supplements section as to how it is going. Don't want to interfere with all that is going on for you great folks here.

                        Congrats to all.



                          A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                          Hi everyone-I'm on board, too! Still sticking with the fruit teas -but low-carbing-so,alas, no chocolate. Day 8 for me and I am psyched!
                          Luv, Fluff
                          It's always YOUR choice!


                            A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                            Hi all,

                            Just back from hols and No I did not go AF, not ready to start yet, mind not in right place and off again on hols end of this month, will just have to get my mind in the correct frame.

                            Good luck to all that are reaching their goals, how I envy you. :upset:
                            one hour at a time


                              A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                              Hey all and welcome to Stiteal - what a great motivation for getting and staying AF.

                              Com and Wine - it doesn't matter how you're doing it really, it's about trying and dropping in here for support. I lost it too towards the end of the month, but I have learnt a couple of things from that.

                              1, The 3rd week and 3rd month thing being the hardest really is true for me. I have noticed that in my patterns.
                              2, There is one certain friend who I can not have round to my house really, as I always end up drinking. This is a big thing for me as I have problems 'cutting people out' if you like. But I have spent time going out and doing things with him while not drinking, so I guess if we are to hang out, then it must be 'an activity' and be outside of the home.

                              I will bear these things in mind for Feb and see how that goes.

                              Fluff I have also gone fairly low carb and also non-processed. It has worked to some extent so I will try to be a bit more religious with it.

                              Oh Mazzie you make me laugh - you clearly don't live in the Uk or you'd be bleedin sick of the wind and rain!!

                              Chill how are you doing today? And I may have to yell for that safety net once in a while!

                              Have a great evening everyone.
                              Recovery Coaching website

                              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                              Recovery Videos


                                A new start for 2010 - who's in and what's your plan?

                                Hi everyone

                                Hope you are all doing good and are fit well and happy. Yep Kim, still windy and rainy here and I am still loving it. There are lots of places I'd like to go one day and the UK is on the list so sounds like I'll love the weather maybe. The thing about it being windy and rainy here is that it is also hot and humid and not cold which prob the UK would be I think?
                                Others on here talk about sleet and snow and blizzards - wow. None of that where I am.

                                Anyway off to work for another day. I love how I'm getting better at my job!! Head is clearer and I can think quicker and make decisions and remember what I have to do and have done. Not in a fog!!! It's Great. I feel happy and am losing the bad attitudes and the feeling of looking at everything and everyone through the wrong end of the binocculars!

                                Have a good day/night all.
                                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

