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REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

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    REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

    This is my first post and I'm looking for words of encouragement I guess. I've been taking Nal with drinking for almost a month. I keep a real good drinking diary and by all accounts my (daily drinking) has been reduced by about 20%. A normal amount for pre Naltrexone would have been a 1.5liter bottle plus about a 1/4 of another 1.5liter bottle of 13.5 % Merlot wine. Right now I'm at 80% of one 1.5 liter bottle thus the 20 - 25% decrease. I WANT IT TO WORK FASTER. I need to hear from someone that has had success. Will I be at 50% in another month? I've read the book and refer to it often, but I just found this forum and wanted to hear from real people.


    REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

    I have nothing to offer as far as Nal goes but I did want to say Hello and :welcome:

    MWO is a wonderful place with some amazing people. You might want to read up on the meds threads. Stick around and read and post. Lots of support here.

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

      Nal = Naltrexone

      Sorry the Nal in my statement is short for Naltrexone


        REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

        Hi tsm -

        I don't have any personal experience with any of the supplements... but is Nal supposed to just magically make you stop drinking?

        As far as I know, the only thing that can do that is antabuse. Maybe that's something you should think about if you really want to stop drinking and feel you can't do it without "something".

        But you might surprise yourself if you just tried yourself to Not drink... Most people who drink every day find it's difficult to take the first step, but once you make it past just a FEW days... it really does get easier.

        I guess I'm asking - have you really ever tried to just... stop?

        I don't mean to be insensitive by asking you this.

        Anyway, I wish you good luck in your goal. Keep trying!
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

          I tried Naltrexone for a bit. I didn't have favorable results as I felt it elminated pleasure out of anything I was doing while I was drinking. This doesn't happen to everyone. There are a few people on this site who have had success. I also found the way to "punch out" the wall that Naltrexone created for inbhibiting becoming intoxicated. The problem was at some points, my al intake spiked and I didn't want to increase, I wanted to elminate. Plus, the hangovers were debilitating.

          For me, the only thing that worked for me was coming here, reading and posting and not drinking. Everyone is different and I wish you luck with it. Maybe you will be one of the people Sinclair works for. I wish I had something more positive. As far as I know, the magic bullet still doesn't exist :-)
          AF since 2/4/10
          Nicotine free since 3/31/10
          FINALLY FREE


            REAL SUCCESS with Nal + drinking = Cure

            :welcome:Welcome, tsmccar!

            I have no experience with Naltrexone, but I drank nearly as much as you when I started here. I find sharing and reading here to be most helpful. I suggest you just take the plunge! Challenge yourself to a day without wine. Just one! See how GREAT you feel the next morning!!!! Then try a challenge of two days. The more days you get in without drinking, the better off you'll be. It really feels good to be alcohol free. I wish you would let yourself feel it. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's worth the effort. It truly is.

            Peace and strength to you.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

