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I need help

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    I need help

    I found this site and have been reading along for a few days now. I have a huge problem and its alcohol. I dont know what it is. I guess I really cant stop. This is a huge revalation to me as I never thought I had a problem before. I've had it, this stuff is poison for me. where do I go from here?? I will try to go a day without it. all I drink is beer but its to much. aaargggg. I really need to stop. no aa for me, tried it and didn't like it at all. looking around when I'm out I feel sorry for some of these people, sad part is, I am one of them.

    I need help

    Hiya flower and welcome to you.
    I think you will find you arent alone as probably all of us have felt the way you do at some time or other.
    Read lots ask questions and make a plan for yourself. The support here is amazing.
    Check out this thread for starters.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      I need help

      Oh and take care with withdrawals. Alcohol withdrawal can be very dangerous. Not for everyone but for some it can trigger seziures.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        I need help

        If it makes you feel any better...I get it. As do most of these people here. This is a wonderfully safe place. Glad you found it! From my experience, no one is here to judge...just help, as you will also help them, me, us... by communicating your thoughts and feelings. We are all here together.


          I need help

          Welcome Flower, I havent been on in a while -but i am still sober. Not struggling as such, but the urge to go to the shops and get pissed is getting stronger. So i am back on, to read about all the shit it can cause. Chin up and take 1 day at a time and before you know it you will be a week AF
          They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

          last drink 3rd August 2009


            I need help

            Welcome Flower! I think almost everyone on here can relate to your post. Stick around, read and post. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              I need help

              Hi and Welcome,
              You are in good company as we all share a common interest. We are defected when it come to our alcohol intake. Many of us are people with no off switch. We are good people from all walks of life. I once posted a thread about people sharing photos of themselves and you would be so surprised how normal most of us looked. We weren't a bunch of red nosed, dishelved beings. We were professionals, mothers, grandmothers, sisters etc...... So sit back, post and read. Some things will "click" and others wont. Ask questions when you need to. There are many here who have had plenty of time alcohol free that are wise to queries....Good luck.
              AF since 2/4/10
              Nicotine free since 3/31/10
              FINALLY FREE


                I need help

                Hi Flower & welcome!

                This is a good place, lots of nice & helpful people!
                If you haven't already, download & read the MWO book, then make your plan.
                And please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread too.

                You can do this
                Wishing you the best,
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  I need help

                  okay guys thanks, I will hunt around a bit. I really thought oh they will say "oh shes not ready yet but I need to get ready quick. havent had a bad time since new years but that was bad enough. Have gone from 6-7 cans of beer a night to around 3. I guess this is okay but not really because I know that my mentallity will slip sooner or later. I don't think I can control my drinking except for short periods of time but I will read all I can here and see what comes. I can say that as a result of reading here I feel much better. Don't have withdrawals that I know of only mild cravings during days I don't have anything to drink. They seem to go fairly quickly though and then night comes and its time for bed anyway. I used to go to the bar up the street around 4pm and drink till 10pm . Now i seem to be real tired by 8pm so thats a help. Maybe God will spare me and help me out quickly. Already have got myself in trouble with the law and thats a big reason why i'm here evaluating my behaviors. I'm 47 years old and self employed. I can not afford to be in this mess. thanks for the support


                    I need help

                    big problem

                    I really need a sponser. The weather has been cold here and I don't get out much last night I went out with friends and more than I should have. Wine at dinner, a chocolate martinin, and then 2 beers at the next club. Now I feel terrible. I tried in June after my dad died in April then my Uncle died in August now my mom is always in pain and when I am with her I don't drink. She has pain and it seems once I get away from her I binge I have to run out of her house.


                      I need help

                      I volunteer to help if I can. MYO is almost like one big sponsor. We only have to keep coming here for our reminders.



                        I need help

                        I love your honest simple plea "I NEED HELP." What a beautiful think to admit. This is the start of getting that help. It's impossible to do alone. Come here. It's helping me. Peace.


                          I need help

                          I'll also help if I can. What do you need - let us know.
                          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.

