Anyway, how have people handled the situation of spouses/partners/significant others drinking when we want to stop? My husband is a wine drinker (usually every day). He can drink a bottle or less, it never changes his personality one iota, and I have never seen him hungover. Interesting, huh?
He knows my situation, of course, but I also can tell he has no plans of stopping as part of his "being supportive." Pretty much everyone I hang with drinks most of them are moderate drinkers/social drinkers. Anyway, so last night we went out for Japanese food -- he had sake -- I did not. I just hope this does not become an issue in the sense that he will eventually be a super huge turn-off. I do not want to think that in addition to giving up alcohol, I have to find "all new friends." It just isn't going to work like that as I am 49 and my husband is 52. Our friends are really close to us.
I don't think anyone sees me as having a "problem" anymore than a few other people in the group who could be labelled with same. We sort of take turns "overdoing" it. But I think I've explained before, I have had enough. I don't know where they all stand with it, and I'm not ready to make any pronoucements about my sobriety or AF attempts just yet. I'm kind of private about that sort of stuff. I have other friends who chose to be very public about it...I am not comfortable with that path.
So, any ideas/experiences/insights? I know no one has all the answers, but what is so cool here is the sharing. Sometimes someone writes something and you can REALLY relate, it pushes a button, and makes you feel like YES 'I get it.'
Thanks, all.