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Hypno CDs

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    Hypno CDs

    Hey all....I was a member months ago and started using the helped a bit but events let to me stopping it....I drink daily...a lot more than I should...sometimes I start drinking in the morning and just slip a drink or two here and there throughout the day...I've wanted to stop/slow down but it is just hard (nothing you don't know).
    I am wondering about the Hypno CDs...are they really the key...I purchased the Alcohol Recovery program at Wendy.Com and it helped a bit but they got into what I thought to be some wierd religious stuff which just kind of didn't fit into my Christianity so I stopped...I am wondering if these CDs are effective...I tried all the supplements in the program...didn't try the drugs becauuse I didn't want to confess to my doctor and didn't try the CDs since I already had tried Wendy's CDs....
    The bottom line is, I need to put an end to this...I'm no good to anyone like this...I'm out of work right now so that makes it even worse...
    :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:

    Hypno CDs

    Demi, the CDs really are the key to me. I went out and bought a player so that I can listen to the sleep learning one to speed it up. I was AF six weeks, and i believe a big part of it was the CDs. I was lucky to be able to purchase them from someone who didn't care for them - they did me a lot of good. I slacked off on everything, including the CDs. I started them again and can really see a difference.


      Hypno CDs

      I think the CD's are great! The more time I make to listen to them, the better I do. I hope you will also think more about valuing yourself enough to "confess" to your doctor and trying the medication. It can really help a lot (although I know that Barb is trying it without it now). If you don't want to use the meds, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use the allone, kudzu, l-glutamine and other supplements as recommended. You need to give yourself the best chance that you can to experience success!

      Good luck!

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Hypno CDs

        I've noticed that when I use the CD's they are effective, but I can't remember m y dreams and tend to be a little foggy in the a.m. Anyone else finding this?

        Enlightened by MWO


          Hypno CDs

 dreams are a little foggy now but I think that is because of the alcohol.....When I drink I don't really dream like I should...The alcohol steals my more ways than one...
          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


            Hypno CDs

            Well put demimalti! How many of us have missed out on our dreams because of the booze and then drink to block out the fact that we haven't followed them and so on and so on?

            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


              Hypno CDs

              Hi, demimalti

              Thanks for the question about the hypnotherapy program. We receive excellent feedback about its efficacy. And yes, it absolutely plays a key role in the My Way Out Program. It's one of the reasons many people observe reduced alcohol craving *before* the medication actually kicks in.

              As you probably know, MWO tackles that craving from a number of different angles. Patients who take medication and/or nutritional supplements and engage in a light exercise program find those strategies very helpful. But if we don't open our hearts and minds to the underlying reasons we drink, or the emotional issues that may contribute to the behavior, we can easily find ourselves back at square one.

              I can't tell you how many hypnotherapy programs I tested when I first started out: downloadables, CDs, cassette tapes. Some of them were okay, some were just plain weird, but none of them had the same profound effect on me as the comprehensive program that I eventually customized and made available to the public.

              Unlike other hypnotherapy recordings, ours incorporates multiple strategies to help you overcome your alcohol dependence. The first CD, "Clearing", prepares your mind for the positive changes that are about to take place. It also helps you identify and/or wash away negative feelings you may have about yourself. You are encouraged to listen to Track One and Two before moving on to the Hypnotic title, which includes a highly customized script. It also incorporates specific techniques to address your drinking triggers. You introduce your own positive suggestions and visualizations appropriate to your situation. These suggestions, when introduced to your subconscious in a deeply relaxed state, are very effective in changing your behavior for the better. You may have read from others here about how, with repeated suggestions about reducing their alcohol intake, they simply found alcohol repulsive or they become indifferent to it. If this is your goal, you can make it happen during repeated use of the Hypnotic session. The recording contains two tracks (when time is short, people often jump to the second track, as they can complete their session in 20 minutes.)

              After listening to the first two CDs, you're able to "cheat" a bit with the others. They contain post-hypnotic cues which are are overlaid in a Subliminal and Sleep Learning session. You simply play them in the background and they invoke the desired response to change your behavior. They work as a powerful extension to the core program.

              By the way, we continue to add titles to our hypnotherapy collection - much of which is customer driven - and I encourage you to take a look at our e-store to check out the growing selection. We have recently re-introduced my very favorite CD set, which I first wrote for myself and continue to listen to three years later. It's ideal for moms who want to cut back or quit drinking because the script includes language about being a better mother. This was a huge motivator - my biggest motivator - when I first started out. Brenda from the book tells me its her favorite session, as well. One of the things I particularly like about the original CDs is the Subliminal one, which consists of relaxing, meditative type music, rather than ocean sounds like the others. It provides a very pleasant variety to the hypnotherapy program.

              That's it in a nutshell and I hope it helps explain our system a bit. Like anything else, some people find it more effective than others. And sometimes it takes a little getting used to if you've never done any self-hypnosis. But short of seeing a therapist in person, we feel these recordings - more than any other program -can help you make profound, positive changes in your life and in your behavior.

              Best to you,

              Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                Hypno CDs

                Firstly thanks for this website, but can you please tell us why these CDs are so expensive? I know it takes time to write the scripts but so do the cheaper hypnosis CDs, and surely the idea of this is to help as many people as posible, whilst of course being paid for your time.
                Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                  Hypno CDs

                  Hi, Suz.

