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changes for 2010

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    changes for 2010

    Hi folks,

    First time thread for me so Hello to all,

    With the new year I am going to get serious about making changes. I have been drinking alot for years and have a love affair with heineken and lots of it. I have been to this website periodically and now am going to start the program tomorrow morning. In the past I have quit for a week, month, two months and have felt better but something always draws me back and when I fall off the wagon I fall hard. Not looking forward to the week or so of no sleep but what can you do. Best to everyone for the new year. God Bless.:new:
    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

    changes for 2010

    :welcome: Allswell,

    You've made a big step today by asking for help.
    You've come to a place without judgement and masses of support.
    Have a look in the tool box to give you get some ideas of putting together a plan of action.
    Ask any questions. If one person doesn't know someone else will.

    Keep reading,keep posting. Let us know how you're doing.

    J x

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      changes for 2010

      I haven't started yet, but

      ...has everybody done the entire program: CDs and herbs? I'm a bit concerned about the amount of month to get started. I need to know that it's all worth it.


        changes for 2010

        changes and thanks

        Thank you Jackieclaire,

        I know it will be a journey, not be all pleasant, however nothing worth it ever is. Time for self reflection, goals, exercise, and alot of hard work. I'm ready for it and welcome it. Thanks for your reply, I will post often. It's going to work for me, I'm ready for change.
        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


          changes for 2010

          Hi Allswell,

          I can relate to the beer.. I don't drink anything else but beer.. or the very ocasional wine or ceasar. I have not had one single AF day for about 2 years and even then the longest I have gone without beer was 10 days out of 13 days back then, that is so ridiculous when I think about it.. currently I am drinking an average of 10 Bud Light beers a day.. a bit more on weekends.... it has to stop.. I would like to be able to enjoy a few beers with the guys once in a while.. but I don't know if that is going to be possible. We'll see... I also don't sleep well when I don't have my usual amount. I know that it's going to be hell for the next few days.. but I have to do something and your post inspired me to act.. so I'm with you ! let's keep posting here and encouraging each other as we do our best to beat this thing.

          Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


            changes for 2010


            Hey Riker,

            Thanks for the reply,

            I'm going to work hard on beating this thing. It's an everyday struggle. For me it's a struggle worth working extremely hard on and winning. I'm going to take the mindset I have had on every other difficult thing I have had to accomplish and beat this thing. It's not easy but we can win over it.

            Best and great new year to you!
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              changes for 2010

              Hi Allswell
              I quit Jan 1st and so far so good,
              i have had a lot of trouble sleeping but i know that will pass quite quickly. I have also instictively opened the fridge at times without thinking looking for my wine but have immediately gone and switched on the kettle instead.

              I think the mindset is vital and im using most of the thinking outlined in Allen Carr's book on controlling alcohol which turns it around and you see the alcohol as the enemy hell bent on destroying your life. Im determined to kill this wretched monster who has caused me all the misery over the years and see it as a mission to claim back control of my life.

              So far im doing great and very focused on how good life is and will be with the freedom being sober brings.

              I think someone already mentioned toolbox thread which has a lot of great stuff on it. Wishing you well.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                changes for 2010

                Princess KJ;784951 wrote: ...has everybody done the entire program: CDs and herbs? I'm a bit concerned about the amount of month to get started. I need to know that it's all worth it.
                I've used the supplements & CD's and they are both very worthwhile. I know it's a lot to outlay...but compared to the cost of the booze (both financial & emotional) it wasn't much. If it's the financial cost you're worried about use that as another motivator...'I've spent this money I'm NOT gonna let it go to waste' kinda thing. But you can also take what you need...some use only diet & exercise, some do the whole hog including the meds...try reading the My Way Out book first, you can download for cheap (about $10 I think) and all the research is in there so you can use what you think will be necessary.
                Allswell & Riker - Hello & welcome.
                I wish you all the best & hope you all stick around.


