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Hypno CDs

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    Hypno CDs

    I just wanted to say

    R.J. I just wanted to say thank you for this program and website. I am the original skeptic but the first time I stumbled on this site, and it was awhile ago, it was like a light had shined in toward me, full of hope, if only I would give it my effort and work. I do enjoy the hypnotic cd's. Too bad about copycat folks trying to capitalize on others misery . Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Hypno CDs

      Kathy, I looked on line for that pillow and couldn't find it. I'd have to find an AC adaptor for my CD player or buy a new one if I found it. Pink, last night, I tried a CP play with one of the smaller ear sets - one you stick in your ear. I tried it Monday but could only keep it on for an hour. Last nite I was able to keep it on all night and sleep on my stomach. I have one of those pesky spouses too! I feel kind of heavy-headed this morning - not sure if it is because I am on day 2 or if sleeping wierd made me feel that way.

      I don't think that I am going to do the sleep CDs for the rest of my life - I want to try it for a week or two and see if it makes a difference in "jump starting" me. I quit six weeks last time without using them. But the hypno and the clearing really make a big difference. I am doing this without Topa and can't do all of the supplements, so I really count on the CDs. I think that is what really counts anyway - you have to change your beliefs and thoughts to make this a life-long commitment. One of my favorite sayings is that you can't change your life until you change your mind. The CDs really help to assist you in that.



        Hypno CDs

        So on the Sleep are supposed to keep them playing all night?.....I've tried hypno CDs before and would go to sleep to them but then turn them off....
        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


          Hypno CDs

          It's ideal to keep the sleep cd's playing all night, but when I first started I didn't have an endless loop player, so I would just play then, and they'd run one time through. I usually wake up once in the night, and I'd start it again as I fell back asleep. That worked just fine too. I've found that it's better with the hypno cd's if you stay SOMEWHAT awake for them. I have to do them semi-sitting up, or I fall asleep everytime, and I'm not awake to give myself suggestions!
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Hypno CDs

            thanks Young at Heart!! I found the pillow at Bed, Bath and Beyond Bed Bath & Beyond Product
            It's $9.99 and now I only have to see if one of my american friends will ship one to me.
            Thanks again for the tip though, sounds like a great gimmick!


              Hypno CDs

              Thanks for the link on the pillow. I am going to look for one tomorrow. This could be the answer for me.

