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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Hellllo ODATers wherever you are!

    Today is ONE month AF for me. Yes, the thought of "celebrating" crossed my mind! Arrrgh. Actually, my next goal is to be AF for Jan. (My steps are getting BIGGER!)

    It is SNOWING 60 miles N. of Tampa (where I live)!! The high here will be 41...

    I don't know if it was wishful thinking or not, but I noticed yesterday when I was driving and took peek in rearview mirror that the whites of my eyes seem to be ... very WHITE. Now, I wasn't aware that they weren't white before, but they are definitely white now. Hey - I'm taking Any positive I can get!! :H

    Hope you all have a great weekend... and Stay WARM!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Saturday

    hi Savon, well done you. its snowy here too, so cold, but sunny, speak soon, love and hugs Tawnywitch.


      ODAT - Saturday

      Good morning Savon!
      I'm in Maryland and the high today is supposed to be around 28 (ughh!) Hate the cold. One month AF is a huge accomplishment for you! The longest I've gone has probably been 8 days back in November. Trying to start again today - poured the last of my opened box of wine down the sink. Hope you know how much I admire your strength!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Well done Savon! :goodjob:

        Good job keeping the goals realistic as we go ODAT.



          ODAT - Saturday

          I guess I should have been more clear (I forget that there are lots of ppl here NOT in the States!). Tawny... Tampa is in FLORIDA... as in beaches, warm, sunglasses, etc. Very rare that it gets this cold. I've had heat on for the last few days - also Very rare!!

          And Jolie... I'm glad if I can inspire anyone - but I Definitely don't think of myself as strong!! As I wrote that, I had thought: BOY, today would be a great day to just stay inside and get buzzed. But.. I won't (I HOPE!). It's always about One Day at a Time! But there really are days where I don't think of it. So hang in there!!

          I could Never pour anything out! I guess it's my Frugality or something. Which is why I just can't buy it to begin with... If it's here, I drink it! Simple as that.

          PS - Com, I'm not even sure if I should have AF Jan. as goal.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ODAT - Saturday

            Hello Savon and great to hear 30 days. I'm on day 6 and starting to feel pretty good. It's nice to wake up on a Saturday morning without having to shake the cobwebs out. My goal is to at least make it past the superbowl af. If I can do that the rest is not going to be easy, but easier.

            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              ODAT - Saturday

              Savon-Great job at 1 month! Proud of you! My parents live in Florida-st. Pete area- and they said it's been in the 30's! Stay warm!
              luv, Fluff
              It's always YOUR choice!


                ODAT - Saturday

                savon19;787924 wrote: Hellllo ODATers wherever you are!

                Today is ONE month AF for me. Yes, the thought of "celebrating" crossed my mind! Arrrgh. Actually, my next goal is to be AF for Jan. (My steps are getting BIGGER!)

                It is SNOWING 60 miles N. of Tampa (where I live)!! The high here will be 41...

                I don't know if it was wishful thinking or not, but I noticed yesterday when I was driving and took peek in rearview mirror that the whites of my eyes seem to be ... very WHITE. Now, I wasn't aware that they weren't white before, but they are definitely white now. Hey - I'm taking Any positive I can get!! :H

                Hope you all have a great weekend... and Stay WARM!
                savon, fantastic!! One month is huge!! I have a friend who quit drinking through AA (completely) and after about a year I could not believe how gorgeous she looked. Her eyes were clear & bright, her skin beautiful, she had lost weight, etc. Alcohol is very aging; there is no doubt about it. You should treat yourself to a facial or manicure or something for YOU.

                again, congrats!


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Haha - Mau - I actually DID get a manicure the other day... First one in 5 mos.!

                  But it was more a reward for not smoking. I am NOT having fun with that!! I think it's actually making me depressed...

                  Fluff - yes, Very cold and it's lasted a Long time!! I like it when it's cool, but not liking having to use my HEAT!!
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

