I?ve been visiting this forum since August as it was then I realised my drinking was way too much.I was starting to lose my nerve easily and knew it was AL to blame.
I have been a heavy drinker since my teens and now in my fifties I had been drinking everynight for the past 10 years.When I tallied up my weekly units to 140 I knew I needed help.I got detoxed in August and was given Campral.I managed a few weeks
but started to get more and more depressed.I went to GP for help but was told it was due to AL withdrawal.I was so desperate I drank 20 units that night.This cured the depression but I found I was back to 20 units everynight again.The GP then said I needed specialist help.I contacted the local Addiction team and eventually in December I was detoxed again.Then they gave me Disulfiram and I took it for 10 days but it gave me such severe headaches I had to stop.
Within a few days the urge to drink came back and stupidly i tried drink again.
Luckily this time I did not get any enjoyment from AL.Thankfully I realise what a lucky escape that was.I have now been AL free for 5 days.
The battle has begun again but this time I am determined not to let AL beat me.
Good luck to all my compatriot battlers on this fight we must win for our lifes sake