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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    HI fellow ODATers!

    Getting confused as to no. of days AF now... but I guess that's a Good thing! But I DO know that this Sat. will be ONE MONTH.

    Haven't done that since about Aug.

    My "goal" is to keep on keepin' on!

    Day 11 not smoking - and, I'll tell ya, this is WAY harder for me!! Gawd, I loved those cancer sticks that caused me to literally Burn my money! (HUH??)

    I didn't realize how much Smoking was a motivation to get out of bed in the morning. OMG.

    While AL may have been a Good Buddy, cigs were an intimate Lover.. "kissing" all day long!!

    (OK, now I'm grossing Myself out! lol. My Kingdom for a SHRINK!!)

    OK, it WILL get better! (or... will it??)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Tuesday


    Great job savy!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure that the smoking will get easier. Are you using nicotine replacement or any other form to help?

    I think that maybe your are smart to be working on both these demons at the same time, as you can get all of that out of the way at once. Just think, you'll never have to go through all that withdrawal ever again.

    Best of luck !!!

    AF 01/30/10

    Look Back & Thank God
    Look Forward & Trust God
    Look Around & Serve God
    Look Within & Find God


      ODAT - Tuesday

      WOW - I am so proud of you!!!!

      That's all, quick check in - hope everyone is doing well!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Well done savon for nearly a month sober. I quit the ciggies about 2 years ago and i don't
        Miss them now. It was day 5 for me and i'm just taking it one day at a time. If i make till the end of Janaury it will gud as its a long time since i did a month af. All last year it was a week here an a few days there but its another day another year. Snowed here again tinight in Dublin, its bitterly cold and about -5. Good night.:bedtime:


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi guys - I'm beginning to notice a trend... I start the thread, and then the few who join in Congratulate me!! Which is very nice, of course - but that's Not the reason I open the thread (I hope you know!).

          It's so that others who need the place to commit (or try to!) to just ONE day can come!!

          But, speaking of Congrats: Kudos to you, Firefox, on TWO yrs. NF!! WOW. Especially good to hear you don't miss them. If you said you Did after 2 yrs., gosh, that would be dismal!! I'm praying this is my last quit. It just HAS to be!!
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ODAT - Tuesday

            You're doing great savy. Your succes is a perfect example of hope and perseverence. And 53 people looked at the thread. :goodjob:
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