                  We are required to honor the hypnotherapist, James Schmelters', pricing; it's part of our licensing agreement. He has over 30 years experience and he's the one who developed this unique system. When I originally created the CDs I paid $298 because they were produced with my own personal script. I wanted to make them available to the public at a more affordable price and James agreed we could offer them for $98. I'm sorry we can't provide them for less.

                  I understand there are less expensive products out there. In the past several months, especially, I've seen a number of new hypnotherapist sites pop up, and I've purchased or downloaded products to keep up with what's new. While a nice diversion, I don't feel any of them incorporate similar, effective strategies. In fact, one well known hypnotherapist who didn't have any alcohol recovery recordings until MWO came along actually copied much of what we were doing with our program, down to the language on our website (since removed) and began charging $150 for the CDs. She also launched a message board, enlisted an MD, etc. and responded to questions from drinkers. I was a bit perplexed to see images on the site (since removed) that included drinking triggers, such as glasses of alcoholic beverages, bottles of wine, etc. This is not unusual for other sites, as well. It reminds me that anyone can produce CDs and market them professionally, but not everyone understands the depths of alcohol addiction and how best to treat it.

                  To be honest, I guess I don't' feel the price is excessive, either. I used to spend as much over a week or two in wine and vodka or while out partying. The CD's, on the other hand, can bring a lifetime of benefit.

                  If you're unable to afford the recordings, please get in touch with me privately. We don't like to turn anyone away who needs help and is committed to change. We are also doing our best to make this venture sustainable in the long term and frankly, we cannot do so without some means of supporting the many free resources we make available here. I would be less than honest to say otherwise.

                  I hope that makes sense. Thanks for asking.

                  Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                    Hypno CDs

                    Which Set?

                    OK....I am thinking I'll try THESE Hypno CDs...but there are a few sets for sale...which one do I get?...the original?.....I just want to stop this nonsense....I know I drink too much and have to stop before I kill myself...yes...I'll admit, I like the taste of alcohol but again...I know it isn't good for me...I know I am wasting my life away and cheating my family....I know I need help but the supplements alone just weren't enough...that is why I tried the self hypnosis CDS at said they would help...maybe they help some people but they didn't do too much for me....helped a bit but not enough....God, I need help....I could SO relate to the book....
                    :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                      Hypno CDs

                      Hi Demimali!

                      I would really just recommend purchasing the abstinence CD set from MWO. I have both the moderation and the abstinence add on set, and they are just terrific. My personal opinion is that you don't have to look farther than this. If you are a mom with young kids, then maybe you should try the original set. I haven't tried those, but with a daughter at 17, I don't feel they would meet my needs at this time.

                      Take care, and good luck, love! I think that the 4-cd set is a bargain at any price!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Hypno CDs

                        Hi Kathy,
                        I am a 48 YO man with a few children...what is the real difference between the original progam and the abstinance program? I would like to think that someday I'd be able to have a drink or two during social occasions and stop rather than working on getting plastered every night.
                        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                          Hypno CDs

                          Thanks for replying RJ.
                          I think part of my problem comes from lack of self worth feelings. It somehow feels socialble and unselfish to sit and drink with my partner that be alone listening to Cds. I have started listening to the holosynch cd that I bought 4 years ago in bed if everyone else is asleep. When relaxed and still awake I keep telling myself I'm worth it and feeling good is okay. Plus for me we make our own wine so it doesn't cost me in money to keep up the habit, if it did then maybe it would be easier

                          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                            Hypno CDs

                            Hi everyone,
                            I finally today ordered the supps and CDs on this site. And tomorrow I will use our Mastercard to order Topamax from inhousepharmacy. Just one question: I am completely mystified by how people listen to the Sleep CD all night on a loop with their partner next to them????
                            Don't your spouses mind listening to a CD all through the night? And I was thinking of using headphones, but I don't think I could sleep with headphones on all night long (and I don't sleep too well anyway).
                            Can't wait to start the program, but can you guys tell me how you do the nights, please!
                            Thanks a million!


                              Hypno CDs

                              Hi Demimalti

                              The original cd's can be used for either abstinence or moderation, it depends on the suggestions that you incorporate into the cd's for yourself. You could use abstinence suggestions for a period of abstinence and then switch to different, moderation oriented suggestions if you wanted to move into moderation after a period of abs. The abs cd's are completely geared toward abstinence. They are a newer set, and if you have the original set, you can purchase a 2-cd set of the hypno cd and the subliminal, which will work with the original subliminal and sleep learning cds. That saves you the $$ of having to buy a whole, completely new set.

                              I think that the abstinence cd's are great, pretty intense, so I'm glad I purchased them as the add-on pack.

                              Hey Pink, It IS a problem if you have a spouse who can't deal with some noise!!! I don't have the problem. Bed, Bath and Beyond has a speaker pillow that you can plug into a portable cd player though for about $14.95, and you can at least keep it over on your side of the bed to minimize the aggravation for your partner. It is just the sound of a stream, so maybe your partner can adjust, though. I sure hope so. I don't think the headphones would afford you a good night's sleep! Good luck on working it out!

                              Warm regards!

                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

