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how, so suddenly????

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    how, so suddenly????

    How can you go for years being able to control your drinking then SUDDENLY NOT?? I don't understand. How can you and on, since you were 13, but go for years without a drop and not missing it (when my kids were small), then suddenly at age 41 start and not be able to stop?? THIS part I do not understand!!

    how, so suddenly????

    I have no answers to this! I also always have liked a drink, but if there wasn't one around, it was okay. Went days and days without noticing or caring. And then, aged 38, I had my third child and from being almost abstinent (pregnancy!) started drinking wine every single night! And now he is almost three and I haven't stopped, but gone from half a bottle of wine to two (or more if there is more!).
    I am saving up to go on the program. I have seen the GP but she didn't prescribe me Topamax, sent me to an Addicts clinic nearby instead. Which is fine and I might try, but really I do believe in a chemical to help my brain chemistry get over the craving....
    Love to hear from you again.
    Good Night!


      how, so suddenly????

      Same here

      always had times in life where I could take it or leave it...but, suddenly, seems I just crave beer.... I have tried to stay away from liquor because I know I don't handle that as well and could be a disaster. Beer I can handle with little OUTWARD effects, but lots of mental, emotional and physical let downs...We have to do this, you know. For our kiddos! They deserve it. I'll stay in touch...don't know how much help I can be, but we are an awful lot alike in what's happened to us....just is too weird! Why NOW? I'm 41 and have went for absolutely years without a suddenly just seem to need it, mentally and emotionally more than physically.



        how, so suddenly????

        Hi jerri,
        started drinking around 3pm today,which is a new low! My oldest son had a birthday party at our house and it seemed like a good excuse.
        Have you read the My Way Out book? Are you planning on trying the program?
        I really want to do it, just starting for some money coming in to order Topamax and supps and the CDs . I really can't see any other way out at the moment. If this doesn't work, I don't know what I'll do.

        Where are you?

        Will go to bed soon. No more wine... :0( I am that sad!


          how, so suddenly????

          Hi again, Jerri,
          just wondered: is there one point in your life when you really started to drink? You know, when it started to become really important to have that glass or bottle of beer or wine or whatever?
          It's just that I seem to know when it started. Never had a problem before and then from one day to the next I wanted to drink and then more and more and more.....
          Have a good night, jerri! Hope to hear from you!


            how, so suddenly????

            I started drinking at 36 when the kids were not so liitle. I am now 43..12 to 14 beers every night for almost 7 years. I am happy to say it's been 6 weeks since my last beer. Hypno really helped. Campral got me threw but a strong will to change was key for me. The first week was hard and I still have a period of anxiety on Saturday nights.
            Good luck guys. You've found a great place for support.


              how, so suddenly????

              I can completely understand. I have 3 kids - 16, 13 and 2. Yes - 2. Sometimes I think i had her just to control my drinking but... barely a week after her birth (which was a csection) i started drinking again. Of course, it was very little until she slept through the night but now... i swear I just get worse and worse. tonight is Monday and it is usually my sober free night - always. But, i managed to convince myself that it was okay to have a few glasses of wine.

              Maybe it is the almost 40 thing. I found it very traumatic when i turned 40 a few weeks ago. I feel like I am over it now but obviously the effects still linger.

              I would be happy to talk things out with you. I worry so much that one day my kids will get hurt and I will be too drunk to drive them to the hospital. - i have to say that when i drink i NEVER EVER drive... actually i stay home a lot because i plan to have a few glasses of wine.


                how, so suddenly????

                fwiw ,,,

                I had found Gittleman's peri and menopause books before I came here...some things she said (and she's a proponent of a diet and supplement based treatment of perimeno and meno) and really started to feel that our bodies might be helping us with this propensity to drink so much.

                I had begun her recommended supplements already, which are not so different from MWO, and I'm going to add what I need to (and hopefully not take the Rx meds, I just don't like meds)...I think it's an interesting thing to consider at least, esp. with so many of us in this age range.

                I wonder about a lot...I'm losing a lot of control of what I thought I had so much to do with (raising a child who's now a tween, job change, etc.) and yes, I ended up here as a 12 pack or two bottle a day drinker. That was like, what, four, five days ago?

