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How did this happen to me?

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    How did this happen to me?

    Hi All,
    I?ve been visiting this forum since August as it was then I realised my drinking was way too much.I was starting to lose my nerve easily and knew it was AL to blame.
    I have been a heavy drinker since my teens and now in my fifties I had been drinking everynight for the past 10 years.When I tallied up my weekly units to 140 I knew I needed help.I got detoxed in August and was given Campral.I managed a few weeks
    but started to get more and more depressed.I went to GP for help but was told it was due to AL withdrawal.I was so desperate I drank 20 units that night.This cured the depression but I found I was back to 20 units everynight again.The GP then said I needed specialist help.I contacted the local Addiction team and eventually in December I was detoxed again.Then they gave me Disulfiram and I took it for 10 days but it gave me such severe headaches I had to stop.
    Within a few days the urge to drink came back and stupidly i tried drink again.
    Luckily this time I did not get any enjoyment from AL.Thankfully I realise what a lucky escape that was.I have now been AL free for 5 days.
    The battle has begun again but this time I am determined not to let AL beat me.
    Good luck to all my compatriot battlers on this fight we must win for our lifes sake

    How did this happen to me?

    :welcome: i am sure you will find lots of great help and support here, good luck!
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      How did this happen to me?

      Welcome zorbra,keep on reading as many posts as you can and you will see that you are far from being alone,post your thoughts and feelings daily as its good to get them out. goodluck hope you stick around and give yourself some time to change for the better.:-)

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        How did this happen to me?


        Hello from someone who's just over the border.
        Keep reading, keep posting. Ask any questions. If one person doesn't know the answer there'll be someone who does.
        Let us know how your getting along.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          How did this happen to me?

          Hello and welcome we have all been there, i have many times. Keep posting and reading there is great support and comunity spirit there. I'm on day 6 and aiming for the month of January af as a starter. Its one day at a tme i wish you the best of luck.


            How did this happen to me?

            Good luck. THis place is great because you can log in as many times a day as you need to for support (for me right now this is even better than an AA meeting because I need to read or post several times a day...).

            Alcohol doesn't cure depression -- the only thing that does is sobriety and dealing with your underlying issues. I am pulling for you 100%. God Bless.


              How did this happen to me?

              Go for it Zorba! For me, it get's harder the longer we drink. Sound's like a great time to ditch the grog now, and take back your life. And what a beautiful, free, wild, and joyous life await's you friend.
              The 'toolbox' thread in monthly abstinence section is also a good read.
              Well done on your af time, and keep it going, no matter what! You can do this.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                How did this happen to me?

                :welcome: Zorba and thanks for the post. I am also in my 50's and have been drinking way too much the last 10-15 years. I have known I had a problem for far longer but I chose to ignore it and keep going on my drinking, merry way. And I was getting darn good at hiding it behind closed doors as well. Not a new phenomenon here methinks.

                I have not went through detox as of yet. I am now on day 7 AF and plan on going the rest of the year the same. But ODAT.

                Again, welcome



                  How did this happen to me?

                  Hi Zorba & Welcome!

                  There's a lot of us here in our fifties wondering the same thing - how did this happen? Certainly none of us ever planned it!

                  You've made a great decision for yourself & congrats on your 5 AF days - great start!
                  If you haven't already, download & read the MWO book, it's full of good info. And take a look in the Tool Box (in the Monthly Abstinence) section for good ideas to help you make your plan.

                  Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread too.

                  Wishing you the best on your journey!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

